22. AMP will both complement and extend agriculture-related projects active in the WBG portfolio. The Livestock
Sector Development Project (LSDP), HDP, and the Ferghana Valley Rural Enterprise Development Project (FVREDP) focus
on improving access to finance in horticulture and livestock value chains (through credit lines) complemented by the
delivery of select agricultural public goods such as veterinary services, applied research, and market analyses, and
supporting rural enterprise development in Ferghana Valley. Two ongoing irrigation projects, in Karakalpakstan and
Ferghana Valley, finance modernization of irrigation infrastructure, and the upcoming Obod Qishlaq project focuses on
rural infrastructure. IFC is active in Uzbekistan with projects/dialogue on agri-finance, good agricultural practices (GAP),
food quality infrastructure, and joint-ventures for leading horticulture exporters.
B. Project Components 23. Component 1: Enhancing Productivity-Supporting Agricultural Services (US$212.8 million). The objective of this
component is to enhance the knowledge and human capital base to enable accelerated productive transformation of
Uzbekistan agriculture to make it more productive, climate-resilient, diversified, and market-led. Overall, the component
seeks to strengthen anchor public institutions through their institutional modernization and upgrading of functional
capacities to make more relevant and impactful contributions and increasingly leverage the private sector
. It also aims
to establish systems and modalities to provide more relevant and effective support to farmers across a range of technical
and learning needs.
24. Sub-component 1.1 Applied agricultural research and development (US$86.7 million). The objective of this sub-
component is to enhance the capacity of the national R&D system to develop new technologies as well as to adapt
existing, on-the-shelf technologies to local social and environmental conditions and to changing circumstances over time
(e.g., co-evolution of pests and diseases, degradation of water and land resources and climate change manifestations).
Annex 1 contains a detailed project description, including a list of institutions, centers, and agencies that will receive support. All activities related
to human resource development and capacity building will include topics on understanding climate change better and frameworks, tools and
techniques to facilitate designing and implementing climate adaptation and mitigation approaches. All infrastructure, including buildings,
laboratories, offices, and storage facilities, constructed and rehabilitated by the project, will be encouraged to utilize energy-efficient and climate-
resilient materials and designs.