lateral prefrontal impairment.
It is elicited
by gently stroking the palm of the patient with
the examiner’s fingers. The patient may grasp
the examiner’s fingers, as if grasping a branch
of a tree. The pull reflex is a variant in which
the examiner curls his or her fingers under the
patient’s as the patient attempts to grasp. The
grasp is often so strong that it is possible to
pull the patient from the bed. Many elderly
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
patients with normal cognitive function will
have a mild tendency to grasp the first time the
reflex is attempted, but a request not to grasp
the examiner quickly abolishes the response.
Patients who are unable to inhibit the reflex
invariably have prefrontal pathology. The grasp
reflex may be asymmetric if the prefrontal in-
jury is greater on one side, but probably re-
quires some impairment of both hemispheres,
as small, unilateral lesions rarely cause grasp-
Grasping disappears when the lesion
involves the motor cortex and causes hemi-
paresis. It is of greatest value in a sleepy pa-
tient who can cooperate with the exam; it dis-
appears as the patient becomes more drowsy.
Like paratonia, prefrontal reflexes are normally
present in young infants, but disappear as the
forebrain matures.
Motor Responses
After assessing muscle tone, the examiner next
tests the patient for best motor response to
sensory stimulation (Figure 2–10). If the pa-
tient does not respond to voice or gentle shak-
ing, arousability and motor responses are tes-
ted by painful stimuli. The maneuvers used
to provide adequate stimuli without inducing
actual tissue damage are shown in Figure 2–1.
A Metabolic encephalopathy
B Upper midbrain damage
C Upper pontine damage
Figure 2–10. Motor responses to noxious stimulation in patients with acute cerebral dysfunction. Levels of associated
brain dysfunction are roughly indicated at left. Patients with forebrain or diencephalic lesions often have a hemiparesis
(note lack of motor response with left arm, externally rotated left foot, and left extensor plantar response), but can gen-
erally make purposeful movements with the opposite side. Lesions involving the junction of the diencephalon and the mid-
brain may show decorticate posturing, including flexion of the upper extremities and extension of the lower extremities. As
the lesion progresses into the midbrain, there is generally a shift to decerebrate posturing (C), in which there is extensor
posturing of both upper and lower extremities. (From Saper, C. Brain stem modulation of sensation, movement, and con-
sciousness. Chapter 45 in: Kandel, ER, Schwartz, JH, Jessel, TM. Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York, 2000, pp. 871–909. By permission of McGraw-Hill.)
Examination of the Comatose Patient
Responses are graded as appropriate, inap-
propriate, or no response. An appropriate re-
sponse is one that attempts to escape the stim-
ulus, such as pushing the stimulus away or
attempting to avoid the stimulus. The motor
response may be accompanied by a facial gri-
mace or generalized increase in movement. It
is necessary to distinguish an attempt to avoid
the stimulus, which indicates intact sensory
and motor connections within the spinal cord
and brainstem, from a stereotyped withdrawal
response, such as a triple flexion withdrawal of
the lower extremity or flexion at the fingers,
wrist, and elbow. The stereotyped withdrawal
response is not responsive to the nature of the
stimulus (e.g., if the pain is supplied over the
dorsum of the toe, the foot will withdraw into,
rather than away from, the stimulus) and thus
is not appropriate to the stimulus that is ap-
plied. These spinal level motor patterns may
occur in patients with severe brain injuries or
even brain death. It is also important to assess
asymmetries of response. Failure to withdraw
on one side may indicate either a sensory or a
motor impairment, but if there is evidence of
facial grimacing, an increase in blood pressure
or pupillary dilation, or movement of the con-
tralateral side, the defect is motor. Failure to
withdraw on both sides, accompanied by facial
grimacing, may indicate bilateral motor im-
pairment below the level of the pons.
Posturing responses include several stereo-
typed postures of the trunk and extremities.
Most appear only in response to noxious stim-
uli or are greatly exaggerated by such stimuli.
Seemingly spontaneous posturing most often
represents the response to endogenous stim-
uli, ranging from meningeal irritation to an oc-
cult bodily injury to an overdistended bladder.
The nature of the posturing ranges from flexor
spasms to extensor spasms to rigidity, and may
vary according to the site and severity of the
brain injury and the site at which the nox-
ious stimulation is applied. In addition, the two
sides of the body may show different patterns
of response, reflecting the distribution of in-
jury to the brain.
Clinical tradition has transferred the terms
decorticate rigidity and decerebrate rigidity
from experimental physiology to certain pat-
terns of motor abnormality seen in humans.
This custom is unfortunate for two reasons.
First, these terms imply more than we really
know about the site of the underlying neuro-
logic impairment. Even in experimental ani-
mals, these patterns of motor response may be
produced by brain lesions of several different
kinds and locations and the patterns of motor
response in an individual to any one of these
lesions may vary across time. In humans, both
types of responses can be produced by supra-
tentorial lesions, although they imply at least
incipient brainstem injury. There is a tendency
for lesions that cause decorticate rigidity to be
more rostral and less severe than those caus-
ing decerebrate rigidity. In general, there is
much greater agreement among observers if
they simply describe the movements that are
seen rather than attempt to fit them to com-
plex patterns.
Flexor posturing of the upper extremities
and extension of the lower extremities corre-
sponds to the pattern of movement also called
decorticate posturing. The fully developed
response consists of a relatively slow (as op-
posed to quick withdrawal) flexion of the arm,
wrist, and fingers with adduction in the upper
extremity and extension, internal rotation, and
vigorous plantar flexion of the lower extremity.
However, decorticate posturing is often frag-
mentary or asymmetric, and it may consist of
as little as flexion posturing of one arm. Such
fragmentary patterns have the same localizing
significance as the fully developed postural
change, but often reflect either a less irritating
or smaller central lesion.
The decorticate pattern is generally pro-
duced by extensive lesions involving dysfunc-
tion of the forebrain down to the level of the
rostral midbrain. Such patients typically have
normal ocular motility. A similar pattern of
motor response may be seen in patients with
a variety of metabolic disorders or intoxica-
However, the presence of decorticate
posturing in cases of brain injury is ominous.
For example, in the series of Jennett and
Teasdale, after head trauma only 37% of co-
matose patients with decorticate posturing
Even more ominous is the presence of ex-
tensor posturing of both the upper and lower
extremities, often called decerebrate postur-
ing. The arms are held in adduction and ex-
tension with the wrists fully pronated. Some
patients assume an opisthotonic posture, with
teeth clenched and arching of the spine. Tonic
neck reflexes (rotation of the head causes hy-
perextension of the arm on the side toward
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
which the nose is turned and flexion of the
other arm; extension of the head may cause ex-
tension of the arms and relaxation of the legs,
while flexion of the head leads to the opposite
response) can usually be elicited. As with de-
corticate posturing, fragments of decerebrate
posturing are sometimes seen. These tend to
indicate a lesser degree of injury, but in the
same anatomic distribution as the full pattern.
It may also be asymmetric, indicating the asym-
metry of dysfunction of the brainstem.
Although decerebrate posturing usually is
seen with noxious stimulation, in some patients
it may occur spontaneously, often associated
with waves of shivering and hyperpnea. De-
cerebrate posturing in experimental animals
usually results from a transecting lesion at the
level between the superior and inferior colli-
It is believed to be due to the release of
vestibulospinal postural reflexes from fore-
brain control. The level of brainstem dys-
function that produces this response in humans
may be similar, as in most cases decerebrate
posturing is associated with disturbances of
ocular motility. However, electrophysiologic,
radiologic, or even postmortem examination
sometimes reveals pathology that is largely
confined to the forebrain and diencephalon.
Thus, decerebrate rigidity is a clinical finding
that probably represents dysfunction, although
not necessarily destruction extending into the
upper brainstem. Nevertheless, it represents a
more severe finding than decorticate postur-
ing; for example, in the Jennett and Teasdale
series, only 10% of comatose patients with head
injury who demonstrated decerebrate postur-
ing recovered.
Most patients with decere-
brate rigidity have either massive and bilateral
forebrain lesions causing rostrocaudal deteri-
oration of the brainstem as diencephalic dys-
function evolves into midbrain dysfunction (see
Chapter 3), or a posterior fossa lesion that
compresses or damages the midbrain and ros-
tral pons. However, the same pattern may oc-
casionally be seen in patients with diffuse, but
fully reversible, metabolic disorders, such as
hepatic coma, hypoglycemia, or sedative drug
Extensor posturing of the arms with flaccid
or weak flexor responses in the legs is typically
seen in patients with injury to the lower
brainstem, at roughly the level of the vestibular
nuclei. This pattern was described in the 1972
edition of this monograph, and has since been
repeatedly confirmed. The physiologic basis of
this motor pattern is not understood, but it may
represent the transition from the extensor pos-
turing seen with lower midbrain and high pon-
tine injuries to the spinal shock (flaccidity) or
even flexor responses seen from stimulating
the isolated spinal cord.
The main purpose of the foregoing review of
the examination of a comatose patient is to dis-
tinguish patients with structural lesions of the
brain from those with metabolic lesions. Most
patients with structural lesions require urgent
imaging. Patients with metabolic lesions often
require an extensive laboratory evaluation to de-
fine the cause. When focal neurologic findings
are observed, it becomes imperative to deter-
mine whether there is a destructive or compres-
sive process that may become life threatening
or irreversibly damage the brain within a matter
of minutes. On the other hand, even when there
is no focal or lateralizing finding to suggest a
structural lesion, it is important to know which
signs point to specific metabolic causes, such
as hypoglycemia or sepsis, that must be sought
urgently. Therefore, the physician should be-
come familiar with the few focal neurologic
findings that are seen in patients with diffuse
metabolic causes of coma, and understand their
implications for the diagnosis of the metabolic
Respiratory Responses
The range of normal respiratory responses
includes the Cheyne-Stokes pattern of breath-
ing, which is seen in many cognitively normal
people with cardiac or respiratory disorders,
particularly during sleep.
Sleep apnea
must also be distinguished from pathologic
breathing patterns. Patients with severe sleep
apnea may stop breathing for 10 seconds or so
every minute or two. Their color may become
dusky during the oxygen desaturation that ac-
companies each period of apnea.
Kussmaul breathing, in which there are
deep but slow rhythmic breaths, is seen in
Examination of the Comatose Patient
patients with coma due to an acidotic condi-
tion (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis or intoxication
with ethylene glycol). The low blood pH drives
the deep respiratory efforts, which reduce the
in the blood, thus producing a com-
pensatory respiratory alkalosis. This must be
distinguished from sepsis, hepatic encephalop-
athy, or cardiac dysfunction, conditions that of-
ten cause a primary respiratory alkalosis, with
compensatory metabolic acidosis.
nature of the primary insult is determined by
whether the blood pH is low (metabolic aci-
dosis with respiratory compensation) or high
(primary respiratory alkalosis).
Pupillary Responses
A key problem with interpreting pupillary re-
sponses is that either metabolic coma or di-
encephalic level dysfunction may cause bilat-
erally small and symmetric, reactive pupils.
Thus, a patient with small pupils and little in
the way of focal neurologic impairment may
still have impairment that can be attributed to
either a diencephalic lesion or to symmetric
forebrain compression (e.g., by bilateral sub-
dural hematomas). As a result, it is generally
necessary to do an imaging study (see below)
within the first few hours in most comatose
patients, even if the cause is believed to be
Very small pupils may be indicative of pon-
tine level dysfunction, often indicating an
acute destructive lesion such as a hemorrhage.
However, similar pinpoint but reactive pupils
may be seen in opiate intoxication. Hence, in
patients who present with pinpoint pupils and
coma, it is necessary to administer an opiate
antagonist such as naloxone to reverse poten-
tial opiate overdose. (Because an opioid antag-
onist can elicit severe withdrawal symptoms
in a physically dependent patient, the drug
should be diluted and delivered slowly, stop-
ping as soon as one notes the pupils to enlarge
and the patient to arouse. See Chapter 7 for
Unreactive pupils usually indicate structural
disease of the nervous system, but pupils may
become unreactive briefly after a seizure.
When a patient is seen who may have had an
unobserved seizure within the past 30 minutes
or so, it is necessary to re-examine the patient
15 to 30 minutes later to make sure that the
lack of pupillary responses persists. Signs of
major motor seizure, such as tongue biting or
incontinence, or a transient metabolic acidosis
are helpful in alerting the examiner to the
possibility of a recent seizure. In addition, be-
cause the seizure usually results in the release
of adrenalin, the pupils typically are large after
a seizure.
Very deep coma due to sedative intoxication
may suppress all brainstem responses, includ-
ing pupillary light reactions, and simulate brain
death (see Chapter 6). For this reason, it is
critical to do urinary and blood toxic and drug
screening on any patient who is so deeply co-
matose as to lack pupillary responses.
Ocular Motor Responses
Typical oculocephalic responses, as seen in a
comatose patient with an intact brainstem, are
not seen in awake subjects, whose voluntary
eye movements supersede the brainstem ves-
tibular responses. In fact, brainstem oculoce-
phalic responses (as if the eyes were fixed on a
point in the distance) are nearly impossible for
an awake patient to simulate voluntarily, and
therefore are a useful differential point in iden-
tifying psychogenic unresponsiveness. On the
other hand, oculocephalic responses may be-
come particularly brisk in patients with hepatic
Certain drugs may eliminate oculocephalic
and even caloric vestibulo-ocular responses.
Acute administration of phenytoin quite often
has this effect, which may persist for 6 to 12
Occasionally, patients who have in-
gested an overdose of various tricyclic antide-
pressants may also have absence of vestibulo-
ocular responses.
Patients in very deep
metabolic coma, particularly with sedative
drugs, may also eventually lose oculovestibular
Ophthalmoplegia is also seen in combination
with areflexia and ataxia in the Miller Fisher
variant of Guillain-Barre´ syndrome. While
such patients usually do not have impairment
of consciousness, the Miller Fisher syndrome
occasionally occurs in patients who also have
autoimmune brainstem encephalitis (Bicker-
staff’s encephalitis), with impairment of con-
sciousness, and GQ1b autoantibodies.
such cases, the relationship of the loss of eye
movements to the impairment of conscious-
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
ness may be confusing, and the prognosis may
be much better than would be indicated by the
lack of these brainstem reflexes, particularly
if the patient receives early plasmapheresis or
intravenous immune globulin. If breathing is
also affected by the Guillain-Barre´ syndrome,
the picture may even simulate brain death.
This condition must be considered among
the reversible causes of coma that require ex-
clusion before brain death is declared (see
Chapter 8).
Isolated unilateral or bilateral abducens
palsy may be seen in some patients with in-
creased intracranial pressure, even due to non-
focal causes such as pseudotumor cerebri.
may also occur with low CSF pressure, with a
spontaneous leak, or after lumbar puncture.
In rare cases the trochlear nerve may also be
Motor Responses
Patients with metabolic coma may have para-
tonia and/or extensor plantar responses. How-
ever, spastic rigidity should not be present.
Rarely, patients with metabolic causes of coma,
particularly hypoglycemia,
will present with
asymmetric motor responses or even hemi-
plegia (see Chapter 5). Some have suggested
that the focal signs represent the unmasking of
subclinical neurologic impairment. It is true
that most metabolic causes of coma may ex-
acerbate a pre-existing neurologic focal find-
ing, but the presence and even the distribution
of focal findings in patients with hypoglycemia
may vary from one episode to the next, so that
the evidence for a structural cause is not con-
vincing. Furthermore, focal signs caused by
hypoglycemia are more common in children
than adults, again suggesting the absence of an
underlying structural lesion. Similarly, focal
deficits are observed with hypertensive en-
cephalopathy, but in this case imaging usually
identifies brain edema consistent with these
focal neurologic deficits. Cortical blindness is
the most common of these deficits; edema
of the occipital white matter is seen on mag-
netic resonance images, the so-called posterior
leukoencephalopathy syndrome.
A number
of severe metabolic causes of coma, especially
hepatic coma, may also cause either decere-
brate or decorticate posturing. In general, al-
though it is important to be alert to the pos-
sibility of false localizing signs in patients with
metabolic causes of coma, unless a structural
lesion can be ruled out, it is still usually nec-
essary to proceed as if the coma has a structural
cause, until proven otherwise.
The neurologic examination, as described
above, is the cornerstone for the diagnosis of
stupor and coma. It can be done at the bedside
within a matter of a few minutes, and it pro-
vides critical diagnostic clues to determine the
tempo of the further evaluation. If focal find-
ings are seen, it may be necessary to institute
treatment even before the remainder of the di-
agnostic testing can be completed. The same
may be true for some types of metabolic coma,
such as meningitis or hypoglycemia. On the
other hand, if the evidence from a nonfocal
examination points toward a diffuse metabolic
encephalopathy, the examiner usually has time
to employ additional diagnostic tools.
Blood and Urine Testing
Because of the propensity for some metabolic
comas to cause focal neurologic signs, it is
important to perform basic blood and urine
testing on virtually every patient who presents
with coma. It is important to draw blood for
glucose and electrolytes, and to do toxic and
drug screening almost immediately. The blood
should not be drawn in a limb with a running
intravenous line, as this may alter the glucose
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