maple wood (
Acer laetum, Acer velutinum, Acer campestre, Carpinus
canca, Quercus costaneifolia, Fraxi excelsior, Ilex hyrcana, Mespilus
germanica, 3 kind Grateugus, and some types of Evonymus latifolius,
Pyrus, Rubus and Lonicera are encountered. The creeping are not
growing and grassy plants is growing in excessive amount. For ex-
ample: grains –
Poa nemoralis, Dactylis glomerata, Poa pratensis,
Brachypodium silvaticum, Agrostis tenuis, 1-2 species from herbs are
growing -
Dryopteris filix mas, Sanicula europaea, Campanula rapun-
culoides, Digitalis nervosa, Geum urbanum, Fragaria vesca, Orobus,
Stachys, Carex, Primula, Stellaria, Calamintha, Silene, Asplenium,
Luzula, Cantaurea, Lilium, Melica, Trifolium, Briza, Bromus.
The grassy types growing at this area compose 55 as it was
shown by me in collaboration with me assistants (1979). Trifolium is
represented by 5 species. The distribution degree is dependent from
anumber of edificators and composition and location of forest. An
endemics Paeonia mlokosewitschii and Lilium ledebourii are wide-
spread in such type forest.
At the places where a forest trees growth is delayed, a perennial
grassy vegetation in combination with bushy thicket are formed a
specific thicket on the upper zones. The preservation of forest is not
observed in this thicket. In spite of the seeds of forest trees are get
to the thicket however a ground does not create favorable conditions
for greening, that is why the restoration is not marked. The forest is
substituted by creeping on ground or phrygana-type mountain xero-
phyte shrubs and pereenial herbs.
Phrygana or mountain-xerophyte vegetation
These vegetation types are mostly encountered on the places
with stern and complex relief and covered by steep mountains. The
mountain-xerophyte and phrygana vegetation are formed in different
composition in the all zones of area, mainly on the south and south-
eastern slopes. According to A.A. Grossheym (1948) these vegeta-
tion should be regarded as remains of Tertiary period. Prilypko L.I.
hade found that this type vegetation is growing mainly on the slopes
chalky content in the Hyrcan altitude, in the open mountain envi-
ronment. Therophytae are flowering in the early spring, especially
bulbous and tuberyform
(Gagea, Ophrus, Crocus, Orchis, Allium, Col-
chicum, Puschkinea, Muscare, Merendera, Ornitogalum etc.). The
slopes become multicoloured by diferrent flowers (yellow, red, white
etc.) in the spring season. The flowering plants substitute with each
other under substitution of the spring spectra with summer spec-
trum. Allium and Iris species turn the verdure into flower garden.
Frigana-type slopes 4-5 types of iris (
Iris zuvandicus, I.hyrcana, I.
Medwedewi and I.lionelata) are encountered here. From 44 wild
kinds of Allium there are only 17-18 species in the dry mountain
slopes, 5 out of them are endemics
(Allium viride Grossg., A. dictyo-
prasum C.A.M., A. transcaucasicum Grossh. A. synthamanthum c.
Koch. , A. lenkoranicum Misch.), 2 types of endemic Gagea (Gagea
alexeenkoana Misch and G. caroli-kochi Grossh.) are growing in this
Decorative pereenial xerophyte bushes and herbs –
Hedysarum, Stachys, Salvia, Dianthus, Roza are considered to be a
main components of these vegetation.
Mountain xerophyte and phrygana type vegetation cover are de-
veloped in 2 formations: Tragacanth and Acantolimon. Both forma-
tion having the same floristic composition, are similar from ecological
point of view. They differs only by soil content. The trakakant soil is
a chalk nature and is composed by small stone and pure soil cover.
Acantolimon growing soil has an humus layer, in spite of similar flo-
ristic composition the number of Acantolimon species is somewhat
greater. The first edificatory of Tragacanthe are Astragalus aureus,
A.lagurus, A.picnophulus, A. strictiformis and sainfoin- Onobrychis cor-
nuta. Stipa szowitsiana from pereenial grains being formaiting a steppe,
lawn and stepped lawnhas a procect cover equal to 40-60%. The floris-
tic composition is 67-70 species.
Stipa szowitsi, Festuca sulcata, Bromus
tectorum, B. squarosa, from laticeferous-Euphorbia marchalliana, Cousi-
nia (3species), Nepeta, Latuca, Teucrium, Scutellaria, Cirsium, Phlomis,
Ziziphora, Verbascum, Gypsophylla and 1,2,3 species of other genus are
widespreaded. Approximately 82 species have been registrated in this
cenosis. The species accumulating tussock –2 species from
hohenackeri and A. Sp. Prevailing formation has a procect cover equal
to 68-80% with rich flora. Cousiniya (3 species)
Cirsium (2species),
Achillea (2 species), Plantagone (2 species), the grains accumulating
tassock –
Festuca sulcata, Stipa (2 species), Poa pratensis, Phleum
phleoides, Astragalus aureus and Cuniperus oblonga in all 97 species
are registrated here. It should be noted that the mountain –xerophyte
vegetation is similar with near Nakhchivan and Iran mountain-xerophyte
veqetation. The main species of Hyrcan are graceful and peculiar for
Steppe, law n and stepped law ns
The steppes and stepped lawns are formed on the middle and
high zones, that is on the forestless places or in the south forest
glade in the form of stains on the small area, they have a different
composition and organization, the lawns are formed in the sea coast,
in northern zones of forest glade the lawns are formed at the small
Xerophyte vegetation
formed in the steppe
Mezo-xerophyte vege-
tation in the stepped
Mezophyll vegetation
in the lawn
Festuca sulcata L.
Festuca sulcata L.
Poa pratensis L.
Koeleria caucasica
Koeleria caucasica
Betonica grandiflora
Phleum phleoides
Vicia dasycarpa Ten. Dactylis glomerata L.
Thymus trautvetteri
Achillea setacea W.
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Achillea setacea W. Cynodon dactylon
Carex verna Chaix.
Onobrychis cornuta
Zerna variegata
Trifolium pratense L.
Carex divisa Huds.
Lolium rigidum Gand. Galium verum L.
Astragalus lagurus W. Carex silvatica Huds. Rumex confertus
Agrostis capillaris
Astragalus aureus W. Coronilla varia L.
Teucrium chamaedrys
Teucrium polium L.
Plantago minor
Poa bulbosa L.
Cirsium arvense (L.)
Phlomis caucasica
Bromus arvensis L.
Plantago saxatilis Bieb. Thymus trautvetteri
Onobrychis cyri
Centaurea ovina L.
Trifolium pratense
Carex diluta Bieb.
Lotus ciliatus
Hordeum crinitum
Dactylis glomerata L. Stachys lanata Crantz. Cartamus lanatus L.
puramidatum Bieb.
Belonica grandiflora W. Achillea setaceae W.
Stipa szowitsiana
Leontodon hispidus
Aster alpinus L.
Astragalus strictifoliys
Trifolium repens
Papaver talyschense
Aster alpinus L.
Cirsium arvense (L.)
The forage plants, medicinal, essential oil plants, plants giving
dye, plants containing vitamins, decorative plants are founded in
great number in the hyrcan forest, forest glade and the within the
strip of upper limit of forest.
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