Р.Мамадова Ъорреспондинэ леттерс фром Сщемакща то тще неwспапер «Асщик сйоз» оф Аббас Сакщкщат Summary This paper explores the creative links of a famous Azerbaijani romantic poet Abbas
Sahhat with the editorial board of the newspaper «Achig Soz», estimates the features and
modern scientific and social value of his artistic and journalistic works published in this
The great importance of these works for the recovery of the national historical
memory and the construction of historical and practical links with the modern Azerbaijani
journalism iz demonstrated, cycle «Letters of a reporter from Shamakhi» is analyzed in the
context of national journalism, reflecting the political, economic and cultural situation which
has arisen in Shamakhi after the February bourgeois revolution in Russia.