75. Citizen engagement will take place through multiple channels. AMP will support citizen engagement through: (i)
the use of feedback generated through intermediate and outcome results indicators that measure client satisfaction with
services provided under the project; (ii) support the establishment of farm cooperatives and productive partnerships,
which will serve as a platform for dialogue and citizens feedback; and (iii) the grievance redress mechanism to be
established by the project. Specific citizen engagement mechanisms would include project recommendations to
strengthen participation and better representation in decision-making processes as part of support to the formation of
farmer cooperatives and productive partnerships; beneficiary perceptions surveys at mid-term and end of the project;
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of Agricultural Education and Extension, 6: 223-233;
Lamontagne-Godwin, J. et al. 2019. Identifying Gender-Responsive Approaches in Rural Advisory Services that Contribute to Institutionalization of Gender in Pakistan. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 25: 267-288;
Diiro, G. et al. 2018. Women's Empowerment in Agriculture: Evidence from Rural Maize Farmer Households in Western Kenya. PLoS One.