“Uchinchi renessans: ilm-fan va ta’lim taraqqiyoti istiqbollari” ISSN 2181-1784 226
w www.oriens.uz 2021 December O‘ZBEKISTONDA IJTIMOIY SOHANI RIVOJLANTIRISHNING USTUVOR YO‘NALISHLARI Rashidova Aziza Aminboyevna Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti, Tarix fakulteti 1-kurs magistri ANNOTATSIYA Ushbu ish ijtimoiy sohani rivojlantirishga yo’naltirilgan aholi bandligi va real daromadlarini izchil oshirib borish, ijtimoiy himoyasi va sog’lig’ini saqlash tizimini takomillashtirish, xotin-qizlarning ijtimoiy-siyosiy faolligini oshirish, arzon uy-joylar barpo etish, yo’l-transport, muhandislik-kommunikatsiya va ijtimoiy infratuzilmalarni rivojlantirish hamda modernizatsiya qilish bo’yicha maqsadli dasturlarni amalga oshirish, ta’lim, madaniyat, ilm-fan, adabiyot, san’at va sport sohalarini rivojlantirish, yoshlarga oid davlat siyosatini takomillashtirish kabi ustuvor masalalarni qisman bo’lsada yoritishga bag’ishlanadi. Kalit so’zlar: matbuot, milliy g‘oya, ijtimoiy soha, siyosiy faollik, infratuzilma, bandlik, ta’lim, madaniyat, ijtimoiy himoya, yoshlarga oid davlat siyosati. PRINCIPAL DIRECTIONS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN Rashidova Aziza Aminboyevna Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Faculty of History, 1st year master ABSTRACT This work is aimed at the development of the social sphere, the gradual increase in employment and real incomes, the improvement of social protection and health care, increasing the socio-political activity of women, the construction of affordable housing, road transport. , implementation of targeted programs for the development and modernization of engineering and communication and social infrastructure, development of education, culture, science, literature, arts and sports, improvement of state youth policy. lsada is dedicated to lighting. Keywords: press, national idea, social sphere, political activity, infrastructure, employment, education, culture, social protection, state youth policy.