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Chemical Characterization of Cones, Wood and Needles of Pinus Pinea

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Chemical Characterization of Cones, Wood and Needles of Pinus Pinea

Chemical analyses of cones, woods and needles obtained from trees grown four different regions. The materials were taken from Izmir Bergama Kozak Gobeller and Asagıcuma, Bursa Armutlu Muftuciftligi and Artvin Coruh Cerattepe (Gene Protection Forest).

The purpose of this study was to complete the knowledge in the literature about the chemical composition of Pinus pinea cone, wood and needle. As a waste the cone of this species has a potential and some suggestions can be made how this important waste can industrially be used instead of burning it. In this work, firstly main wood analysis was performed for cone and wood, then the acid soluble and insoluble lignin amounts of cone, wood and holocellulose were determined and summative analysis was calculated by using these values. Fenolic components were also examined in cones which were investigated the possibility of using in tannin industry.

Samples of fresh needle taken from three pine natural growing area in Turkey, firstly were subject to steam distillation, then obtained essential oil was examined in GC-MS. With determined of needle’s volatile components, to remove the lacking information about Pine Tree in Turkey was aimed.

The results of chemical analysis, when the cones compare with the amount of extractive material, lowest quantity was determined the samples of Coruh area. After successive extraction ethanol-sikloheksan, ethanol and 1 % NaOH solution, total extractives’ quantities were between 23 % and 30 %. Values of ashes in cones were higher (1%) than wood and this value of Coruh samples were lower than othes.

When It is examined lignin, being one of the basic wood components, generally quantity of acid unsoluble lignin in cones was 33-38 % value and higher than wood. When the amount of acid soluble lignin was compared with softwood, this value was higher than softwood (around % 1). Also, after phenolic components of cones were removed with 1 % NaOH extraction, residue lignin values were determined around 24 % and this value was lower than softwood. The holocellulose content of cones was lower than softwoods and compensated the high amount of lignin.

The analysis of acid unsoluble and soluble lignin in holocellulose were performed, real holocellulose content and summative analysis was calculated by using this results,

Phenolic components in cones were examined with two different methods of condensed tannin and also hydrolised tannin. While total phenol’s quantities in samples were changing between 20 % and 29 %, condansed tannin amount were between 9 % and 13 %. Hydrolysed tannins like gallo and ellagtannin were not determined because of the colour reaction which is required to spectroscopic measure was not occured.

Some wood samples were separeted heartwood and sapwood, than main wood analysis were performed these samples. The ash content in sapwood was a bit higher than heartwood .

The amount of total extractives (18-22 %) in heartwood was higher than sapwood (3-5 %). Total lignin’s value of wood samples was lower than in sample of cones (27,6-29,8 %). On the contrary the content of holocellulose was higher than it.

Furthermore, the fresh needles obtained from Kozak area were steam distillated and the composition of essential oil was determined, as the main component limonen with 19,96 %, followed it 9,95 % α-terpinon, 3,66 % lauric acid, 3,63 % β-caryophyllene and 2,75 % linalool.


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