– deepening|improvimng|broadening democratic reforms "to deepen" here is used figuratively
rather than literally. Because reforms are
an abstract concept and cannot be
deepened physically.
jinoyatchilikka qarshi kurashish –
fighting/suppressing against crime to fight against ... is used in the literal
sense of fighting with someone, since
crime is abstract, it cannot be physically
fought against, so this word is an
example of metaphorical transfer of
… ijro hokimiyatin ustidan
strengthening control over executive power the word over here does not mean
through the top of something, because
there is no top of the executive, but
rather the control of the executive.
The following examples are taken from the development strategy of the US
according to Washington Consensus.
1 As tax increases are ruled out, lower
marginal tax rates and a broadened tax baseare advised, similar to what was
practised in the United States at the time.
Tax is a compulsory contribution
to state revenue, levied by the
government on workers' income,
but literally speaking it cannot
have base, so this sentence is
expressed in metaphorical way.
2 …interest rates are largely determined
by central banks, and hence tight
monetary policy might be the key idea in
disguise. Disguise is
someone wears to hide their true
appearance, but If people, objects,
or activities are in disguise, they
appear to be something that they
are not, especially intentionally,
so the meaning is expressed