Dilafruz HAMDAMOVA, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, a teacher LINGUOCOGNITIVE ANALYSIS OF DISCOURSE In the modern domestic and foreign tradition, a sufficient number of methods and techniques for discourse
analysis of various types have been developed, and models for describing individual types of discourses have
been proposed. However, despite the active use of elements of linguocognitive analysis in the study of discourses,
it should be noted that, firstly, in the relevant works, it is far from always the cognitive specificity of discourse
that becomes the main object of study, and secondly, the tasks of such analysis and its methodology today are
characterized by extreme heterogeneity and “mosaic”.
In this regard, it seems to us very important and timely to propose a model of linguocognitive research of
institutional discourse, the basic premise of which is the defining nature of cognitive processes in discursive
activity and, therefore, the primary task of such a description of discourse is to identify and analyze its conceptual
dominants, model the fragments corresponding to these dominants, picture the world of the addressers and
addressees of the discourse, as well as study the originality of the reflection of conceptual dominants in the texts
explicated in the discourse.
Defining the very concept of discourse, which today has become one of the most popular in modern linguistics,
seems necessary to rely on the idea of M.M. Bakhtin about delimiting the actual reality of “language-speech” from
language as a system of forms, from text as separate and isolated speech work and, finally, from the current flow
of speech work as psychological processes of speaking, writing, listening and reading.
Taking into account the existing definitions of N.D.Arutyunova, T.A.van Dyck, Yu.N. Karaulova, V.V.Krasnikh,
their conditions, specificity are reflected in the totality of texts (in the broad – semiotic – understanding of this term)
characterized by conceptual, speech genre and pragmatic stylistic originality.
In the last decade, the grounds for distinguishing specific types of discourses have multiplied, and, consequently,
the number of described discourses and discursive varieties (the discourse of power, the discourse of the market,
the discourse of hope and despair, dialectal discourse, oral discourse, and many others) has increased. However,
the traditionally distinguished institutional discourses (political, sports, medical, military, diplomatic, etc.), as a rule,
are initially set by the topic of communication and represent complex discursive formations, discursive spaces
– systems of discursive varieties organized according to the field principle, united primarily by a common theme
and conceptual dominant, represented within the discourse. In some institutional discourses (such as religious,
business, diplomatic, military) the periphery is not as “branched” and extensive as in institutional discourses,
where the periphery of the field in certain extralinguistic conditions becomes hardly more constitutive for this type
of discourse than the core itself. The question of the conceptual dominant of discourse is one of the fundamental
ones both in cognitive linguistics and in discourse studies, since it is the study of the specifics of the discursive
implementation of basic conceptual dominants that ultimately makes it possible to create a “mental prototype”
(Selivanova, 2002) of a discursive space.
The conceptual dominant can be defined as a basic, “supporting”, system-forming conceptual universal
(concept, conceptual model, cognitive stereotype), which determines the specifics of this type of discourse
manifested in the “cognitive scheme” of the discourse, in its “macrostructure” (van Dyck, 1989; Makarov, 2003),
and “defines” the semantic and communicative-pragmatic originality of texts in which the linguistic objectification
of these conceptual phenomena takes place. The fundamental question of the study of conceptual dominants is
the question of methods and procedures, as a result of which these dominants are revealed. The methodological
criteria that make it possible to verify the isolation of the backbone concepts of discourse, as well as conceptual
models and cognitive stereotypes, in which the specificity of the cognitive structure of the basic concepts of
discourse is represented, are the following:
1. Actualization of conceptual units through the frequency and diversity of their linguistic explication in texts
represented in discourse. The named criterion can be conditionally characterized as proper linguistic one. The
concepts of dominant and actualization are considered as determined in linguopoetics (Jakobson, 1996; Gavranek,
1967). And although we are aware of the fundamental difference in the organization of texts explicated in sports,
political and other institutional discourses – on the one hand, and in artistic discourse – on the other, nevertheless,
it is obvious to us that the principles of linguistic “promotion” of conceptual units in the text space – the general
content of the text, its thematic relevance, the syntagmatics of the text, the lexical-semantic originality of texts, the
specificity of contextual connections are also significant for identifying the conceptual dominants of institutional
2. Discursive, which implies “conceptual conclusions” typical of this discourse (Chudinov, 2007), a pragmatically
potentially conceptual concept within the discourse with its productivity and activity due to discursive factors of an
extralinguistic order, primarily socio-historical, geopolitical, ethno-cultural, gender and etc.