Sample Letter of Complaint (Product): Dear Sir or Madam,
I recently purchased a microwave oven from your store located at 5 Navoi Street. I have enclosed a
photocopy of my receipt for your reference.
Unfortunately, the item does not function at all. I have read through all the details within the
accompanying instruction manual as well as worked through the various trouble shooting methods but
it seems that the oven simply is a faulty product.
I have been a loyal customer of your company for more than five years, and have always been
perfectly satisfied and happy with my purchase. This is the first time something like this has happened
with one of your products. I am hoping that you may be able to send me a replacement product or
direct me to a store where I may return the faulty item for a new replacement within the next 2 days.
Thanking you in advance.
Please contact me as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
FULL NAME (161 words)
Demand: 1. I would like to hear your explanation for the above problems ...
2. I would therefore be grateful if you could give me a full refund ...
3. I would like a full refund as soon as possible...
4. I would like to have all or part of my money refunded ...
5. I must insist that you ...
6. I must urge you to ...
7. I feel I am entitled to a refund.
8. I feel I am entitled to some compensation for the inconvenience I have suffered.
9. I shall expect a written apology at your earliest convenience.
10. I would be grateful to receive a cheque for the outstanding sum without further delay.
11. I would be very grateful if you could ensure that your sons turn their music down after 11 p.m.
12. Please would you be so kind as to dissuade your sons from playing such loud music so late at
13. I must insist that you deliver the piano with no further delay and at no additional expense to
14. (an amount of money) would be appropriate compensation for the inconvenience caused to my
15. In view of the many ways in which it did not match the claims made for it in your publicity, I
expect a substantial refund.
16. In light of the above I feel I am entitled to a full refund and a formal apology
17. Under the circumstances, I feel that an apology should be offered.
18. For these reasons, I would suggest that the cooker needs to be replaced at your earliest
19. I must ask you, therefore, to refund the full cost price of... plus the postage of...
Threat: 1. I shall have no alternative but to put the matter in the hands of my solicitors should your cheque
not be received by May 1st.
2. Unless I hear from you within 10 days, I shall have to take legal advice on the matter.
3. If I do not hear from you before May 3rd, I shall be obliged to take matters a step further.
4. If your son does not refrain the future, I shall have no choice but to contact the police.
5. Should I receive no satisfaction, I will be forced to ...
Ending: 1. I hope you will consider the points I have raised very carefully.
2. I hope/assume you will replace...
3. I trust the situation will improve...
4. I hope the matter will be resolved...
5. I hope we can sort this matter out amicably
6. I look forward to hearing from you in your earliest convenience.