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Examination of the Comatose Patient
Structural Causes of
Stupor and Coma
Compression at Different Levels
of the Central Nervous System Presents
in Distinct Ways
The Role of Increased Intracranial Pressure
in Coma
The Role of Vascular Factors and Cerebral
Edema in Mass Lesions
Anatomy of the Intracranial Compartments
Patterns of Brain Shifts That Contribute
to Coma
Clinical Findings in Uncal Herniation
Clinical Findings in Central Herniation
Clinical Findings in Dorsal Midbrain
Safety of Lumbar Puncture in Comatose
False Localizing Signs in the Diagnosis
of Structural Coma
Two major classes of structural brain injuries
cause coma (Table 3–1): (1) Compressive lesions
may impair consciousness either by directly
compressing the ascending arousal system or
by distorting brain tissue so that it moves out
of position and secondarily compresses compo-
nents of the ascending arousal system or its
forebrain targets (see herniation syndromes,
page 95). These processes include a wide range
of space-occupying lesions such as tumor, he-
matoma, and abscess. (2) Destructive lesions
cause coma by direct damage to the ascending
arousal system or its forebrain targets. To cause
coma, lesions of the diencephalon or brainstem
must be bilateral, but can be quite focal if they
damage the ascending activating system near
the midline in the midbrain or caudal dien-
cephalon; cortical or subcortical damage must
be both bilateral and diffuse. Processes that
may cause these changes include tumor, hem-
orrhage, infarct, trauma, or infection. Both de-
structive and compressive lesions may cause
additional compression by producing brain
Most compressive lesions are treated surgi-
cally, whereas destructive lesions are generally
treated medically. This chapter describes the
pathophysiology and general approach to pa-
tients with structural lesions of the brain, first
considering compressive and then destructive
lesions. Chapter 4 deals with some of the spe-
cific causes of coma outlined in Table 3–1.
Chapter 2 has described some of the phys-
ical findings that distinguish structural from
nonstructural causes of stupor and coma. The
physician must first decide whether the patient
is indeed stuporous or comatose, distinguish-
ing those patients who are not in coma but suf-
fer from abulia, akinetic mutism, psychologic
unresponsiveness, or the locked-in state from
those truly stuporous or comatose (see Chap-
ter 1). This is usually relatively easily done dur-
ing the course of the initial examination. More
difficult is distinguishing structural from met-
abolic causes of stupor or coma. As indicated
in Chapter 2, if the structural cause of coma
involves the ascending arousal system in the
brainstem, the presence of focal findings usu-
ally makes the distinction between metabolic
and structural coma easy. However, when the
structural disease involves the cerebral cortex
diffusely or the diencephalon bilaterally, focal
signs are often absent and it may be difficult to
distinguish structural from metabolic coma.
Compressive lesions that initially do not cause
focal signs eventually do so, but by then coma
may be irreversible. Thus, if there is any ques-
tion about the distinction between structural
and metabolic coma, immediately after stabi-
lizing the patient, an imaging study (usually a
computed tomography [CT] scan but, if avail-
able, a magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]
scan) must be obtained to rule out a mass le-
sion that may be surgically remediable. Identi-
fying surgically remediable lesions that have
not yet caused focal findings gives the physi-
cian time to stabilize the patient and investi-
gate other additional nonstructural causes of
coma. The time, however, is short and should
be counted in minutes rather than hours or
days. If focal findings are already present, ef-
forts to decrease intracranial pressure (ICP),
including hyperventilation and hyperosmolar
agents and often administration of corticoste-
roids (Chapter 7), should be instituted before
sending the patient for imaging.
Compressive lesions may impair consciousness
in a number of critical ways: (1) by directly dis-
torting the arousal system or its forebrain tar-
gets; (2) by increasing ICP diffusely to the point
of impairing global cerebral blood flow; (3)
by distorting tissue to the point of causing lo-
cal ischemia; (4) by causing edema, thus fur-
ther distorting neural tissue; or (5) by causing
tissue shifts (herniations). Understanding the
Table 3–1 Sites and Representative Causes of Structural Lesions
That Can Cause Coma
Cerebral hemisphere
Bilateral subdural hematomas
Cortex (e.g., acute anoxic injury)
Subcortical white matter
(e.g., delayed anoxic injury)
Thalamus (e.g., hemorrhage)
Hypothalamus (e.g., pituitary tumor)
Thalamus (e.g., infarct)
Midbrain (e.g., uncal herniation)
Cerebellum (e.g., tumor,
hemorrhage, abscess)
Midbrain, pons (e.g., infarct)
Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma
anatomy and pathophysiology of each of these
processes is critical in evaluating patients in
Compression at key levels of the brain may
cause coma by exerting pressure upon the struc-
tures of the arousal system. The mechanism by
which local pressure may impair neuronal func-
tion is not entirely understood. However, neu-
rons are dependent upon axonal transport to
supply critical proteins and mitochondria to
their terminals, and to transport used or dam-
aged cellular components back to the cell body
for destruction and disposal. Even a loose lig-
ature around an axon causes damming of axon
contents on both sides of the stricture, due to
impairment of both anterograde and retrograde
axonal flow, and results in impairment of axonal
function. Perhaps the clearest example of this
relationship is provided by the optic nerve in
patients with papilledema (see section on in-
creased ICP, page 91). When a compressive
lesion results in displacement of the structures
of the arousal system, consciousness may be-
come impaired, as described in the sections
Compression at Different Levels
of the Central Nervous System
Presents in Distinct Ways
When a cerebral hemisphere is compressed by
a lesion such as a subdural hematoma, tumor,
or abscess that grows slowly over a long period
of time, it may reach a relatively large size with
little in the way of local signs that can help
identify the diagnosis. The tissue in the cerebral
hemispheres can absorb a surprising amount of
distortion and stretching, as long as the growth
of the mass can be compensated for by dis-
placing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the
ventricles in that hemisphere. However, when
there is no further room in the hemisphere
to expand, even a small amount of growth can
only be accommodated by compressing the di-
encephalon and midbrain either laterally across
the midline or downward. In such patients, the
impairment of consciousness correlates with
the displacement of the diencephalon and up-
per brainstem in a lateral or caudal direction.
Hence, when a patient with a hemispheric le-
sion reaches the point of impairment of con-
sciousness, there is very little time left to in-
tervene before the brain is irreparably injured.
The diencephalon may also be compressed
by a mass lesion in the thalamus itself (gener-
ally a tumor or a hemorrhage) or a mass in the
suprasellar cistern (typically a craniopharyngi-
oma, a germ cell tumor, or suprasellar exten-
sion of a pituitary adenoma; see Chapter 4). In
addition to causing impairment of conscious-
ness, suprasellar tumors typically cause visual
field deficits, classically a bitemporal hemia-
nopsia, although a wide range of optic nerve or
tract injuries may also occur. If a suprasellar
tumor extends into the cavernous sinus, there
may be injury to the cranial nerves that supply
the ocular muscles (III, IV, VI) and the oph-
thalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1).
On occasion, these tumors may also cause en-
docrine dysfunction. If they damage the pitui-
tary stalk, they may cause diabetes insipidus or
panhypopituitarism. In women, the presence
of a pituitary tumor is often heralded by ga-
lactorrhea and amenorrhea, as prolactin is the
sole anterior pituitary hormone under negative
regulation, and it is typically elevated when
the pituitary stalk is damaged.
The dorsal midbrain may be compressed by
a tumor in the pineal region. Pineal mass lesions
may be suprasellar germinomas or other germ
cell tumors (embryonal cell carcinoma, terato-
carcinoma) that occur along the midline, or
pineal masses including pinealcytoma or pineal
astrocytoma. Pineal masses compress the pre-
tectal area as well. Thus, in addition to causing
impairment of consciousness, they produce di-
agnostic neuro-ophthalmologic signs including
fixed, slightly enlarged pupils; impairment of vol-
untary vertical eye movements (typically eleva-
tion is impaired earlier and more severely than
depression) and convergence; and convergence
nystagmus and sometimes retractory nystagmus
(Parinaud’s syndrome; see page 110).
orrhage into the pulvinar of the thalamus, which
overlies the pretectal area and dorsal midbrain,
may sometimes produce a similar constellation
of signs.
Posterior fossa compressive lesions most often
originate in the cerebellum, including tumors,
hemorrhages, infarctions, or abscesses, although
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
occasionally extra-axial lesions, such as a sub-
dural or epidural hematoma, may have a sim-
ilar effect. Tumors of the cerebellum include
the full range of primary and metastatic brain
tumors (Chapter 4), as well as juvenile pilocytic
astrocytomas and medulloblastomas in children
and hemangioblastoma in patients with von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome.
A cerebellar mass causes coma by direct com-
pression of the brainstem, which may also cause
the brainstem to herniate upward through the
tentorial notch. As the patient loses conscious-
ness, there is a pattern of pontine level dysfunc-
tion, with small reactive pupils, impairment of
vestibulo-ocular responses (which may be asym-
metric), and decerebrate motor responses.
Because the base of the pons is farthest from
the cerebellum, motor signs (e.g., upgoing toes)
are usually a relatively late finding, and suggest
instead an intrinsic brainstem mass. With up-
ward pressure on the midbrain, the pupils be-
come asymmetric or unreactive. If vestibulo-
ocular responses were not previously impaired
by pontine compression, vertical eye movements
may be lost.
Cerebellar mass lesions may also cause coma
by compressing the fourth ventricle to the point
where it impairs flow of CSF. This causes acute
hydrocephalus and rapidly increasing ICP (see
page 147). The onset of obstruction of the
fourth ventricle is typically heralded by nau-
sea and sometimes sudden, projectile vomiting.
There may also be a history of ataxia, vertigo,
neck stiffness, and eventually respiratory arrest
as the cerebellar tonsils are impacted upon the
lip of the foramen magnum. If the compression
develops slowly (i.e., over more than 12 hours),
there may also be papilledema. Because cere-
bellar masses may cause acute obstruction of
the fourth ventricle by expanding by only a few
millimeters in diameter, they are potentially very
On occasion, impairment of consciousness
may occur as a result of a mass lesion directly
compressing the brainstem. These are more
commonly intrinsic masses, such as an abscess
or a hemorrhage, in which case it is difficult to
determine how much of the impairment is due
to compression as opposed to destruction. Oc-
casionally, a mass lesion of the cerebellopon-
tine angle, such as a vestibular schwannoma,
meningioma, or cholesteatoma, may compress
the brainstem. However, these are usually slow
processes and the mass may reach a very large
size and often causes signs of local injury be-
fore consciousness is impaired.
The Role of Increased Intracranial
Pressure in Coma
A key and often misunderstood point is that
increases in ICP are withstood remarkably well
by the brain, as long as they progress relatively
slowly. In patients with chronic elevation of CSF
pressure, such as those with pseudotumor cer-
ebri, there is little evidence of brain dysfunction,
even when CSF pressures reach 600 mm of wa-
ter or greater. The chief problems induced by
increased ICP are papilledema and headache,
until the pressure gets high enough to impair
cerebral blood flow.
Papilledema is due to the pressure differen-
tial applied to the optic nerve by the increase in
ICP. Retinal ganglion cells within the eye are
subject to intraocular pressure, typically in the
same range as normal CSF pressure. Their axons
leave the eye through the optic disk and travel
to the brain via the optic nerve. Axoplasm flows
from the retinal ganglion cell bodies in the
eye, down the axon and through the optic disc.
Similarly, the retinal veins within the eye are
subject to intraocular pressure. They also leave
through the optic disc and run along the optic
nerve. The optic nerve in turn is surrounded by
a dural and arachnoid sleeve, which contains
CSF that communicates with the CSF in the
subarachnoid space around the brain.
The op-
tic disk itself is composed of a dense fibrous net-
work forming a cribriform (from the Latin for
sieve) plate that acts as a pressure fitting, so that
the optic nerve and retinal vein are exposed to
intraocular pressure on one side of the disk and
to ICP on the other side.
Normally, axonal transport proceeds unim-
peded and the retinal veins show normal venous
pulsations, as there is little, if any, pressure dif-
ferential between the two compartments. As
ICP rises above systemic venous pressure, ret-
inal venous pulsations are damped or elimi-
nated as an early feature of papilledema. The
retinal veins become larger and more numer-
ous appearing, because increased venous pres-
sure causes smaller veins to become more no-
ticeable on funduscopy. Thus, the presence of
retinal venous pulsations is a good but not
invariable sign of normal ICP, and engorge-
ment of retinal veins is a reliable early sign of
Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma
increased ICP.
A second consequence of in-
creased ICP is that axoplasmic flow is impaired
(as if a loose ligature had been tied around the
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