Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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B. vulgar*

C. vegetative*

D. annular

E. syndrome Stevens-Jones

F. epidemic pemphigus newborns
2822. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is a node:

A. tuberculosis of the skin*

B. genital warts

C. tertiary syphilis *

D. psoriasis

D leishmaniasis of the skin*.

F. angioedema
2823. Under what medicine the main element of the rash is pimple:

A. molluscum contagiosum*

B. warts *

C. psoriasis*

D. lichen planus

E. pityriasis rosea Gibert

F. pemphigus
2824. Clinical symptoms of discoid lupus erythematosus:

A. erythema*

B. blister

C. atrophy*

D. bubbles

E. tightly sitting scales*

F. abscesses
2825. Koebner's phenomenon is not observed in the following diseases:

A. lichen planus

B. psoriasis

C. vitiligo

D. leprosy *

E. folliculitis*

F. pityriasis versicolor*
2826. Under what medicine the main element of the rash is not pimple:

A. molluscum contagiosum

B. herpes zoster*

C. psoriasis

D. lichen planus

E. pityriasis rosea Gibert*

F. pemphigus*

2827. If any element of dermatosis rash is not a bubble:

A. herpes simplex

B. herpes zoster

C. genital herpes

D. pityriasis rosea Gibert *

E. pemphigus *

F. erythematous*

2828. Dermatosis at what primary morphological element is not a node:

A. tertiary syphilis

B. leprosy

C. psoriasis*

D. genital warts*

E. angioedema *

F. all answers are not correct
2829. True polymorphism is characteristic for-

A. eczema*

B. dermatitis Duhring*

C. mnogoformnuû exudative erythema*

D. psoriasis

E. lichen planus

F. tinea versicolor
2830. Name the atypical form of primary syphiloma:

A. indurative edema *

B. the chancre-amygdala*

C. chancre-panaritium*

D. diffuse pigmentation

E. fagedenizm

F. all answers are not correct
2831. Add the secondary items that are not the result of the transformation of the knot:

A. secondary spot

B. vanish

C. scales

D. erosion*

E. ulcer *

F. scar*
2832. Complication of hard chancre is:

A. pagedevice*

B. phimosis*

C. balanoposthitis*

D. impetigo

E. urethral stricture

F. all answers are not correct
2833. What drugs are used for photochemotherapy in psoriasis:

A. psoralen*

B. povalen*

C. ammifurin*

D. acyclovir

E. nystatin

F. lamisil
2834. What type of external therapy is prescribed in case of progressive stage of psoriasis:

A. corticosteroid ointment*

B. method of dem'yanovich

C. softening ointments*

D. ointment "Psoriasin"

E. 1-2% salicylic ointment*

F. all answers are not correct
2835. For secondary syphilis is characterized by:

A. pustular *

B. roseolous rash*

C. papular rash*

D. Gumma

E. chancre and polyadenylation

F. all answers are not correct
2836. Diagnosis of acute prostatitis, based on the results of the above studies:

A. General analysis of blood

B. biochemical analysis of blood

C. examination of the skin

D. palpation of the prostate*

E. ultrasound of the prostate*

F. ureteroscopy*
2837. What drug is effective for genital herpes:

A. Alkaryl *

B. Neovir*

C. Acyclovir*

D. Sandimmune

E. Diprospan

F. all answers are not correct
2838. The clinical picture disgidroticheskaya form of athlete's foot:

A. bullas*

B. peel

C. edema*

D. bumps

E. bubbles*

F. lichenification
2839. The clinical picture of infiltrative-nagnoitel'noj ringworm:

A. inflammatory infiltrate*

B. pustule*

C. hair loss*

D. lichenification

E. blisters

F. bullas
2840. Clinical symptoms Jock itch:

A. spot red*

B. the border is sharply limited*

C. Blisters*

D. nodes

E. hill

F. blisters
2841. The most frequent localization of superficial candidiasis of the skin:

A. folds of skin*

B. the corners of the mouth*

C. flexor surface of wrists*

D. vulva

E. hair

F. internal organs
2842. Fungal diseases of the skin are called:

A. epidermofiton*

B. Trichophyton *

C. Microsporum*

D. bacilli of Hansen

E. Mycobacterium Koch

F. all answers are not correct
2843. The main clinical signs of lesions of the mucous membranes with candidiasis:

A. erosive surface*

B. ulcers

C. papules of the mucous*

D. bumps

E. white films*

F. nodes
2844. the drugs used in the treatment of fungal infections:

A. griseofulvin*

B. Ceftriaxone

C. Fluconazol*

D. lindamycin

E. nizoral*

F. penicillin
2845 Localization of the rash in scabies in adults:

A. interdigital folds of the hands*

B. palm

C. the skin of the abdomen*

D. nails

E. the flexor surface of forearms*

F. soles
2846. The main clinical signs of scabies:

A. itching in the evening and at night*

B. the paired arrangement of morphological elements*

C. папулаD. vesicle*

D. nodes

E. acantholysis

F. blisters
2847. Funds are used for the treatment of scabies:

A. sodium thiosulfate 60% and hydrochloric acid 6%*

B. benzyl benzoate 20% emulsion*

C. prednisolone ointment

D. iodine tincture

E. sulfur ointment 33%*

F. nystatin cream
2848. Morphological elements characteristic of the clinic of uncomplicated scabies:

A. a knot*

B. bubble*

C. Spot*

D. hump

E. abscess

F. all answers are not correct
2849. Scabies is not characteristic symptom:

A. Gorchakov-Ardi

B. a symptom of the triangle

C. nocturnal itching

D. Nicholas *

E. Asbestos-Gentina*

F. Pylnova*
2850. The causative agents of pustular diseases of the skin:

A. Streptococcus *

B. Staphylococcus*

C. Proteus*

D. the tubercle Bacillus

E. Escherichia coli

F. Corynebacterium

2851. The Streptococcus causes the disease:

A. impetigo*

B. folliculitis

C. Zayed road*

D. sycosis

E. superficial panaritium*

F. shingles

2852. Varieties of streptococcal impetigo:

A. impetigo nail ridges *

B. Zayed road *

C. bullous impetigo*

D. furuncle

E. a simple bubble herpes

F. epidemic pemphigus
2853. Clinical signs specific for staphylococcal deep pustules:

A. is riddled with hair*

B. located on the smooth skin

C. pus thick*

D. pus liquid

E. hemispherical form*

F. surrounded by a halo of hyperemia
2854. Hydradenitis is localized:

A. armpits*

B. soles

C. palm*

D. Shin

E. peripapillary area*

F. scalp
2855. Main clinical forms of staphylococcal skin lesions:

A. folliculitis *

B. carbuncle*

C. parasitic sycosis*

D. pityriasis versicolor

E. herpes zoster

F. ecthyma vulgar
2856. Irritants cause irritant contact dermatitis:

A. mechanical*

B. drug parenteral introduction in case

C. low temperature*

D. alimentary

E. high temperature*

F. all answers are not correct
2857. Characteristic of eczema:

A. erythema, swelling*

B. oozing "serous wells"*

C. vesicles*

D. Gumma

E. roseola

F. tubercles
2858. To viral diseases include:

A. versicolor is a simple bubble*

B. vulgaris sycosis

C. molluscum contagiosum *

D. eczema

E. lupus erythematosus

F. herpes zoster *
2859. For herpes zoster is characterized by:

A. pain *

B. bubbles*

C. a lesion in the nerve endings*

D. nodes

E. pigmented

F. blisters
2860. What is the number of drugs not applicable in case of dermatitis Duhring

A. the number of Sulfonic

B. steroid hormones*

C. cytostatics*

D. eubiotics*

E. sulfon

F. all answers are not correct
2861. Clinical manifestations typical for professional eczema:

A. hyperemia*

B. vezikulyatsia *

C. weeping*

D. vegetation

E. tubercles

F. all answers are not correct
2862. The bubble allowed the formation of:

A. spot*

B. peel*

C. erosion *

D. ulcer

E. the scar

F. lichenification
2863. Monomorphic rash in medicine:

A. urticaria*

B. psoriasis *

C. lichen planus*

D. secondary syphilis

E. eczema

F. dermatitis Duhring
2864. What type of topical treatment is not prescribed for progressivnoj stage of psoriasis?

A. 2% salicylic ointment

B. 10% salicylic ointment*

C. 20% benzyl-benzoate*

D. cream unna

E. "ointment "psoriasin"*

F. all answers are not correct
2865. Clinical signs of psoriasis:

A. the presence of papules*

B. peeling*

C. koebner's phenomenon*

D. bumps

E. nodes

F. scars
2866. Main clinical forms of psoriasis:

A. vulgar *

B. subacute

C. pustular*

D. while

E. artropaticheskom*

F. sharp
2867. Histological features characteristic of psoriasis:

A. parakeratosis*

B. acanthosis*

C. papillomatosis*

D. sponges

E. acantholysis

F. vacuolar degeneration
2868. Clinical stage and types of psoriasis:

A. stationary*

B. progressive*

C. regressing*

D. subacute

E. sharp

F. all answers are not correct
2869. Phenomena typical for psoriasis:

A. stearin spot*

B. terminal film *

C. blood dew*

D. Asbestos-Hansen

E. Stevens-Jones

F. all answers are not correct
2870. For lupus erythematosus symptoms:

A. erythema*

B. follicular hyperkeratosis*

C. cicatricial atrophy*

D. grid Wickham

E. mukovidnoe peeling

F. the symptom of Cabrera
2871. Stage of scleroderma:

A. atrophy*

B. hyperkeratosis

C. seal*

D. peeling

E. edema*

F. parakeratosis
2872. Periods of the syphilis:

A. incubation*

B. primary*

C. secondary*

D. all right

E. sharp

F. subacute
2873. Main clinical forms of leprosy:

A. Tuberculoid*

B. Tuberous

C. Lepromatous*

D. Kollikvativnom

E. Undifferentiated*

F. Sharp
2874. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:

A. intertriginous*

B. disgidroticheskaya*

C. squamous*

D. worn

E. sharp

F. chronic
2875. Diseases related to dermatophytosis:

A. dermatophytosis*

B. pityriasis versicolor

C. athlete's groin*

D. eritrazma

E. microspores*

F. psoriasis
2876. Specify drugs used in pemphigus vulgaris:

A. prednisolone *

B. triamcinolon *

C. dexamethasone*

D. sulfadimetoksin

E. Dapsone

F. monomitsin
2877. What drugs is used to treat


A. 20 % benzyl –benzoate ointment*

B. spray Spregal *

C. 33% sulfuric ointment*

D. 5 % naphthalan ointment

E. 5% sulfur ointment

F. hydrocream

2878. With what diseases should be differentiated scabies:

A. atopic dermatitis *

B. pruritus*

C. pruritus*

D. pityriasis rosea

E. herpes zoster

F. tinea versicolor
2879. Name the obligate factor of dermatitis:

A. concentrated acid *

B synthetic detergents

C. concentrated alkali*

D. jewelry gold

E. . boiling water*

F. jewelry made of platinum
2880. Allergic reaction to the medication may occur:

A. bullous rash*

B. vesicular*

C. erythema*

D. symptom Pylnova

E. papular rash

F. all answers are not correct
2881 . Specify the kind of toxicodermia:

A. fixed erythema*

B. iododerma*

C. bromoderma*

D. psoriasis

E. perniosis

F. pellagrozny dermatitis
2882 . What medications are more likely to cause fixed erythema:

A. sulfadimetoksin*

B. Biseptol*

C. norsulfazol*

D. analgin

E. aspirin

F. tavegil
2883. What disease should be differentiated common toksikodermiya:

A. pityriasis rosea Gibert *

B. acne rosacea

C. exfoliative dermatitis*

D. pyoderma

E. the syndrome of Stevens-Johnson*

F. disease of Borovsk
2884. Indicate the typical localization at the mnogoformnuû exudative erythema:

A. the back of the hand*

B. the rear brake *

C. mucous membranes*

D. scalp

E. the interdigital spaces of the hands

F. the side surfaces of the extremities
2885. What factors are important in the development of mnogoformnuû of erythema multiforme:

A. seasonality*

B. hypothermia*

C. chronic infection*

D. hypersensitivity to fluoride

E. hereditary

F. hypersensitivity to iodine
2886. What differentiate exudative dermatoses mnogoformnuû erythemal:

A. pemphigus vulgaris *

B. Lyell's syndrome*

C. scrofuloderma

D. strophulus

E. exfoliative dermatitis*

F. erythema induratum of Bazin
2887. Specify pathogenetic factors of pink lichen Gibert:

A. viral infection*

B. streptococcal infection*

C. vaccination*

D. yeast

E. hypofunction of the sebaceous glands

F. hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands
2888. Specify the variety of microbial eczema:

A. seksitarina*

B. varicose*

C. sysformat*

D. adult

E. idiopathic

F. horn
2889. What clinical sign is characterized by a rash with true eczema:

A. true polymorphism*

B. symmetry*

C. assimetria

D. ephemeral blisters

E. symptom of "serous wells"*

F. indurative edema
2890. What are the symptoms seen with discoid lupus:

A. symptom Khachaturian*

B. the symptom of "lady heel"*

C. symptom Besnier-Meshchersky *

D. the collar of Byetta

The collar E. Voronov

F. mesh Witham
2891. Specify types of scleroderma:

A. stripy*

B. white spot disease*

C. surface*

D. infiltrative

E. intertriginous

F. vulgar
2892. Lichen planus is characterized by:

A. papular rash*

B.. umbilicated*

C. predominant localization on the flexor surfaces of the extremities*

D. the absence of subjective feelings

E. urticaria rash

F. tubercles
2893. For lichen planus is characterized by:

A. irregular thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis*

B. vnutriarterialno microabcesses

C. moderate hyperkeratosis*

D. parakeratosis

E. acanthosis*

F. disorganization of collagen fibers
2894. What clinical symptom is pathognomonic for lichen planus:

A. grid Wickham*

B. umbilicate indentation*

C. purple colour*

D. symptom of Auspice

E. cells Tzenka

F. all answers are not correct
2895. What diseases does not belong to the group of viral dermatoses:

A. extensive warts*

B. psoriasis*

C. lichen planus*

D. simple bubble лишайD.

E. genital warts

F. all answers are not correct
2896. Vascular spot is:

A. Erythema*

B. Roseola*

C. Teleangioektasia*

D. Lentigo

E. Leucoderma

F. Naevus
2897. Primary morphological elements:

A. bubble*

B. bubble*

C. bump*

D. ulcer

E. Erosion

F. all answers are not correct
2898. Secondary morphological elements:

A. Ulcer*

B. Burl

C. Cork*

D. Volder

E. Erosion*

F. all answers are not correct
2899 . The bubble is formed by:

A. Eczema*

B. herpes simplex*

C. herpes zoster*

D. Psoriasis

E. the LCP

F. all answers are not correct
2900. The outcome of the nodule is:

A. hypopigmented spot*

B. Scale*

C. vanish*

D. Ulcer

E. Atrophy

F. all answers are not correct

2901. Exudative morphological element is:

A. Vesicle*

B. Tubercle

C. Abscess*

D. Papule

D Blister*.

F. all answers are not correct

2902. Layers of epidermis:

A. basal *

B. thorn*

C. granular*

D. fat

E. hypodermally

F. all answers are not correct
2903. Have a cavity morphological elements:

A. abscess*

B. bubble*

C. bubble*

D. node

E. blister

F. all answers are not correct
2904. The rash is polymorphic if:

A. secondary syphilis*

B. eczema*

C. dermatitis Duhring*

D. warts

E. psoriasis

F. all answers are not correct
2905. Monomorphic rash in medicine:

A. psoriasis*


C. urticaria*

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. herpes zoster

F. all answers are not correct
2906. Clinical signs of psoriasis:

A. the presence of papules*

B. peeling*

C. koebner's phenomenon*

D. blisters

E. tubercles

F. all answers are not correct
2907. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

A. koebner's phenomenon*

B. polygonal papules*

C. pupkoobraznym depressions in the center*

D. blisters

E. nodes

F. tubercles
2908. Agents used topically in the treatment of psoriasis:

A. gel Skin cap*

B. corticosteroid ointment*

C. salicylic ointment

D. Castellani paint

D . Diprosalic ointment*

F. all the answers are not correct
2909. Phenomena typical for psoriasis:

A. stearin spot*

B. terminal film*

C. blood dew*

D. matching items

E. Wickham

F. ladies ' heel
2910. The signs of true polymorphism of rash for dermatitis Duhring:

A. bullas*

B. knot*

C. spot*

D. hump

E. node

F. lichenification
2911. Clinical varieties of pemphigus:

A. vulgar*

B. exudative

C. leaf*

D. psoriasiform

E. vegetative*

F. papular
2912. For lupus erythematosus symptoms:

A. follicular hyperkeratosis*

B. cicatricial atrophy*

C. erythema*

D. grid Wickham

E. mukovidnoe peeling

F. the symptom of Cabrera
2913. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:

A. intertriginous*

B. erased

C. squamous*

D. psoriasiform

E. disgidroticheskaya*

F. pustular
2914. Diseases related to dermatophytosis:

A. athlete's groin*

B. microspores*

C. dermatophytosis*

D. eritrazma

E. hromomikoza

F. impetigo
2915 Antibiotics used in the treatment of candidiasis:

A. nystain*

B. flonal*

C. levorin*

D. cephalosporins

E. doxycyclin

F. kanamycin
2916. When artropaticheskom appropriate will appoint all of the above, except-


B. penicillin*

C. synthetic anti-malarial drugs*

D. antioxidants

E. mineralocorticoid drugs

F. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
2917. Typical eruptive lichen planus elements have the following features, except-

A. preferential localization on the face*

B. symptom Pylnova*

C. flat papules, polygonal, reddish-purple color

D. waxy luster*

E. Wickham mesh on the surface of papules

F. all answers are not correct
2918. Monomorphic rash can be:

A. psoriasis*

B. lichen planus*

C. warts *

D. erythema multiforme

E. microbial eczema

F. dermatitis Duhring
2919. Hyperkeratosis is characteristic of:

A. psoriasis*

B. ichthyosis*

C. sycosis

D. bullous impetigo

E. warts *

F. all answers are not correct
2920. Woman, 25 years old, married 3 годD. When the survey was diagnosed with chronic endocervicitis, adnexitis. Smears D. leukocytosis, gonococcus and Trichomonas not found. My daughter 1.5 years of acute gonorrheal vulvovaginitis etiologies. Correct doctor's tactics:

A. use of a combination of provocation with subsequent bacteriological and bacterioscopic study*

B. prescription of antibacterial drugs according to the sensitivity of the bacterial

flora to antibiotics*

C. the treatment scheme of chronic gonorrhea*

D. prescription of corticosteroids

E. appointment of antihistamines

F. antifungal drugs

2921. What type of topical treatment should

to choose with weeping skin inflammations:

A. lotions*

B. aerosols*

C. aniline dyes*

D. Prater Park

E. cream

F. all answers are not correct

2922. The patient was diagnosed as anterior urethritis chlamydial etiology. What antibiotic group

to prescribe to the patient:

A. aminoglycosides*

B. fluorinated quinolones

C. macrolides*

D. antimalarial

E. tetracycline*

F. cephalosporins In generation

2923. Girls vulvovaginitis Trichomonas etiology characterized by all of these

symptoms except-

A. frothy discharge from the genital slit*

B. the absence of itching*

C. atrophy of the external genitalia*

D. infiltrative lesions

E. frequent and painful urination

F. itch in the vulva

2924 What kind of lotions should choose to oozing of the infected skin surface:

A. ivanyevo*

B. furatsilinovoy*

C. with potassium permanganate*

D. lead

E. tannin

F. boric acid
2925. Diagnostic tests of allergic dermatitis are samples.

A. drip*

B. compression *

C. prick*

D. Baltser

E. Adamson

F. all answers are not correct
2926. To frequent complications of atopic dermatitis include all of these except

A. membrane-destructive processes in the epithelium of the urinary organs during exacerbation

atopic dermatitis*

B. polyadenylation of

C. hyperthyroidism *

D. poor sleep, irritability

E. urethritis*

F. painful and persistent itching

2927. Diagnosis of acute prostatitis, based on the results of the above studies, except-

A. General analysis of blood*

B. biochemical analysis of blood*

C. examination of the skin*

D. palpation of the prostate

E. ultrasound of the prostate

F. all answers are not correct
2928. Examination of children with atopic dermatitis with the aim to understand all of the above, except

A. identifying the source of microbial sensitization*

B. identification of sepsis in affected skin lesions*

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