yumshoq tilda (mild language) yoki
qattiqqo’l tilda (strong language) yozilishi mumkin, lekin also so’kinish va haqoratlovchi iboralar ishlatilmaydi.
Va ya’na e’tibor berish kerak bo’lgan tomoni shundaki, shikoyat xati
yumshoq til (mild language) bilan boshlangan bo’lsa,
yumshoq til (mild language) bilan yakunlanishi, yoki bo’lmasa, shikoyat
qattiqqo’l til (strong language) bilan boshlangan bo’lsa,
qattiqqo’l til (strong language) bilan
yakunlanishi shart, aks holda mazmun buziladi.
MILD COMPLAINT: I am writing to complain about a factual error in yesterday’s newspaper. I hope that you will give this matter your prompt attention. STRONG COMPLAINT: I am writing to express my strong disapproval concerning the offensive behavior of an employee at your company’s Winchester Road branch. I demand a full, written apology or I will be forced to take legal action. NOTE: Har bir shikoyat to’la dalillar bilan asoslanishi shart. USEFUL LANGUAGE: 1. To begin letters: Mild complaint: I am writing to complain about (the problem of) …
I am writing to draw your attention to (the problem of) …
I am writing to express my
disappointment / dissatisfaction with …
I am
dissatisfied / disappointed with
the service that I received because ……
I am
dissatisfied / disappointed with
the goods that I bought because ……
Strong complaint: I am writing to express my
annoyance/extreme dissatisfaction/anger at/protest about …
I regret to inform you how appalled/shocked I was + to + verb …
I feel I must inform you how appalled/shocked I was + to + verb …
I am extremely