nor of Talish by Nadir Shah excited local religious inhabitants. They
desided to solve this problem by wedding khan to seyyid daughter.
The brother-in-law of khan won respect of people and then became
the Talish governor. In the subsequent periods as a result of dili-
gence Mir Mustafa khan in 1800 has been accepted Russian protec-
tion. His son Mir Hassan Khan has been poisoned in Iran. After that
in 1826 year under the decree of Russian Empire Talish Khanate has
been liquidated. In 1840 this district was as a part of the Caspian
province with center of Shamakhi, and in 1859 it was a part of the
Baku guberniya.
During the khanate period the lands was divided on some catego-
ries: the first type of the ground has consisted of woods and pas-
tures. This type of the ground belonged to khan. These grounds
temporarily or were for life given on use. Any person could use a
wood free-of-charge and independently. The community lands pea-
sants settled down. Khans entitled nobilities to use with some sum of
the income of peasants. Nobleman had not the right to sell the
ground. In 1841 year on tsar rescript khans, nobles were discharged
of management of peasants for it by him the lifelong pension was
paid. In 1846 on the second tsar rescript first in Azerbaican have
entitled a private property to the land. According this rescript the
lands belonging to khans and nobles were considered as their patri-
monial inheritance. In 1917 year according to the Transcaucasian
Committee, in 1915 year under
data establishment the
Earth and the State property the general area of woods of the Baku
province made 382023 desyatin, and also the suitable area of woods
made 252500 desyatin. According to 1914 year of 848.24 thousand
desyatin or 72.2 % of the common wood belonged to the state, the
rest of 708.3 thousand desyatin or 27.8 % belonged to different
Further successors Talish khans have sold part of talish woods to
millionaire H.Z.Tagiyev and the russian industrialist A.I.Putilov. The
wood mainly was used for manufacturing matches, bayonets, cross
ties, thimbles for knitting machine tools. In 1920 by the decree of
the Azerbaican Revolutionary Committee these lands were confis-
cated and nationalized.
The “Lankaran” word meaning has different explaining. At
present there are two versions of etymology of there word: farsi and
tallish versions. It is necessary to note, that Lankaran was the center