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SuperordinateConsumer More general Hyperonym Hyponyms Meaterian Pescaterian Vegaterian Co-hyponyms Fishaterian Vegaquarian Pescocoveterian More specific Figure 16. Hyponomic relation of the lexical unit of “Consumer” In this place, the word “Consumer” describes a category , but the words
such as “Meaterian, Pescaterian, Vegaterian” express some subsets of that
category, additionally, the word “consumer” is larger term which is called
hyperynym with respect to the smaller ones: Meaterian, Pescaterian, Vegaterian and this smaller one is named a hyponym with the respect to the larger. Such a
hyponym, in turn, may have futher subcategories like “Fishaterian, Vegaquarian, Pescocoveterian for which it is a hypernym. Let’s observe them in the sentences:
The vistors of our restaurants are pescaterian. The pescaterians are considered mostly fish eaters in our restaurant. In linguistics, there is a relation which are called hyponymy. When one word
describes a category, but another describe some subset of that category, the larger
term is called a hypernym with respect to the smaller, and the smaller is called a
"hyponym" with respect to the larger. Such a hyponym, in turn, may have further
subcategories for which it is a hypernym. In the simple biology example, dog is a
hypernym with respect to its subcategory collie, which in turn is a hypernym with
respect to Fido which is one of its hyponyms. Typically, however, hypernym is
generally utilised to regard to subcategories rather than single individuals.
There is given tha hyponymic relationship of the word according to the
subcategory :occupation-based hyponym of the word “Clothes”.