Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 311
gravity, and the water environment with its own characteristics. The characteristic movement
activity of the rower is his movement in two environments: the air environment and the water
environment. The athlete performs all mechanical work in the air environment. This complicates the
passage of physiological processes - energy supply, thermoregulatory processes. Propulsion of the
boat by means of oars is carried out in the water environment.
This is a unique, unrepeatable feature of rowing. Also, the researcher identified the factors
that have a strong influence on the compatibility of rowers in the rowing cycle during the formation
of crews for team boats, and developed a set of special exercises aimed at improving the team
rowing synchrony of rowers during the formation of crews.
In conclusion, we can say that in Karakalpakstan a number of scientific and research works
have been carried out in the field of physical education and sports. But all of them consist of
candidacy and doctor of philosophy (PhD) theses.
Most of these research works belong to the field of pedagogy, while some have been
researched from historical and biological perspectives. Legal, economic, philosophical and other
scientific aspects of sports have not yet been specifically studied. Based on this, it is important to
pay attention to the above aspects in the further scientific work of local researchers. After all, in the
development of physical education and sports in our republic, it is first of all important to research
its modern scientific problems.Таълим жараёнида эса бўлажак мутахассислар, магистр ва
докторантларнинг ушбу муаммоларга қизиқишини уйғотишимиз зарур.
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