Cultural Context Revolutions represented a challenge to the 18th century political, social, religious, philosophical and artistic ideals that were no longer considered adequate. The balance and symmetry of the early 18th century society was in danger of collapsing under the weight of new ideas about man and nature, freedom and democracy, art and literature.
By the end of the century, many poets and artists had started reacting against the suppression of human nature. They refused to treat man as a "social animal" and believed in the importance of the individual and his creative potential. These artists were called Romantics.
The word “romantic” comes from the French word “roman”, the name for medieval tales written in Romanic (Venacular French) dialect. The term was initially used in the middle of the 17th century in a derogatory way to mean “exaggerated, unconvincing”. Later, it took on a positive meaning and described the expression of personal feelings and emotions. Romanticism was a European cultural movement which involved writers, artists and philosophers in Germany, France, Italy and England. In France, Rousseau called into question the influence of civilization upon man and placed man’s emotional capacities over “reason”.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, composer, and one of the main architects of the Romantic movement in Europe. He argued that private property was the start of civilization, inequality, murders and wars. A central theme in his work is the belief that society ruins man and that happiness is to be found by living in a simple way without the trappings of civilization. German philosophers gave a new importance to the imaginative power of the individual human mind. The mind, or “ego”, was seen to be the actual creator of the world it perceived.
The theories of German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) questioned the validity of scientific empiricism. In 1781 he published his Critique of Pure Reason, in which he attempted to determine what we can and cannot know through the use of reason independent of all experience. Briefly, he came to the conclusion that we could come to know an external world through experience, but our knowledge about it was limited by the limited terms in which the mind can think: if we can only comprehend things in terms of cause and effect, then we can only know causes and effects. It follows from this that we can never know the world from the “standpoint of nowhere” and therefore we can never know the world in its entirety, neither via reason nor experience. Since the publication of his Critique, Immanuel Kant has been considered one of the greatest influences in all of western philosophy. In the late 18th and early 19th century, one direct line of influence from Kant is German Idealism.
German idealism is the name of a movement in German philosophy that began in the 1780s and lasted until the 1840s. Kant’s transcendental idealism was a modest philosophical doctrine about the difference between appearances and things in themselves, which claimed that the objects of human cognition are appearances and not things in themselves. Fichte (1762–1814), Schelling (1775–1854), and Hegel (1770–1831) radicalized this view, transforming Kant’s transcendental idealism into absolute idealism, which holds that things in themselves are a contradiction in terms, because a thing must be an object of our consciousness if it is to be an object at all.
English writers kept pace with the shifts in philosophical mood. In the beginning of the 19th century the spirit of intellectual rebellion continued to persist in the literary works. The most significant changes took place in the field of poetry.