The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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use of consultations, local information desks, and grievance redress mechanisms to receive ongoing feedback from the
population (beneficiaries, project-affected persons, general public, etc.) on the activities of the project. The proposed
project activities that concern direct interventions at farmer and service provision levels will be designed and
implemented on the basis of gender-representative consultations with direct beneficiaries and other stakeholders, and
feedback incorporated to strengthen technical aspects and facilitate implementation. The supported farm cooperative
and productive partnerships models are strongly oriented toward the needs and expectations of the intended
beneficiaries as they are demand driven in nature and can serve as a platform for dialogue and citizens feedback. To
strengthen civic engagement further, a systematic feedback mechanism will become part of the regular project
monitoring activities, and GRM will be set up and made known to all stakeholders. These approaches will complement
and enhance more traditional forms of monitoring. The project will incorporate beneficiary feedback indicators in the
results framework to measure beneficiaries’ satisfaction with the project supported services and institutional support to
farm cooperatives and productive partnerships.
B. Fiduciary (i) Financial Management (FM) 76. FM arrangements of UZAIFSA are considered acceptable for AMP’s implementation, considering the experience
of UZAIFSA in the implementation of other WB projects. The Fiduciary Risk for AMP is assessed as Moderate, considering
the experience of UZAIFSA in the implementation of WB projects and the existing FM and internal controls arrangements.
UZAIFSA will be responsible for implementation of fiduciary and accounting functions under the project.
77. Considering the project complexity, the FM arrangements of UZAIFSA will be strengthened by addressing several
risk mitigation measures prior to the project effectiveness and during the project implementation (Annex 2). UZAIFSA
will submit quarterly un-audited financial reports (IFRs) to WB. Audit of the project financial statements will be carried
out for each financial year and at the project closing by an eligible audit firm, in accordance with TOR acceptable to WB.
The project audit report will be publicly disclosed by UZAIFSA and WB on their websites. No entity audits are required.
78. The disbursement arrangements will follow a traditional disbursement mechanism for the project fund flows,
including direct payments, replenishments of the designated account, and reimbursements. The minimum application
size and designated account ceiling will be specified in the project disbursement letter. UZAIFSA will open a Designated
Account in US$ for each funding source in the financial institution acceptable to WB and a transit account in Uzbek Soms,
if necessary. The accounts will be used for inflow of the project funds and payment of eligible expenditures. UZAIFSA will
be in charge of planning the project disbursements, preparing withdrawal applications and making disbursements.