scale is adequate for all patients; hence, the best policy in recording the results of
the coma examination is simply to describe the findings.
Nevertheless, the GCS is widely used, and still is probably the best for most
trauma patients.
It is useful to obtain GCS scores, which can be compared
against large databases to evaluate prognosis for specific etiologies of coma (see
Chapter 9).
FOUR Score (Full Outline of Unresponsiveness)
Eye Response
4 ¼ eyelids open or opened, tracking, or blinking to command
3 ¼ eyelids open but not tracking
2 ¼ eyelids closed but open to loud voice
1 ¼ eyelids closed but open to pain
0 ¼ eyelids remain closed with pain
Motor Response
4 ¼ thumbs-up, fist, or peace sign
3 ¼ localizing to pain
2 ¼ flexion response to pain
1 ¼ extension response to pain
0 ¼ no response to pain or generalized myoclonus status
Brainstem Reflexes
4 ¼ pupil and corneal reflexes present
3 ¼ one pupil wide and fixed
2 ¼ pupil or corneal reflexes absent
1 ¼ pupil and corneal reflexes absent
0 ¼ absent pupil, corneal, and cough reflex
4 ¼ not intubated, regular breathing pattern
3 ¼ not intubated, Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern
2 ¼ not intubated, irregular breathing
1 ¼ breathes above ventilator rate
0 ¼ breathes at ventilator rate or apnea
make only nonspecific motor responses (winc-
ing, restlessness, withdrawal reflexes) without
a directed attempt to defend against the stim-
ulus are considered to have a nonlocalizing re-
sponse and are comatose. Patients who fail to
respond at all are in the deepest stage of coma.
This rough grading system, from verbal re-
sponsiveness, to localizing responses, to non-
localizing responses, to no response, is all that
is needed for an initial assessment of the depth
of unresponsiveness that can be used to follow
the progress of the patient. If the initial eval-
uation of the level of consciousness demon-
strates impairment, it is essential to progress
through the next steps of the coma examina-
tion as rapidly as possible to safeguard that
patient’s life. More elaborate coma scales are
described in Box 2–1, but many of these de-
pend upon the results of later stages in the
examination, and it is never justified to de-
lay attending to the basics of airway, breathing,
and circulation while performing a more elab-
orate scoring evaluation.
It is critical to ensure that the patient’s airway
is maintained, that he or she is breathing ad-
Glasgow Coma Scale
Eye Response
4 ¼ eyes open spontaneously
3 ¼ eye opening to verbal command
2 ¼ eye opening to pain
1 ¼ no eye opening
Motor Response
6 ¼ obeys commands
5 ¼ localizing pain
4 ¼ withdrawal from pain
3 ¼ flexion response to pain
2 ¼ extension response to pain
1 ¼ no motor response
Verbal Response
5 ¼ oriented
4 ¼ confused
3 ¼ inappropriate words
2 ¼ incomprehensible sounds
1 ¼ no verbal response
A GCS score of 13 or higher indicates mild brain injury, 9 to 12 moderate brain
injury, and 8 or less severe brain injury.
Is the patient
Is the patient
Alert and oriented?
Alert and oriented?
Responding to voice?
Responding to pain?
Box 2–1 Coma Scales (cont.)
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
equately, and that there is sufficient arterial
perfusion pressure. The first goal must be to
correct any of these conditions if they are found
inadequate (Chapter 7). In addition, blood pres-
sure, heart rate, and respiration may provide
valuable clues to the cause of coma.
It is critical first to ensure that the brain is
receiving adequate blood flow. Cerebral per-
fusion pressure is the systemic blood pressure
minus the intracranial pressure. The physician
can measure blood pressure but in the ini-
tial examination can only estimate intracranial
pressure. Over a wide range of blood pres-
sures, cerebral perfusion remains stable be-
cause the brain autoregulates its blood flow by
mechanisms described in the paragraphs be-
low and illustrated in Figure 2–2. If the blood
pressure falls too low or becomes too high,
autoregulation fails and cerebral perfusion fol-
lows perfusion pressure passively; that is, it falls
as the blood pressure falls and rises as the
blood pressure rises. In this situation, both too
low (ischemia) and too high (hypertensive en-
cephalopathy; see Chapter 5) a blood pres-
sure can damage the brain. To ensure adequate
brain perfusion, the physician should attempt
to maintain the blood pressure at a level nor-
mal for the individual patient. For example, a
patient with chronic hypertension autoregu-
lates at a higher level than a normotensive pa-
tient. Lowering the blood pressure to a ‘‘normal
level’’ may deprive the brain of an adequate
blood supply (see Figure 2–2). Conversely, the
cerebral blood flow (CBF) in children and
pregnant women, who normally run low blood
pressures, is regulated at lower levels and may
develop excessive perfusion if the blood pres-
sure is raised (e.g., pre-eclampsia).
The perfusion pressure of the brain may
be influenced by the position of the head. In
a normal individual, as the head is raised, the
systemic arterial pressure is maintained by
blood pressure reflexes. At the same time, the
arterial perfusion pressure to the head is re-
duced by the distance the head is raised above
the heart, but the intracranial pressure is also
reduced because of the improved venous and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage. The net
effect is that there is very little change in brain
perfusion pressure or CBF. On the other hand,
in a patient with stenosis of a carotid or ver-
tebral artery, the perfusion pressure for that
vessel may be much lower than systemic arte-
rial pressure. If the head of the bed is raised,
Figure 2–2. Cerebral autoregulation in hypertension. Schematic representation of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow
(CBF) in normotensive (solid line) and hypertensive (dashed line) subjects. In both groups, within a range of about 100
mm Hg, increases or decreases in mean arterial pressure are associated with maintenance of CBF due to appropriate
changes in arteriolar resistance. Changes in pressure outside this range are eventually associated with loss of autoregu-
lation, leading to a reduction (with hypotension) or an elevation (with marked hypertension) in CBF. Note that hyper-
tensive encephalopathy (increased blood flow with pressures exceeding the autoregulatory range) may occur with a mean
arterial pressure below 200 mm Hg in the normotensive individual, but may require a much higher mean arterial pressure
in patients who have sustained hypertension. Conversely, lowering blood pressure to the ‘‘normal range’’ of a mean arterial
pressure of 80 mm Hg (equivalent to 120/60) may produce a clinically significant fall in CBF, particularly if there is a pre-
existing cerebrovascular stenosis.
Examination of the Comatose Patient
perfusion pressure may fall below the thresh-
old for autoregulation, and blood flow may be
diminished below the level needed to support
neurologic function. Such patients may show
improvement in neurologic function when the
head of the bed is flat. Conversely, in cases of
head trauma where there is increased intra-
cranial pressure, it may be important to raise
the head of the bed 15 to 30 degrees to im-
prove venous drainage to maximize cerebral
perfusion pressure.
Similarly, it is necessary
to remove tight neckwear and ensure that a
cervical spine collar is not applied too tightly to
a victim of head injury to avoid diminishing
venous outflow from the brain.
In a patient with impaired consciousness,
the blood pressure can give important clues to
the level of the nervous system that has been
damaged. Damage to the descending sympa-
thetic pathways that support blood pressure
may result in a fall to levels seen after spinal
transaction (mean arterial pressure about 60 to
70 mm Hg). Blood pressure is supported by a
descending sympathoexcitatory pathway from
the rostral ventrolateral medulla to the spinal
cord, and so damage along the course of this
pathway can result in spinal levels of blood
pressure. The hypothalamus in turn provides
a descending sympathoexcitatory input to the
medulla and the spinal cord.
As a conse-
quence, bilateral diencephalic lesions result
in a fall in sympathetic tone, including mei-
otic pupils (see below), decreased sweating re-
sponses, and a generally low level of arterial
However, persistent hypotension below these
levels in a comatose patient is almost never
caused by an acute neurologic injury. One of
the most common mistakes seen in evaluation
of a comatose patient with a mean arterial pres-
sure below 60 mm Hg is the assumption that a
neurologic event may have caused the hypo-
tension. This is almost never the case. A mean
arterial pressure at or above 60 mm Hg is gen-
erally sufficient in a supine patient to support
cerebral and systemic function. On the other
hand, acute hypotension, due to cardiogenic or
vasomotor shock, is a common cause of loss of
consciousness and a threat to the patient’s life.
Thus, the initial evaluation of a comatose pa-
tient with low blood pressure should focus on
identifying the cause of and correcting the
On the other hand, lesions that result in stim-
ulation of the sympathoexcitatory system may
cause an increase in blood pressure. For exam-
ple, pain is a major ascending sympathoexcit-
atory stimulus, which acts via direct collaterals
from the ascending spinothalamic tract into the
rostral ventrolateral medulla. The elevation of
blood pressure in response to a painful stim-
ulus applied to the body (pinch of skin, ster-
nal rub) is evidence of intact medullospinal
In a patient who is still semi-
wakeful after subarachnoid hemorrhage, blood
pressure may be elevated as a response to head-
ache pain. Each of these conditions is associ-
ated with a rise in heart rate as well.
Direct pressure to the floor of the medulla
can activate the Cushing reflex, an increase in
blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate.
In children, the Cushing reflex may be seen
when there is a generalized increased intracra-
nial pressure, even above the tentorium. How-
ever, the more rigid compartmentalization of
intracranial contents in adults usually prevents
this phenomenon unless the expansile mass is
in the posterior fossa.
Activation of descending sympathoexcita-
tory pathways from the forebrain may also ele-
vate blood pressure. Irritative lesions of the hy-
pothalamus, such as occur with subarachnoid
hemorrhage, may result in an excess hypotha-
lamic input to the sympathetic and parasym-
pathetic control systems.
This condition can
trigger virtually any type of cardiac arrhythmia,
from sinus pause to supraventricular tachycar-
dia to ventricular fibrillation.
However, the
most common finding in subarachnoid hemor-
rhage is a pattern of subendocardial ischemia.
Such patients may in fact have enzyme evi-
dence of myocardial infarction, and at autopsy
demonstrate contraction band necrosis of the
Sympathoexcitation is also seen in patients
who are delirious. The infralimbic and insular
cortex and the central nucleus of the amygdala
provide important inputs to sympathoexcit-
atory areas of the hypothalamus and the me-
Activation of these areas due to misper-
ception of stimuli in the environment causing
emotional responses such as fear or anger may
result in hypertension, tachycardia, and en-
larged pupils.
Stokes-Adams attacks are periods of brief
loss of consciousness due to lack of adequate
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
cerebral perfusion. These almost always oc-
cur in an upright position. In recumbent po-
sitions, when the head is at the same height as
the heart, it takes a much steeper fall in blood
pressure (below 60 to 70 mm Hg mean pres-
sure) to cause loss of consciousness. The fall in
blood pressure during a Stokes-Adams attack
may reflect a failure of the baroreceptor reflex
arc on assuming an upright posture (in which
case it can be reproduced by testing orthostatic
responses). Alternatively, hyperactivity of the
baroreceptor reflex nerves may occasionally
cause hypotension (e.g., in patients with carotid
sinus hypersensitivity or glossopharyngeal neu-
ralgia, where brief bursts of activity in barore-
ceptor nerves trigger a rapid fall in heart rate
and blood pressure).
In other patients, the
fall in blood pressure may be caused by an in-
termittent failure of the pump (i.e., cardiac ar-
rhythmia). Thus, careful cardiologic evaluation is
required if a neurologic cause is not identified.
The brain ordinarily tightly controls the cir-
culation to provide an adequate level of cere-
bral perfusion. It does this in two ways. First,
across a wide range of arterial blood pressures,
it autoregulates its own blood flow.
mechanism for this remarkable stability of
blood flow is not entirely understood, although
it appears to be due to intrinsic innervation of
the cerebral blood vessels and may also be
regulated by local metabolism.
In general,
local increases in CBF correspond to increases
in local metabolic rate, allowing the use of blood
flow (in positron emission tomography [PET]
imaging) or local blood volume (in functional
magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) to approx-
imate neuronal activity. However, there are also
neuronal networks that regulate cerebral perfu-
sion distinct from metabolic need. The two sys-
tems normally act in concert to ensure sufficient
blood supply to allow normal cerebral function
over a wide range of blood pressures but are
dysregulated following some brain injuries.
Second, the brain acts through the auto-
nomic nervous system to acutely adjust sys-
temic arterial pressure in order to maintain a
pressure head that is within the range that al-
lows cerebral autoregulation. Blood pressure
is the product of the cardiac output times the
total vascular peripheral resistance. Cardiac
output in turn is the product of heart rate and
stroke volume. Both heart rate and stroke vol-
ume are increased by beta-1 adrenergic stim-
ulation from sympathetic nerves (or adrenal
catechols), which play a key role in regulating
cardiac output. Heart rate is slowed by mus-
carinic cholinergic action of the vagus nerve,
and hence, increased vagal tone decreases car-
diac output. Peripheral resistance is regulated
mainly by the level of alpha-1 adrenergic tone
in small arterioles, the most important resis-
tance vessels. Therefore, the blood pressure is
regulated by the balance of sympathetic tone,
which increases both cardiac output and vaso-
constrictor tone, versus parasympathetic tone,
which slows heart rate and therefore decreases
cardiac output. The cardiac vagal tone is main-
tained by the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla,
which contains most of the cardiac parasym-
pathetic preganglionic neurons.
vascular and cardiac sympathetic tone is set by
neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla
that provide a tonic activating input to the sym-
pathetic preganglionic neurons in the thoracic
spinal cord.
When in a lying position, the brain is at the
same level as the heart, but as one rises, the
brain elevates to a position 20 to 30 cm above
the heart. This drop in perfusion pressure (ar-
terial pressure minus intracranial pressure) is
equivalent to 15 to 23 mm Hg, and it may be
sufficient to cause a drop in cerebral perfusion
pressure that would make it difficult to main-
tain CBF necessary to allow conscious brain
To defend against such a precipitous fall in
perfusion pressure, the brain maintains reflex
mechanisms to compensate for the hydrody-
namic consequences of gravity. The level of
arterial pressure is measured at two sites, the
aortic arch (by the aortic depressor nerve, a
branch of the vagus nerve) and the carotid bi-
furcation (by the carotid sinus nerve, a branch
of the glossopharyngeal nerve). These two
nerves terminate in the brain in the nucleus of
the solitary tract, which is the main relay for all
visceral sensory information in the brain.
The nucleus of the solitary tract then provides
an excitatory input to the caudal ventrolateral
The caudal ventrolateral medulla in turn pro-
vides an ascending inhibitory input to the tonic
vasomotor neurons in the rostral ventrolateral
Examination of the Comatose Patient
In addition, the nucleus of the soli-
tary tract provides both direct and relayed excit-
atory inputs to the cardiac decelerator neurons
in the nucleus ambiguus.
Thus, a rise in blood
pressure results in a reflex fall in heart rate and
vasomotor tone, re-establishing a normal arte-
rial pressure. Conversely, a fall in blood pres-
sure causes a reflex tachycardia and vasocon-
striction, re-establishing the necessary arterial
perfusion pressure. As a result, on assuming an
upright posture, there is normally a small in-
crease in both heart rate and blood pressure.
On occasion, loss of consciousness may re-
sult from failure of this baroreceptor reflex arc.
In such patients, measurement of standing and
supine blood pressure and heart rate discloses
a fall in blood pressure on assuming an upright
posture that is clinically associated with symp-
toms of insufficient CBF. Rigid criteria for di-
agnosing orthostatic hypotension (e.g., a fall
in blood pressure of 10 or 15 mm Hg) are not
useful, as systemic arterial pressure is usually
measured in the arm but the symptoms are
produced by decreased blood flow to the brain.
A pressure head that is adequate to perfuse
the arm (which is at the same elevation as the
heart) will be reduced by 15 to 23 mm Hg at
the brain in an upright posture, and if perfu-
sion pressure to the brain falls even a few mm
Hg below the level needed to maintain auto-
regulation, the drop in cerebral perfusion may
be precipitous.
The most common nonneurologic causes of
orthostatic hypotension, including low intravas-
cular volume (often a consequence of diuretic
administration or inadequate fluid intake), car-
diac pump failure, and medications that impair
arterial constriction (e.g., alpha blockers or di-
rect vasodilators), do not impair the tachycardic
response. Most neurologic cases of orthostatic
hypotension, including peripheral autonomic
neuropathy or central or peripheral autonomic
degeneration, impair both the heart rate and
the blood pressure responses. Put in other
words, the hallmark of baroreceptor reflex fail-
ure is absence of the elevation of heart rate
when arterial pressure falls in response to an
orthostatic challenge.
The brain cannot long survive without an ad-
equate supply of oxygen. Within seconds of
being deprived of oxygen, brain function be-
gins to fail, and within minutes neurons begin
to die. The physician must ensure that respi-
ration is supplying adequate oxygenation. To
do this requires examination of both respiratory
exchange and respiratory pattern. Listening to
the chest will ensure that there is adequate
movement of air. A normal patient at rest will
regularly breathe at about 14 breaths per min-
ute and the exchange of air can be heard at
both lung bases. The physician should estimate
from the rate and depth of respiration whether
the patient is hypo- or hyperventilating or
whether respiration is normal. The patient’s
color is a gross indicator of oxygenation: cya-
nosis indicates deficient oxygenation; a cherry
red color may also indicate deficient oxygena-
tion because of CO intoxication. A better esti-
mate of oxygenation can be achieved by plac-
ing an oximeter on the finger; many intensive
care units and some emergency departments
also measure expired CO
, which correlates
well with PCO
This section considers the neuroanatomic
basis of respiratory abnormalities that accom-
Table 2–2 Neuropathologic Correlates
of Breathing Abnormalities
Forebrain damage
Epileptic respiratory inhibition
Apraxia for deep breathing or breath holding
‘‘Pseudobulbar’’ laughing or crying
Posthyperventilation apnea
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Hypothalamic-midbrain damage
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