Key words: competence, preparing, competency, capacity, ability, mental potential, proficient competence, items of
phonetic marvels.
Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается и анализируется концепция умственной и академической
компетентности в академической науке, такие понятия, как способность педагога достигать наивысшего уровня знаний
в процессе обучения, высокий профессиональный потенциал, а также дружелюбие и положительные качества. При
расширении оказалось, что такие термины, как компетентность и компетентность, представляют собой совершенно
разные формы квинтэссенции сущности.
Ключевые слова: компетенция, подготовка, компетентность, потенциал, сноровка, умственный потенциал,
профессиональная компетентность, фонетическиe элементы.
“The main goal of modern education is to prepare for society and the state a person who is comprehensively
developed, socially adaptable to society, labor activity, able to work on himself. In pedagogical science, the concept
of psychological and pedagogical competence is concluded that the teacher achieves the highest level of results
in the educational process, has high professional potential, as well as communicability and positive qualities.
The meaning of the word” competence “ is determined by awareness, prestige, extensive understanding and
experience in one’s field. Competence, on the other hand, is a personal quality and is an ability, knowledge, skills
and competence expressed in pedagogical activity and social life in different situations [5; p.42.].
American linguist N.Khomsky paid attention to the term “competence” and recommended its inclusion in the
educational system. This proposal was included and approved in the program of the Council of Europe, which took
place in Bern in 1996. The concept of “competence” is among such concepts as “training”, “competence”, “ability”,
“skill”. The ministers of education of the European states in the Declaration of Bologna (1999) recognized a
competency approach as a conceptual framework for educational reform.
President Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev notes in a lecture at the expanded meeting of the
Cabinet of ministers, devoted to the main results of the social economic development of our country in 2016
and the most important priorities of the economic program for 2017: “solving another problem is also considered
extremely important: – this is the professional level of the composition of educators and professors [1; p.2]. In this
regard, the scientists of Uzbekistan B.Azezov, A.Kholikov, H.Khudoyqulov, M.Ochilov, Sh.Olimov, D.Ro‘zieva,
N.Azizhodzhaeva, A. Kenjaboev are conducting scientific pedagogical research. Their research work is scientifically
based on the fact that today’s field of education should be approached on the basis of competence. This particularly
requires a creativizm and innovation-based approach to the educational process. This approach is recognized as
an important indicator of the development of thinking. In the conditions of today’s globalization, the need arose to
improve the pedagogical skills of future teachers on the basis of competency requirements. In the research work
of leading psychologist and pedagogical scientists, various interpretations of the concepts of “competence” and
“competency” are given. While some scholars have used the concepts of “competence” and “competency” to
describe the final results of Education, others have applied these concepts to represent different characteristics
of the developed individual. Research has shown that the solution to pedagogical assignments “ goes back
to the triad of thinking, acting, and thinking. “The model of the teacher’s professional competence is reflected
on the basis of the correspondence of his level of theoretical and practical training” [7; p.166]. “The concept of
competence has entered the field of education as a result of psychological research. Competence therefore refers
to the possession of a plan of action in non-traditional situations, how, in unexpected cases, a specialist behaves,
engages in communication, takes a new course in interaction with opponents, in the performance of ambiguous
tasks, in the use of Information full of contradictions, in consistently developing and complex processes” [5; p.25].
In B.D.Elkonin’s view, “competency-erudition, professional suitability, competence, experience, responsiveness