Key words: synonymy, nomination, semantic proximity, categorization, natural category.
Maqolada an'anaviy paradigmada sinonimiya nazariyasi rivojlanishining asosiy bosqichlari yoritilgan. Lingvistik eksperiment
natijalariga ko'ra kognitivizm nuqtai nazaridan sinonimiya va sinonimik munosabatlarning yangi ko'rinishi taqdim etiladi.
Kalit so‘zlar: sinonimiya, nominatsiya, semantik yaqinlik, turkumlashtirish, natural kategoriya.
В статье выделены основные этапы развития теории синонимии в традиционной парадигме. Представлено новое
видение синонимии и синонимических отношений с позиций когнитивизма, основанное на результатах
лингвистического эксперимента.
Ключевые слова: синонимия, номинация, семантическая близость, категоризация, природная категория.
Introduction. Despite the fact that the problem of
synonymy was at the center of structural and systemic
research, it has remained debatable, and at the present stage, in
a new scientific paradigm, researchers again and again return
to the analysis of synonymous relations.
Analysis. This is due to the fact that “synonymy is the
philosophical side of the language, without which it is
impossible to comprehend its spirit or achieve solid
knowledge”1, and the achievements of modern science make
it possible, through the phenomenon of synonymy, to reveal
the features of the verbal and cognitive activity of the
The problem of lexical synonymy of the English
language initially found a place for itself in "rhetorics", later it
was one of the first lexicological problems, as well as one of
the main problems of speech style. This can be observed in the
works of M. V. Lomonosov, D. N. Fonvizin, A. Kalaidovich,
A. I. Galich. I. I. Davydova et al. Questions of lexical
synonyms, as well as problems of lexicology in general, were
of little interest to linguists during the second half of the 19th
and first half of the 20th centuries, but they become relevant
by the middle of the 20th century. After the approval of
semasiology as a separate scientific discipline, researchers
delved into the study of the linguistic nature of synonymy,
"putting more and more indefinite content into this concept".
When considering synonymy, starting from the end of
the 18th century, the main question is the presence in the
language of two or more words to denote the same concept.
Considering the stylistic, expressive, emotional variety of
synonyms, the authors (N. M. Ibragimov, S. G. Salarev, P. S.
Kondyrev, P. F. Kalaidovich, A. I. Galich, I. I. Davydov, etc.)
claim that the same there can be no words that are significant
in meaning (single-meaning). They characterize synonyms as
words "similar", "similar in meaning". From the very first
observations of synonyms, philologists dwell on the
differences between them and deny the possibility of the
presence in the language of two words that are completely
identical in meaning and use. Almost all studies of synonymy
in a language come down to the assertion that synonyms are
words of adjacent, almost the same meaning, that it is the
differences between synonyms that determine their life in the
Structural-system linguistics seeks to identify clear
criteria when defining a particular linguistic phenomenon,
which is practically impossible to do when identifying criteria
for synonymy. If we take into account that until now there is
no unambiguous definition of lexical meaning, then it is
hardly possible to give a consistent definition of the proximity
of meaning.