Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı

Carpological Studies on The Populations of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) in Kastamonu Area

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Carpological Studies on The Populations of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) in Kastamonu Area

Hippophae L. taxon, which belongs to the family Elaeagnaceae has a wide distribution in Asia and Europe. According to the last records that are obtained, this genus is represented by 7 species and 9 subspecies nowadays. It is known that there is only Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. caucasica Rousi in Turkey.

Due to its being very important in terms of ecology and economy and due to the fact that there is a limited number of research on this taxon about the carpologic aspect in Turkey, this population has been chosen as research subject.

In this research, morphological traits of seeds and fruits belonging to Hippophae rhamnoides L. taxons collected from Kastamonu area (Kastamonu, Çorum, Çankırı) in Black Sea region have been investigated.

Fruit, seed and pedicel (length-width) dimensions which are the diognastic character for Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. caucasica have been measured and their shapes have been analyzed. The results of measurements have been presented in charts and the shapes and the colours of the fruit, the seed have been shown with the utmost care. It is observed that measurement results belonging to the collected shapes and colours of specimens are quite different. Our results obtained have been commented and discussed by comparing them with the research results publised before.

Measurement results have been shown morphologic differences among populations by using UPGMA Cluster analysis in dendogram.

The climatic diagrams have been utilized to scrutinize whether there is a significant association between the morphologic characters of the specimens collected from different areas and the environment. According to the results obtained from the climatic diagrams belonging to Kastamonu, Tosya, Çorum and Çankırı, it has been observed that variations on seed and fruit characters do not stem from the ecologic conditions, it has been revealed that there are taxonomic problems belonging to the specimens of Hippophae rhamnoides in the research area and it has been demonstrated that in Turkey not only H. rhamnoides subsp. caucasica Rousi exist but also the other taxon or taxons exist.

With researchers from the different fields of science it will be convenient to research again and to overhaul the taxonomy of this taxon which has a wide distribution in different ecologic conditions in Turkey.

To preserve the distribution area and to maintain the propogation of this taxon which is very significant in terms of economy will contribute to the economy of our country to a considerable extent.

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