PAXTA- TO’QIMACHILIK KLASTERLARINI TASHKIL ETISH ASOSLARI Urishev Baxtiyor Abdusamatovich Assistent, Andijon mashinasozlik instituti
Hojiyev Ixtiyor Bahodirjon o‘g‘li Andijon mashinasozlik instituti
3-kurs talabasi
Annotatsiya. Ushbu maqola O‘
zbekistonda yetishtirilgan paxta xomashyosining qo'shilgan
qiymatini oshirish maqsadida paxta-to'qimachilik klasterlarini tashkil etish zarurligini asoslab
berdi. To'qimachilik va tikuvchilik ishlab chiqarishni rivojlantirishda klasterlarni qo'llashning
xorijiy va mahalliy tajribasi ko'rib chiqildi, shuningdek klasterlarni yaratishga ta'sir etuvchi mavjud
muammolar va omillar o'rganildi; O‘zbekistonning yengil sanoatida paxta
klasterlarini shakllantirishning mumkin bo'lgan modeli taklif etilad
i. Tadqiqot ob'ekti O‘zbekiston
Respublikasida paxta-to'qimachilik klasterlarini yaratish bo'yicha davlatning iqtisodiy siyosatini
olib borish bilan bog'liq ijtimoiy munosabatlar edi. Tadqiqot mavzusi-Klaster ishlab chiqarishni
shakllantirishning xorijiy v
a mahalliy tajribasi va uni O‘zbekistonda qo'llash amaliyoti istiqbollari.
Tadqiqot usullari ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy hodisalarni bilishning qiyosiy, dialektik usulini, mantiqiy usulini
Kalit so‘zlar: klasterlash, hududiy-sanoat kompleksi, paxta xomashyosi, paxta tolasi,
to'qimachilik ishlab chiqarish, tikuvchilik ishlab chiqarish, vertikal integratsiya, paxtani qayta
Annotation. This article justified the need to establish cotton-textile clusters in order to
increase the added value of cotton raw materials grown in Uzbekistan. The foreign and domestic
experience of applying clusters in the development of textile and sewing production was
considered, as well as the existing problems and factors affecting the creation of clusters were
studied; a possible model of the formation of cotton-textile clusters is proposed in the Light Industry
of Uzbekistan. The object of the study was the social relations associated with the conduct of the
economic policy of the state on the creation of cotton-textile clusters in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The subject of the study is the foreign and domestic experience in the formation of cluster
production and the prospects for the practice of its application in Uzbekistan. Research methods
represent a comparative, dialectical way of knowing socio-economic phenomena, a logical way.
Keywords: clustering, territorial-industrial complex, cotton raw materials, cotton fiber,
textile production, Sewing Production, vertical integration, cotton processing.