phyte and adventive real types of neighboring area can be met in
the Biosphere Reservation to be created.
Numerous lakes, pools, ponds and swamps have their own specif-
ic flora and multiple-color vegetation-cover. Reed
(Phragmites aus-
tralis) is frequently encountered in the thicket of the area. Two ge-
Cynanchum acutum L. and Periploca graeca of Asclepiadaceae
family are growing along the rivers and the cereals of
myosuroides Huds., are solely or together creating cenosis. Several
(Typha angustata and T.angustifolia L) of reed mace (Typha)
are creating thickets in the swamp or wet areas. High savannah type
plume-grass (Eriatnthus purpurascens) is encountered here and
dog’s tooth grass
(Cynodon dactylon) including scirpus (Bolboschoe-
nus matitumus) are encountered in depressions of the area. Scirpus
thicket structurally reminds the giant reed thicket.
(Potamogeton pectinoides L., P. lucens L.,), Myrio-
phyllum spicatum, water chestnut (Trapa hyrcana), duckweed (Lem-
na minor L.) and other types dominating in the area are creating
swampy formation at the floor of moutaneous areas.
Yellow iris
(Iris psendacorus L.), bur-reed (Sparganium erectum
L), swamp weed (Scoenoplectus lacustus Polla) and spike-rush
(Eleocharis palustris Ledeb) are creating specific formation along
railway areas.
Few types of buttercup
(Ranunculus sceleratus L, R.hyrcanus
Grossh, Caucasus endemic, R.bulbosus L., R.arvensis L), bushiya
(Bushea laterifolia ovez), lippa (Lippa nodifora Michk), mint (Mentha
aquatica L), knotweed (Polygonum minus L), (Alisma plantago) and
similar to other short multiple-color perennial grasses distribution is
highly specific for the drying marshlands. Marshland vegetation can
be encountered on of middle-and high- mountains’ slopes.
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