Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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C. Microsporum*

D. mites
2566.Localization of the rash in scabies in adults:

A. interdigital folds of the hands*

B. nails

C. palm

D. skin inner thighs*
2567.Localization of the rash in scabies in adults:

A. mucous membranes

B. the flexor surface of forearms*

C. the skin of the abdomen*

D. soles
2568. Funds are used for the treatment of scabies:

A. sodium thiosulfate 60% and hydrochloric acid 6%*

B. benzyl benzoate 20% emulsion*

C. prednisolone ointment

D. iodine tincture
2569. Funds are used for the treatment of scabies:

A. sodium thiosulfate 6% hydrochloric acid 60%

B. nystatin cream

C. sulfuric ointment 33%*

D. spray Spregal*
2570.Scabies is not characteristic symptom:

A. Gorchakov-Ardi

B. nocturnal itching

C. Besnier-Meshchersky*

D. Nicholas *
2571.Scabies is not characteristic symptom:

A. Asbestos-Gentina*

B. Pilnov*

C. the Symptom triangle Merkelson

D. the pairing of elements
2572. The Streptococcus causes the disease:

A. impetigo*

B. folliculitis

C. Zayed road*

D. sycosis
2573. The Streptococcus causes the disease:

A. simple bubble herpes

B. superficial panaritium*

C. tinea

D. simple versicolor*
2574. Varieties of streptococcal impetigo:

A. impetigo nail ridges *

B. Zayed road *

C. furuncle

D. a simple bubble herpes
2575. Varieties of streptococcal impetigo:

A. syphilitic pemphigus

B. epidemic pemphigus

C. bullous impetigo*

D. intertriginous diaper rash*
2576. The outcome of the nodule is:

A. Ulcer

B. scale*

C. Atrophy

D. hyperpigmented spot*
2577. The outcome of the nodule is:

A. hypopigmented spot*

B. Peel

C. vanish*

D. Scar
2578.Main clinical forms of staphylococcal skin lesions:

A. pityriasis versicolor

B. herpes zoster

C. parasitic sycosis*

D. furuncle*
2579.Main clinical forms of staphylococcal skin lesions:

A. folliculitis *

B. carbuncle*

C. ecthyma vulgar

D. bullous impetigo
2580. To viral diseases include:

A. versicolor is a simple bubble*

B. lupus erythematosus

C. eczema

D. warts*
2581. To viral diseases include:

A. pemphigus vulgaris

B. herpes zoster *

C. molluscum contagiosum *

D. vulgaris sycosis
2582. Histological features characteristic of psoriasis:

A. acantholysis

B. acanthosis*

C. spongiose

D. Munro microabscesses*
2583. Histological features characteristic of psoriasis:

A. parakeratosis*

B. vacuolar degeneration

C. papillomatosis*

D. bulloneria degeneration
2584. The bubble allowed the formation of:

A. scar

B. peel*

C. ulcer

D. scale*
2585. The bubble allowed the formation of:

A. spot*

B. lichenification

C. erosion *

D. atrophy
2586. What primary morphological element precedes erosion:

A. Bulla*

B. vesicle *

C. Urtica

D. macula
2587. What disease is not part of dermatophytosis:

A. sporotrichosis*

B. hromomikoza*

C. rubrofitii

D. trichophytosis
2588. Specify the drug used in leprosy:

A. Dapsone *

B. sulfation *

C. monomitsin

D. delagil
2589. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

A. polkortolon *

B. acyclovir *

C. nizoral

D. nystatin
2590. Nikolsky sign is positive in:

A. true pemphigus*

B. medicamentous allergic stomatitis *

C. schoolderman

D. dermatitis herpetiformis during the
2591. Pathognomonic for eruptive eczema are:

A. the microvesicles *

B. peel

C. weeping erosions *

D. scales
2592. What are the main clinical signs are not characteristic of chronic eczema:

A. bright redness, swelling *

B. infiltration

C. microerosion, brown*

D. licensure
2593. For any of these viral diseases of the oral mucosa is not affected:

A. molluscum contagiosum *

B. simple bubble herpes

C. varicella

D. warts *
2594. Exclude lesions not typical for rubrofitia:

A. the palm

B. the mouth *

C. sole

D. hair *
2595. what pathogens are determined by the Method of staining by Ziehl-Nelson:

A. leprosy*

B. Leishmania

C. Treponema pallidum

D. the tubercle Bacillus *
2596. Specify a characteristic appearance and location of lesions pink lichen:

A. hyperemic spot*

B. vesicle

C. blister

D. on the trunk*
2597. Specify clinic if toxicodermia:

A. syndrome of Cesar

B. anaphylactic shock *

C. Lyell's syndrome*

D. Icinga syndrome-Cushing's
2598. Specify drug used in psoriasis:

A. blumarin

B. dexamethasone *

C. ethambutol

D. lorinden*
2599. Specify the symptoms of lupus erythematosus

A. a symptom of a ladies ' heel*

B. Nikolsky sign

C. symptom Gorchakov-Ardi

D. symptom Besnier –Meshchersky *
2600. After any primary cells formed by erosion:

A. bubble*

B. abscess *

C. spot

D. hump

2601. What phenomena are included in the psoriatic triad:

A. the phenomenon of a stearin stain*

B. the phenomenon of Apple jelly

C. the phenomenon terminalno film*

D. phenomenon and Lyell's syndrome

2602. Streptococcal pyoderma is differentiated with what disease:

A. eritrazma

B. bullous herpes *

C. herpes simplex*

2603. Deep dermatophytosis what differentiates diseases:

A. microsporia *

B. eritrazma

C. eczema

D. carbuncle*
2604. When the disease is not observed host:

A. herpes*

B. leprosy

C. lichen planus*

D. leishmaniasis
2605. In the dermis layers are distinguished:

A. Horny

B. net*

C. papillary*

D. granular
2606. By atypical solid ancram include:

A. indurative edema*

B. conflicts

C. balanoposthitis

D. chancre-amygdala*
2607. Specify the incorrect statement: the primary syphiloma can be complicated.

A. epididymitis*

B. orchitis*

C. paraphimosis

D. gangrenization
2608. Specify the incorrect statement: possible causes simple dermatitis.

A. oral administration of medications*

B. high temperature

C. low temperature

D. parenteral introduction in case the administration of medicines*
2609. For localized scleroderma unusual stage:

A. pustular

B. nepolitano hyperkeratosis *

C. follicular hyperkeratosis*

D. induration
2610. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

A. polkortolon*

B. nystatin

C. hydrocortisone*

D. flunil
2611. In the treatment of head lice is not used:

A. spregal

B. cycloferon*

C. 10C.20% emulsion of benzyl benzoate

D. mikozolon*
2612. Psoriatic erythroderma can develop after:

A. appointment ACTH*

B. application of ultraviolet irradiation to patients with the summer type of psoriasis

C. topical application of 5% ointment of salicylic acid

D. external use only 1% ointment salicylic acid *
2613. Add the secondary elements resulting from the transformation of the burl:

A. scale*

B. secondary pigmentation*

C. cork

D. ulcer
2614. Specify the clinical signs, characteristic of tertiary syphilis:

A. extensive warts *

B. the nodes

C. masorti

D. roseola *
2615. What are the main clinical signs are not characteristic of chronic eczema:

A. licensure

B. edema, microerosion *

C. infiltration

D. bright redness*
2616. In the stage of vesicles for topical therapy eczema apply only:

A. lotions*

B. creams

C. aerosols*

D. paste
2617. Specify the symptom is not characteristic for discoid forms of lupus erythematosus:

A. Lichenification*

B. Symptom of "Apple jelly" *

C. the Symptom of "butterfly".

D. Symptom Besnier-Meshchersky.
2618. What disease is among the group of neurodermatoses:

A. pruritus

B. allergicheskie dermatitis*

C. eczema*

D. urticaria
2619. What is unusual in the clinical picture of rosacea:

A. follicular hyperkeratosis*

B. erythema

C. follicular papules *

D. infiltration of the skin of the nose
2620. Specify the most characteristic symptom of scabies:

A. serous well

B. the paired arrangement of the elements *

C. evening and night itching*

D. impetiginized in the lesions
2621. Enter among the following surface form stafilodermii:

A. vulgaris sycosis*

B. carbuncle

C. furuncle

D. osteo folliculitis *
2623. In the therapy of lichen planus may apply:

A. diphenhydramine*

B. novopassit*

C. prednisolone

D. androgens
2624. In the primary stage of syphilis patients may meet all the characteristics of chromes.

A. lymphangitis

B. non-erosive papules *

C. negative Wassermann reaction

D. erosive papules*
2625. Select the most effective agent for the treatment of chlamydial urethritis:

A. tetracycline*

B. penicillin

C. doxycyclin*

D. levamisole
2626. One of the clinical signs are not typical for AIDS patients:

A. vitiligo*

B. recurrent herpes

C. lymphoma

D. scabies*
2627. Specify drug, used in pemphigus vulgaris:

A. prednisolone*

B. dexamethasone*

C. monomitsin

D. Orungal
2628. Specify drug used in the treatment of scabies:

A. 20% benzyl benzoate *

B. Vishnevsky ointment

C. the aerosols of Spregal*

D. 10% syntomycin ointment
2629. Specify the medication used for candidiasis of the skin:

A. Orungal*

B. flonal *

Furazolidone C.

D. bactrim
2630. Specify drugs used in the progressive stage of psoriasis:

A. psoriasin ointment

B. 2% salicylic ointment*

C. cream unna*

D. ointment dermatol
2631. Specify the phenomenon are characteristic of lichen planus:

A. Cabrera*

B. grid Wickham *

C. fish caviar

D. tissue paper
2632. Specify the symptoms characteristic of multi-colored lichen:

A. peeling*

B. Kerner

C. sample Wickham

D. sample Signs *
2633. Specify a drug that cannot be set under a persistent white dermographism:

A. calcium chloride*

B. pirogenal

C. sodium thiosulfate

D. calcium gluconate *
2634. Specify the drug used in herpes zoster:

A. delagil

B. oxoline *

C. bonafton*

D. Dapsone
2635. Specify the clinical symptoms characteristic of sycosis:

A. rheumatic pain

B. localization on the skin of the Mons pubis *

C. chronically relapsing course *

D. nodules
2636 . Clinical signs of herpes simplex is not:

A. lichen sclerosis*

B. eczema herpeticum

C. cicatricial atrophy*

D. meningoencephalitis
2637. Which of diseases is not a manifestation of HIV infection:

A. diarrhea

B. scabies *

C. Kaposi's sarcoma

D. vitiligo *
2638. That is not typical for psoriasis:

A. you can call animals in a laboratory*

B. may first appear after birth

C. not due to seasonality *

D. due to seasonality
2639. Specify the characteristic symptom blister:

A. occurs due to the intra-cellular edema *

B. peeling on the surface of the blister

C. leave behind after erosion

D. quickly appears and disappears *
2640. What clinical manifestations are characteristic of secondary recurrent syphilis:

A. indurative edema

B. alopecia *

C. parenchymatous keratitis

D. leukoderma *
2641. What clinical symptoms are not in patients with primary syphilis:

A. indurative edema

B. extensive warts *

C. Palmar-plantar papules *

D. chancre-panaritium
2642 . Specify the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated chancre:

A. signs of inflammation

B. saped edge

C. painless ulcer *

D. dense infiltration at the base of the ulcer*
2643. For patients with chancroid is not typical:

A. signs of inflammation

B. inclined to autoinoculation

C. the absence of pain*

D. solid infiltration *
2644. In the treatment of gardnerellosis used:

A. tinidazole *

B. penicillin

C. metronidazole *

D. erythromycin
2645. For the diagnosis of some diseases is applied research using

wood's lamp:

A. microsporia*

B. eritrazma *

C. pityriasis rosea.

D. vitiligo.

2646. What primary morphological element precedes erosion:

A. none of the listed

B. tubercle

C. gnojnice *

D. bubble *
2647. What primary morphological element precedes the ulcer:

A. bubble

B. blister

C. the node*

D. bump *
2648. Specify the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated chancre:

A. dense infiltration at the base of the ulcer *

B. purulent discharge

C. saped edge

D. painless ulcer *
2649. What pustular disease of the skin does not occur in infants:

A. vesiculopustules

B. sycosis *

C. hydradenitis *

D. pseudoharengus finger
2650. Specify the types of seborrhea:

A. dry *

B. vulgar

C. leaf

D. bold *

2651. What clinical symptom seen with lupus erythematosus:

A. symptom of Pincus

B. Symptom Besnier-Meshchersky *

C. "blood dew"

D. "ladies ' heel" *

2652. Name the atypical form of psoriasis:

A. justiceability /rupiny/ *

B. coin

C. scalp

D. intertriginous *
2653. What is the most severe form of psoriasis:

A. geographical

B. nummularnyi

C. erythrodermic *

D. artropaticheskom *
2654. Name the localization of elements at pustular psoriasis of the Barber:

A. red border of the lips

B. the sole *

C. palm*

D. the skin of the genital area
2655. Name the type of pustular psoriasis :

A. psoriasis Combucha*

B. psoriasis of the Barber*

C. lichenoid

D. nummularnyi
2656. What clinical sign is characteristic of dermatitis Duhring:

A. sclerodactyly

B. blood eosinophilia *

C. microfocal pattern baldness

D. eosinophilia content bubble *
2657. What are clinical types of cutaneous leishmaniasis You know:

A. nedifferentsirovannost type

B. late - ulcerated type *

C. acute - nitrotyrosine type*

D. erythematous-samotny type
2658. Name the clinical varieties of the disease Borovsky:

A. papistry

B. acute nitrotyrosine type*


D. city type *
2659. Which layer is not part of the epidermis:

A. granular

B. papillary *

C. net*

D. prickly
2660. Specify the types of seborrhea:

A. dry *

B. vegetative

C. leaf

D. bold *
2661. What diseases belong to the group of stafilodermy:

A. slit-like vulgar ecthyma impetigo

B. epidemic pemphigus*

C. impetigo nail ridges

D. impetigo of Bockhart*
2662. What tools have antipruritic property:

A. menthol*

B. salicylic acid

C. tar

D. anestezin *
2663. What pyoderma occur only in newborns and infants:

A. hydradenitis

B. the boil

C. vesiculopustules*

D. exfoliative dermatitis *
2664. What are morphological elements typical of Ritter's dermatitis:

A. tubercles

B. erosion *

C. papules

D. bubbles*
2665. Localization of the rash in scabies:

A. interdigital spaces of the hands*

B. interdigital spaces stop

C. the skin around the navel, inner thighs*

D. places of a congestion of the sebaceous glands
2666. What are secondary morphological element:

A. vegetation*

B. abscess

C. the knot

D. ulcer *
2667. Name the proliferative morphological element:

A. abscess

B. the node *

C. burl*

D. bubble
2668. Acantholysis is the morphological basis of the symptom:

Nicholas A.*

B. Wickham;

C. Pospelova

D. Asbestos-Hansen *
2669. What clinical sign is characteristic of dermatitis Duhring:

A. leukopenia

B. cryoglobulinemia

C. eosinophilia in the blood *

D. eosinophilia content bubble *
2670. What are the tests uses for the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring:

A. sample 2C.3% solution of potassium iodide *

B. 50% ointment with potassium iodide *

C. 3C.x test Thompson

D. iodine test Signs
2671. What medicines are most effective when dermatitis Duhring:

A. DDS *

B. Biseptol

C. corticosteroids *

D. vitamins In
2672. Specify the features of papules in lichen planus:

A. umbilicate indentation*

B. edge peeling

C. rich peeling

D. purple tint *
2673. Name the type of pustular psoriasis:

A. psoriasis Kaposi

B. psoriasis of the Barber*

C. psoriasis Combucha*

D. lichenoid
2674. What skin areas are usually free of lesions at the LCP:

A. radiocarpal joints

B. the sole *

C. flexion of the legs

D. hands*
2675. What dermatosis should be differentiated lichen planus:

A. artifactual dermatitis

B. psoriasis*

C. secondary syphilis*

D. pityriasis versicolor
2676. Name the localization of elements at pustular psoriasis of the Barber:

A. palm*

B. the red border of the lips

C. scalp

D. soles *
2677. Specify the true types of eczema:

A. numulyarnaya

B. disgidroticheskaya *

C. prodigiosa *

D. seborrheic
2678. When mnogoformnuû rash the exudative erythema is:

A. in the form of arcs*

B. in pairs

C. grouped the course of nerves

D. in the form of rings *
2679.Morphological elements typical of the clinic of uncomplicated scabies:

A. bubble

B. spot

C. the vial*

D. nodule*.
2680.The causative agents of pustular diseases of the skin:

A. Streptococcus*

B. E. coli

C. Staphylococcus aureus*

D. the tubercle Bacillus
2681.The localization of furuncle:

A. the neck *

B. lips

C. mucosa of the oral cavity

D. the region of the back*
2682. Hydradenitis is localized:

A. the palm

B. peripapillary area*

C. the underarm*

D. Shin
2683. Clinical varieties of streptococcal impetigo:

A. deep folliculitis

B. sycosis

C. impetigo slit*

D. bullous impetigo*
2684 . Clinical signs of herpes simplex is not:

A. eczema herpeticum

B. cicatricial atrophy*

C. lichen sclerosus*

D. meningoencephalitis
2685. Which of diseases is not a manifestation of HIV infection:

A. Kaposi's sarcoma

B. scabies*

C. vitiligo*

C. diarrhea
2686. That is not typical for psoriasis:

A. may first appear after birth

B. not due to seasonality*

C. you can call animals in a laboratory*

D. due to seasonality
2687. Specify the characteristic symptom blister:

A. scaling on the surface of the blister

B. quickly appears and disappears*

C. leave behind after erosion

D. occurs at the expense of intra-cellular edema*
2688. What clinical manifestations are characteristic of secondary recurrent syphilis:

A. parenchymatous keratitis

B. alopecia*

C. leukoderma*

D. indurative edema
2689. What clinical symptoms are not in patients with primary syphilis:

A. Palmar-plantar papules*

B. indurative edema

C. extensive warts*

D. chancre-panaritium
2690 . Specify the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated chancre:

A. dense infiltration at the base of the ulcer*

B. the signs of inflammation

C. the absence of treponemes in the discharge of ulcers

D. painless ulcer*
2691. For patients with chancroid is not typical:

A. the absence of pain*

B. solid infiltration*

C. signs of inflammation

D. the lesions are formed after 2-3 days on-site implementation of streptobacilli
2692. In the treatment of gardnerellosis used:

A. erythromycin

B. metronidazole*

C. penicillin

D. tinidazole*
2693. For the diagnosis of some diseases is applied research using

wood's lamp:

A. pityriasis rosea

B. eritrazma*

C. microspores*

D. vitiligo

2694. What primary morphological element precedes erosion:

A. tubercle

B. bubble*

C. none of the listed

D. gnojnice*
2695. What primary morphological element precedes the ulcer:

A. bubble

B. blister

C. the node*

D. bump*
2696. Specify the symptoms characteristic of uncomplicated chancre:

A. dense infiltration at the base of the ulcer*

B. painless ulcer*

C. saped edge

D. purulent discharge
2697. What pustular disease of the skin does not occur in infants:

A. vesiculopustules

B. sycosis*

C. hydradenitis*

D. pseudoharengus finger
2698. Specify the types of seborrhea:

A. vulgar

B. bold*

C. leaf

D. dry*
2699. What clinical symptom seen with lupus erythematosus:

A. "lady's thumb"*

B. a symptom of the Pincus

C. "blood dew"

D. symptom Besnier-Meshchersky*
2700. Name the atypical form of psoriasis:

A. coin

B. intertriginous*

C. scalp

D. justiceability /rupiny/*

2701. What is the most severe form of psoriasis:

A. artropaticheskom*

B. nummularnyi

C. erythrodermic*

D. geographical

2702. Name the localization of elements at pustular psoriasis of the Barber:

A. red border of the lips

B. the sole*

C. palm*

D. the skin of the genital area
2703. Name the type of pustular psoriasis :

A. psoriasis Combucha*

B. lichenoid

C. psoriasis of the Barber*

D. nummularnyi
2704. What clinical sign is characteristic of dermatitis Duhring:

A. sclerodactyly

B. microfocal pattern baldness

C. blood eosinophilia*

D. eosinophilia content bubble*
2705. What are clinical types of cutaneous leishmaniasis You know:

A. acute nitrotyrosine type*

B. lepromatous type

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