surgery. Intraparenchymal hemorrhages, trau-
matic brain injury, or infarctions are best trea-
ted by careful supportive care if the ICP can be
controlled and the patient is not in danger of
Monitor the patient’s vital signs and the neu-
rologic examination constantly during therapy.
An endotracheal tube should be in place, and
the patient ventilated to PaO
at greater than
100 mm Hg. After initial hyperventilation, ad-
just the PaCO
between 35 and 40 mm Hg.
Mannitol may be repeated as often as every 4
to 6 hours, depending on the patient’s clinical
state, but it is important to maintain intravascu-
lar volume by monitoring the inputs and out-
puts, and to watch for rebound increased ICP.
In patients suffering from cerebral tumors or
abscess, continue dexamethasone (typically 4 mg
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
every 6 hours, although doses up to 24 mg every
6 hours may be used if clinically necessary) or
an equivalent steroid. The head of the bed
should probably be slightly elevated. Insert a
Foley catheter and record urine output each
hour. Measure electrolytes frequently if man-
nitol or saline is being given, because the use of
these drugs can result in severe electrolyte im-
balance. Once in the intensive care unit, ICP
should be monitored.
Some investigators have advocated barbitu-
rate anesthesia to treat severe intracranial hy-
pertension from head injury.
The drug usually
employed is pentobarbital (although thiopental
works faster) given intravenously. In one pro-
tocol, a loading dose of 10 mg/kg is given over
30 minutes followed by 5 mg/kg over 60 minutes
for three doses. The patient is then maintained
at 1 to 3 mg/kg/hour to maintain the pentobar-
bital level at 3 to 4 mg/dL.
The level of coma is
also monitored by EEG, to produce a burst
suppression pattern at about three to five bursts
per minute.
The effect of this treatment on
long-term outcome is not dramatic and the fre-
quent monitoring of EEG, drug levels, and po-
tential cardiopulmonary complications make it
extremely labor intensive. With such therapy,
the ICP decreases rapidly and usually remains
low as long as the patient is anesthetized. This
technique requires extremely careful monitoring
of vital signs and should be carried out only in
an intensive care unit. There are reports of de-
creases in mortality with the use of barbiturate
anesthesia in head injuries, drownings, cerebral
infarction, and other supratentorial mass le-
How barbiturates act to reduce the ICP
is unknown. It is not simply through anesthesia,
since in experimental animals gas anesthesia ap-
pears to have no such salutary effect. The clini-
cal usefulness of barbiturate therapy for coma
must be regarded as still in the stage of experi-
mental evaluation.
Midazolam and propofol are also used to
lower ICP, but like barbiturate coma, it is un-
clear if they result in an improved outcome.
Another second-tier therapy to control intract-
able intracranial hypertension is decompres-
sive craniectomy.
The procedure is being used
in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
and also those with massive cerebral infarction.
It may improve outcome in the former,
while it may be lifesaving in the latter, func-
tional outcome is often poor especially in the
Infratentorial Mass Lesions
Infratentorial lesions fall into two groups: those
that are intrinsic to the brainstem and those that
compress it. In patients with infratentorial mass
or destructive lesions causing coma, one may
elicit a history of occipital headache or com-
plaints of vertigo, diplopia, or other symptoms
and signs suggesting brainstem dysfunction.
Frequently, however, the onset of the coma is
sudden and headache occurs only moments
before the patient loses consciousness. If the
onset of the headache is accompanied by vo-
miting, one should suspect an infratentorial le-
sion, as acute vomiting is less common with
supratentorial masses in adults. Characteristic
oculovestibular abnormalities including skew
deviation, dysconjugate gaze, fixed gaze palsies,
or dysconjugate responses to oculocephalic and
oculovestibular testing are strong presump-
tive evidence of an infratentorial lesion. Cranial
nerve palsies are often present and abnormal
respiratory patterns usually are present from
onset. The major problem in differential diag-
nosis arises when a patient with a supratentorial
mass lesion has progressed far enough to arrive
at the pontine or medullary level of coma. In
this instance, it is virtually impossible to dis-
tinguish by physical examination between the
effects of supratentorial and infratentorial
masses. Metabolic coma can usually be distin-
guished from destructive or compressive lesions
because the pupils remain reactive. A CT scan
distinguishes between supra- and infratentorial
masses and often establishes the diagnosis de-
finitively. A hyperdense basilar artery strongly
suggests brainstem infarction even when the
infarct cannot be seen on CT. MRI, particularly
with diffusion-weighted imaging, is much better
at identifying brainstem infarcts.
At times it is impossible to distinguish on
clinical grounds an intrinsic brainstem lesion
(such as infarction from basilar artery occlusion)
from an extrinsic compressive lesion (such as
cerebellar hematoma), but the treatment is dif-
ferent: surgery for compressive lesions
thrombolysis for acute vascular occlusions.
Hematomas of the cerebellum or the subdural
space should be evacuated if the patient is stu-
porous or comatose, if the state of conscious-
ness is progressively becoming impaired, or
if other signs indicate progressive brainstem
compression (see Chapter 4).
A cerebellar
Approach to Management of the Unconscious Patient
infarct causing stupor or coma from brainstem
compression appears on CT scan as a hypo-
dense area and likewise may require surgical
decompression by removal of infarcted tissue.
Some reports describe successful surgical evac-
uation of brainstem hematomas,
when the hemorrhage is due to a cavernous
angioma. Primary pontine hemorrhages (those
due to hypertension) usually are not treated
surgically, particularly when the patient is co-
The principles of treatment of infratentorial
masses are similar to those for supratentorial
masses, discussed above.
Metabolic Encephalopathy
Metabolic coma (Table 7–1) is usually charac-
terized by a history of confusion and disorien-
tation having preceded the onset of stupor or
coma, usually in the absence of any motor signs.
When motor signs (decorticate or decerebrate
rigidity) appear, they are usually symmetric. If
the patient is stuporous rather than comatose,
asterixis, myoclonus, and tremor are common,
and in comatose patients the presence of repet-
itive seizures, either focal or generalized, provide
presumptive evidence of metabolic dysfunction.
Many patients with metabolic coma either hy-
per- or hypoventilate, but it is rare to see the ab-
normal respiratory patterns that characterize in-
fratentorial mass or destructive lesions (see
page 50). There are two major errors in the
diagnosis of metabolic coma. The first is in dif-
ferentiating patients with the diencephalic stage
of supratentorial masses from those with meta-
bolic coma. In the absence of focal motor signs,
one may initially suspect metabolic coma even
in patients who have a supratentorial mass le-
sion with early central herniation. The second
error occurs in those occasional patients with
metabolic coma (e.g., hepatic coma or hypogly-
cemia) who have strikingly asymmetric motor
signs with hyperventilation and deep coma. In
this instance, the preservation of intact and sym-
metric pupillary and oculovestibular responses
provides strong presumptive evidence for meta-
bolic rather than structural disease.
It is stupor and coma caused by metabolic
brain disease that most challenges the internist,
neurologist, or general physician likely to be
reading this monograph. If patients suffer from
major damage caused by supra- or infratentorial
mass lesions or destructive lesions, specific treat-
ment often involves a surgical or intravascular
procedure. If psychogenic unresponsiveness is
the problem, the ultimate management of the
patient rests with a psychiatrist. In metabolic
brain disease, however, the task of preserving
the brain from permanent damage rests with the
physician of first contact. The physician should
first evaluate the vital signs, provide adequate
ventilation and arterial pressure, and then draw
blood for metabolic studies. Metabolic studies
that should be secured from the first blood
drawing are indicated in Table 7–5. Because
drug ingestion is a common cause of coma,
procure blood and urine for toxicologic study
on all patients (see Table 7–6). Those metabolic
encephalopathies that are most likely to pro-
duce either irreversible brain damage or a
quick demise but are potentially treatable in-
clude drug overdose, hypoglycemia, metabolic
or respiratory acidosis (from several causes),
hyperosmolar states, hypoxia, bacterial men-
ingitis or sepsis, and severe electrolyte imbal-
It is important to secure an arterial sample
for blood gas analysis, although emergency
management may have to begin even before
laboratory results are returned. Both acidosis
and alkalosis can cause cardiac arrhythmias, but
acute metabolic acidosis is more likely to be
lethal; however, pH is not an independent
predictor of mortality in critically ill patients
with metabolic acidosis.
Whether sodium bi-
carbonate should be given to treat severe aci-
dosis is controversial.
The agent is not
indicated in the treatment of diabetic acidosis
and may not be helpful in treating acidosis from
other causes. Instead, urgent treatment of the
underlying cause of the acidosis is probably the
best approach. Relieve hypoxia immediately
by ensuring an adequate airway and delivering
sufficient oxygen to keep the blood fully oxy-
genated. Even in the presence of a normal
, blood oxygen content may be insuffi-
cient to supply the brain’s needs for several
reasons: (1) the hemoglobin may be abnor-
mia, or sulfhemoglobinemia). Methemoglobin
or sulfhemoglobin are diagnosed by the typical
chocolate appearance of oxygenated blood,
and patients are treated with methylene blue
(1 to 2 mg/kg IV over 5 minutes).
anesthetic agents such as benzocaine used
in endoscopy can cause acute methemoglobi-
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
(2) Carbon monoxide binds hemo-
globin with 200 times the affinity of oxygen and
thus displaces oxygen and yields carboxyhe-
moglobin. The PaO
is normal and the pa-
tient’s color is pink or ‘‘cherry red,’’ but he or
she is hypoxic because insufficient hemoglobin
is available to deliver oxygen to the tis-
sue. Such patients should be given 100% oxy-
gen and hyperventilated to increase blood
oxygenation. Hyperbaric oxygenation may im-
prove the situation, and if a hyperbaric cham-
ber is available, it should probably be utilized
for patients with life-threatening exposure.
(3) Severe anemia itself will not cause coma,
but lowers the oxygen-carrying capacity of the
blood even when the PaO
is normal, and thus
decreases the oxygen supply to the brain. In
patients with other forms of hypoxia, anemia
may exacerbate the symptoms. Severe anemia
(hematocrit less than 25) in a comatose patient
should be treated with transfusion of whole
blood or packed red cells. (4) Tissues can be
hypoxic even when the PaO
and O
content is
normal if they cannot metabolize the oxy-
gen(e.g.,cyanide poisoning).Hydroxocobalamin
administered as a one-time dose of 4 to 5 g IV is
a safe and effective method of treating poi-
In any comatose or stuporous patient who is
febrile, whether or not nuchal rigidity and/or
other signs of meningeal irritation (e.g., posi-
tive Kernig or Brudzinski signs or jolt accen-
tuation; see page 133) are present, consider
acute bacterial meningitis. As described above,
initial treatment includes antibiotic and steroid
administration, followed as soon as possible by
CT scan and lumbar puncture if no mass is
seen that would threaten herniation. It is often
useful to do a Gram stain of the centrifuged
sediment, as this may yield an organism that
can guide therapy; additional CSF should be
sent for culture; polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) analysis for bacteria and viruses, espe-
cially herpes viruses; and additional tests as
may be dictated by the clinical situation. The
absence of cells in the spinal fluid does not rule
out acute bacterial meningitis; if there is a high
index of suspicion, the lumbar puncture can be
repeated in 6 to 12 hours. The centrifuged sed-
iment should also be examined by Gram stain,
as occasionally organisms may be seen even
before there is pleocytosis.
Severe potassium imbalance usually affects
the heart more than the brain. Accordingly, an
electrocardiogram often suggests the diagnosis
before serum electrolytes are returned from the
Table 7–6 Stat Toxicology Assays Required to Support an Emergency
Quantitative Serum Toxicology Assays
Qualitative Urine Toxicology Assays
Acetaminophen (paracetamol)
Co-oximetry for oxygen saturation,
carboxyhemoglobin, and
Valproic acid
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
Phenobarbital (if urine barbiturates
are positive)
Transferrin (or unsaturated iron-binding
capacity [UIBC] assay if transferrin
is not available)
Ethyl alcohol
Methyl alcohol
Ethylene glycol
From Wu et al.,
with permission.
Approach to Management of the Unconscious Patient
laboratory. It usually is advisable to adjust both
electrolyte and acid-base imbalances slowly,
since too rapid correction often leads to over-
shoot or intracellular-extracellular imbalances
and worsens the clinical situation.
Drug overdose is a common cause of coma in
patients brought to an emergency room. Many
emergency departments can provide a rapid
assessment of toxic drugs (Table 7–6).
Most of
these drugs are not rapidly lethal but, because
they are respiratory depressants, they risk pro-
ducing respiratory arrest or circulatory depres-
sion at any time. Therefore, no stuporous or
comatose patient suspected of having ingested
sedative drugs should ever be left alone. This is
particularly true in the minutes immediately
following the initial examination; the stimula-
tion delivered by the examining physician may
arouse the patient to a state in which he or she
appears relatively alert or his or her respiratory
function appears normal, only to lapse into
coma with depressed breathing when external
stimulation ceases. The management of specific
drug poisonings is beyond the scope of this
but certain general principles ap-
ply to all patients suspected of having ingested
sedative drugs. The type of medication influ-
ences the treatment and its duration. Accord-
ingly, search the patient and ask relatives or the
police to search the patient’s living quarters for
potentially toxic agents, or empty medication
vials that might have contained sedative drugs.
Both respiratory and cardiovascular failure may
occur with massive sedative drug overdose. An-
ticipation and early treatment of these compli-
cations often smooth the clinical course. Insert
an endotracheal tube in any stuporous or coma-
tose patient suspected of drug overdose and be
certain that an apparatus for respiratory support
is available in case of acute respiratory failure.
The placement of a central venous line allows
one to maintain an adequate blood volume
without overloading the patient. Give generous
amounts of fluid to maintain blood volume and
blood pressure, but avoid overhydrating oli-
guric patients. Place a pulse oximeter on the fin-
ger, but also measure arterial blood gases; a dif-
ference between the two (oxygen saturation
gap) may indicate poisoning. Carbon monoxide,
methemoglobin, cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide
cause an increased oxygen saturation gap.
Once the vital signs have been stabilized, one
should attempt to remove, neutralize, or reverse
the effects of the drug. Attempts to remove poi-
son from the gastrointestinal tract and thus
prevent absorption have included inducing vo-
miting with syrup of ipecac,
gastric lavage,
activated charcoal ingestion,
whole bowel irrigation.
Position papers from
the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
and the European Association of Poison Cen-
ters and Clinical Toxicologists indicate a lack of
evidence that inducing vomiting is helpful; it
is contraindicated in patients with a decreased
level or impending loss of consciousness.
concluded that gastric lavage should not be
employed routinely, but could be considered in
patients who have ingested a potentially life-
threatening amount of a poison within an hour
of the time they are to be treated.
aspiration is a common complication, and so
patients with impaired consciousness should be
intubated first. Cathartics have no role in the
management of the poisoned patient.
A single
dose of activated charcoal (50 g) can be ad-
ministered to a patient with an intact or pro-
tected airway but it will not efficiently adsorb
acid, alkali, ethanol, ethylene glycol, iron, lith-
ium, or methanol. Multiple doses of charcoal
administered at an initial dose of 50 to 100 g,
and then at a rate of not less than 12.5 g/hour
via nasogastric tube, may be indicated when
patients have ingested a life-threatening amount
of carbamazepine, dapsone, phenobarbital, qui-
nine, or theophylline. In addition to eliminating
drugs from the small bowel, the agents may
interrupt the enteroenteric and, in some cases,
the enterohepatic circulation of drugs.
bowel irrigation using polyethylene glycol elec-
trolyte solutions may decrease the bioavailability
of ingested drugs, particularly enteric-coated or
sustained-release drugs.
Intravenous sodium bicarbonate in amounts
sufficient to produce a urine pH of 7.5 promotes
the elimination of salicylate, phenobarbital, and
For very severe poisoning
with barbiturates, glutethimide, salicylates, or
alcohol, hemodialysis or hemoperfusion may be
Although acetaminophen does
not by itself cause impaired consciousness, it
may be included in opioid combinations (e.g.,
acetaminophen with codeine or oxycodone), and
is often included in polydrug overdoses. Doses
above 5 g in adults may cause acute hepatic in-
jury, especially if combined with other hepato-
toxins such as ethanol, and when acetamino-
phen overdose is suspected, the patient should
be treated with N-acetylcysteine as well.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
Psychogenic Unresponsiveness
Psychogenic unresponsiveness is characterized
by a normal neurologic examination, including
normal waking oculocephalic and oculovestibu-
lar responses. Once one has considered the pos-
formed the appropriate neurologic examination,
little difficulty arises in making the definitive
diagnosis. If the patient meets the clinical cri-
teria for psychogenic unresponsiveness, no fur-
ther laboratory tests are required. If, however,
there is still some question after the examination,
an EEG is the most helpful diagnostic test. An
EEG that shows normal alpha activity inhib-
ited by eye opening and other stimuli strongly
supports the diagnosis of psychogenic unre-
sponsiveness. The Amytal interview (see Chap-
ter 6) may be both diagnostic and therapeutic. In Dostları ilə paylaş: |