Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203
nominated ‘term’ <.lat, ‘terminus’, ‘studdian’ “to look behind somebody”, “to care” < lat.
‘studere’; ‘titol’ “title”, “inscription” to music and art, for example: ‘antefn’ «гимн», modem, ‘anthem’ < later lat. ‘antefana’, ‘char’
“chorus”, “dance”, modem, ‘chorus’ < lat, ‘chorus’, citer, modem, ‘cithern’ < lat. ‘cithara’ < other
of Greek ‘kithara’, ‘fidele’ “violin”, modem, ‘fiddle’ < ‘vitula’, ‘theater’ “theatre”,
modem. “Theatre” < lat.’theatrum’ - Greek ‘theatron’, ‘organ’ “song”.
From classical languages are borrowed some medical terms, for example, ‘plaster’ “plaster”
< lat. ‘implastrum’ < other of Greek ‘emplastron’, ‘paralysis’ “paralysis”. Some terms refer to
construction and architecture, for example: ‘marman’, ‘marmeF ‘stan’ “marble”, modem, ‘marble’
lat. ‘Marmor’, ‘plaestse’, ‘plaece’ “an open place in city”, “street” < lat.’platea’, ‘temple’ «храм»,
modem, ‘temple’ < lat. ‘Templum’, ‘castel’ «деревня», “small city” < Lat. ‘Castellum’.
From various spheres the terms ‘consul’ “consul” < lat, ‘consul’, ‘gigant’ ‘giant’ are
borrowed. “The gian” modem. ‘Giant’ < other of Greek ‘Gigant ‘talente’ ‘talent’, modem,
‘talentnt’, lat. ‘talenta’, ‘cristala’ “crystal” modem, ‘crystal’ lat. ‘Crystallum’ < other of Greek
‘Crystallos’, ‘part’ “a part” < lat. ‘Partem’, modem, ‘cocere’ “the cook”, modem. ‘Cook’.Vulgar
lat. ‘Cocus’.
The borrowings belonging to the first group are mainly nouns, but among them there are
available some verbs, for example: ‘cordian’ «примирять» < vulgar lat. ‘Accordare’, ‘acusan’. «
обвинять », modem. ‘Accuse’ < lat. ‘Accusare’, ‘spendan’ «тратить», modem. ‘Spend’ <
lat.’Expendere’, ‘temprian’ «закалять» < lat. ‘Temperare’.
To the second group are refered the terms: ‘abbod’ «аббат», modem. ‘Abbot’ < vulgar lat.
‘Abbadem’ < lat. ‘Abbatem’, ‘alter’, ‘altare’ «алтарь», modem. ‘Altar’ < lat, ‘altar’, ‘altare’,
‘apostle’ «апостол», modem. ‘Apostle’ < lat. ‘Apostolus’ < other of Greek ‘Apostolos’,
‘cleric’«священник»,modem. ‘Clerc’ < lat. ‘Clericus’ other of Greek ‘Klerikos’ ‘cruc’ «крест»,
modem. ‘Cross’ < lat. ‘Crucem’ the decan -наставник монахов, «декан» < lat. ‘decanus’
‘discipul’ «ученик», «последователь» < lat. ‘Discipulus’, ‘idol’ “an idol” lat. ‘idolum’ < other of
Greek ‘eidolon’; ‘martir’ «мученик», modem. ‘Martyr’ < lat. ‘martyr’ < other of Greek ‘Martur’.
The terms of this group differ from earlier borrowings by the fact that they were used less
frequently in everyday life and expressed more abstract concepts. Foreign linguists investigated
the losses by the borrowed terms (for example. ‘Anthem’, ‘clerk’, ‘creed’, ‘disciple’, ‘shrine’) of
religious meaning, acquisition by them of national usualness and do not consider the cases of re-
comprehension and metaphorical use of such terms, as ‘angel’, ‘devil’, ‘prophet’ and some
others.Being limited in most cases by simple transfer of Latin borrowings the foreign linguists paid
not enough attention to the issues of time and reasons of penetration of these terms in to the
English language, their assimilation and further development, and also their mutual relation with
native vocabulary.
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