3-sinflar uchun Unit 5. Lesson 2
Family mavzusida 1 soatlik
Dars ishlanmasi
Date_____ Form_____ Subject: English Theme: Family Aims: Educational: - students talk about what other people like doing at home.
Developing: - to talk about activities they do at home.
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson students learn about activities.
Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC
Type of the lesson:Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work
Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed
Equipment of the lesson: “Guess What” SB, WB, pictures, internet, computers, projector
- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.
10 min
- To mark pupils
5 min
- Giving homework.
Procedure of the lesson: I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.
- Check for homework given on past lesson.
- Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
II. Pre-activity: Warmer • Play Last one standing (see page xvi). Use sentences with I like and I don’t like, for students to agree or disagree with, e.g., I like reading books.
Last one standing Start the game with all students standing. Make a sentence, practicing a target structure, e.g., with like: I like reading books. Students who agree with you stay standing. Those who don’t agree sit down. Ask a standing student Do you like reading books? (Yes, I do.) Then ask a sitting student, to elicit No, I don’t. Repeat with different sentences using I like and I don’t like. The last student left standing wins.
Presentation • Say a sentence: I like making cakes. Students who agree stand up. Ask one of these students Do you like making cakes? (Yes, I do.) Confirm by saying (He) likes making
cakes. Students repeat in chorus and individually.
• Repeat the procedure to model She likes (watching TV), and He/She doesn’t like (washing the car). Use and model enjoys / doesn’t enjoy as an alternative to likes /
doesn’t like.
• Then say I love listening to music. Emphasize love by smiling very broadly as you mime listening to music very enthusiastically. Students who agree stand up. Model He/
She loves listening to music in the same way.
• Call out sentences for named students to mime: Paolo loves doing homework. Ana doesn’t enjoy watching TV. The named students mime the activities with the correct
level of enthusiasm.