Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 78
present stage of development of society, the needs of psychological practice and the lack of
scientific development substantiate the expediency of this research topic.
Such tasks do not arise by themselves, but it is important to study the interests, needs and
opportunities of future psychologists, to form and develop their professional orientation by
improving and developing educational activities in which motivation plays a special role. A
person's abilities are inextricably linked with motivational mechanisms, determine their
environment and reflect the dynamic relationship of spiritual influence.
Methods. Diagnosis of the relationship between motivation, interests, abilities, personal qualities of
future psychologists and their professional orientation is a very complex process, the effectiveness
and productivity of which can be determined by complex methods. Our experiments use the
following methods to collect reliable data:
1) observation;
2) analysis of the product, the result of the activity (motives, interests and attitude to the
3) questionnaire (sheet);
4) interview;
5) natural experiment and others.
1) Observation is the most common method for studying educational professional
motivation. Some psychologists are critical of it, arguing that it consists of a superficial, subjective
statement that is not amenable to mathematical calculations. Purposeful, deliberate, organized
perception is called observation, and the observed event does not create special conditions for the
process, does not affect the object, is due to the obvious purpose of the observer. Observation will
be targeted and improved according to a predetermined plan, the implementation of the observation
process will be equipped with subjective means, the results will be recorded. The main professional
orientation of the observation that we want to apply is to identify various indicators of professional
motivation by studying the process and, on their basis, draw psychological conclusions according to
these criteria.
2) Analysis of the product, the result of the activity (motives, interests and attitude to the
profession); Through this method, we can explore self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and
creativity based on learning needs, interests, and needs.
3) Questionnaire (sheet); The word "method-questionnaire" is a French term used for
research, study, survey. As a rule, the questionnaire is a set of questions on a specific topic, which
are answered by a group of people being studied. According to some features, the questionnaire is
close to the interview genre, but the questions are not for one respondent, but for a large group of
people, and the questions are written, not oral. The main components of the questionnaire are the
psychologist, the respondent and the questionnaire.
4) The method of interview is a method of conversation used to improve the educational
process or to determine the correctness of scientific hypotheses.
5) The scientific basis of natural experimental methods was developed in 1910 by the
Russian psychologist A.F.Lazursky. He used this method to study the formation of the personality
of a young school-age child. The natural method is intended for use in the process of solving the
problems of psychological changes, relationships, ability to work, professionalism of members of
production teams, employees of scientific institutions, teachers, and the elderly.
The method of natural experimentation differs sharply from the method of external
observation. With the method of external observation, a person observing a mental process can
consider it as it happened, but does not interfere in the manifestation of this process, that is, does
not change the conditions that give rise to the mental process. When using the method of natural