Ushbu maqolada nolingvistik ta’lim muassasalarida talabalarga ingliz tilini ogʻzaki nutqini oʻrgatish asoslari, ushbu guruh
talabalarining yoshi va psixologik xususiyatlari, ijodiy ixtisoslik talabalarining oʻziga xos xususiyatlari, asosan musiqa va
aktyorlik profillari, shuningdek, ingliz tilini oʻqitish usullari va usullari muhokama qilinadi. Ingliz tili darslarida soʻzlashuv
nutqini oʻrgatish boʻyicha tavsiyalar berilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar: nolingvistik ta’lim muassasalari, faoliyat, rassom, chet tilini o‘rgatish, monolog, dialogik, ijodkorlik, tasavvur.
Introduction . Professionally focused foreign language
instruction is now regarded as a priority in educational reform.
Foreign language communication becomes an essential
component of professionals’ professional activities, and the
importance of the discipline “Foreign language” in non-
dramatically. Professionally oriented foreign language
instruction at a non-linguistic educational institution
comprises components such as studying a foreign language to
master a speciality and as a means of professional
communication. A foreign language becomes a tool for self-
education for a future expert, greatly increasing his career
The process of teaching foreign languages in non-
linguistic educational institutions (i.e. educational institutions
where a foreign language is not specialized) reflects the
history of the emergence, changes, and changes in approaches
and priorities to foreign language teaching in search of the
most effective and appropriate scientific and methodological
activities. Teachers realized that in order to teach pupils a
foreign language to the level required for their future
professional activities, they needed to forsake the old approach
and reconsider its aims and content.
“A lesson is always creativity. Outside of experience,
it is unthinkable. Therefore, the development of the teacher's
sensory sphere is one of the important elements of his skill”.
“An emotionally rich teacher, who knows the
techniques of verbal and nonverbal expression of feelings and
purposefully applies them in communication with students,
makes him emotional, expressive. The subject becomes
interesting, the effectiveness of teaching increases, the
relationship between the teacher and the students improves”