“ PEDAGOGS ” international research journal ISSN: 2181-4027 _SJIF: 4.995 www.pedagoglar.uz Volume-27, Issue-1, February - 2023 120 at Max” Kevin thought. “Kevin, I was jumping on the sofa and I broke your glasses.
Anybody can make a mistake”, said Max.
Check your answers: 1.e 2. c 3.a 4. b 5.d 6.f Group 3. Write the sentences
1.was waiting/ for his holidays. /Kevin . 2.a Pepsi bottle./ his picture,/ Max
entered /the room with / When /he /was finishing. 3.It / in the washing machine./all
started/ when /put /dirty clothes / Max. 4.Kevin / friend Allan./ and /it was/ with his /
had /a nice stamp collection. … Check your answers:
1. Kevin was waiting for his holidays. 2.When he was finishing his picture, Max
entered the room with a Pepsi bottle. 3.It all started when Max put dirty clothes in the
washing machine. 4.Kevin had a nice stamp collection and it was with his friend Allan.
Group 4. Test your knowledge. 1. What does Kevin do on summer holidays?
A. visit his grandparents B. go to the camping C.anything what he wanted to do:
read books, play cricket, draw, paint…
2. What was a “surprise”?
A.Dick Brown’s collection B. Max has come to stay for the holidays C. Allan has
come to stay for the holidays 3.What do you think: why Max was Kevin’s
A . He was always doing things wrong. B .He helped Kevin to do homework.
C .He always did all his works accurately. 4.Is Kevin agry at Max? Why?
A .Yes, because he was always doing things wrong.
B .No, because he helped to find Dick Brown’s coll
ection and they became
C . No, because helped to find Allan’s collection and they became prize. …
Topshiriqlar va faoliyatlar ko‘lami o‘qituvchi mahoratiga ko‘ra turlicha bo‘lishi
mumkin: og‘zaki savol
-javob, tinglab tushunish, xatolarni topish, o
‘qib tushunish,
mimikali yoki harakatli o‘yinlar, gaplarni davom qildirish, savollar tuzish, gap
zamonlarini o‘zgartirish, topishmoqlar, krosswordlar...
Xulosa qilib aytganda, Ingliz tili darslarida innovatsion usullarni qo’llash
natijasida o’quvchilarning
mantiqiy fikrlash qobiliyatlari rivojlanadi, nutqi
ravonlashadi, tez va to’g’ri javob berish malakasi shakllanadi.Bunday usullar
o’quvchida bilimga ishtiyoq uyg’otadi. O’quvchi darslarga puxta hozirlik ko’rishga
intiladi. Bu esa o’quvchilarni ta’lim jarayonining faol sub’yektlariga aylantiradi.
Ta’lim tizimi o’z oldiga erkin fikrlovchi, barkamol, yetuk shaxsni tarbiyalashni vazifa
qilib qo’yar ekan, kelgusida biz bo’lajak o’qituvchilar innovatsion texnologiyalardan
samarali foydalanish yo’llarini yanada mukammalroq ishlab chiqshimizimiz bilan o’z
xissamizni qo’shishimiz mumkin.