semantic primes and universals in natural human languages. The
Natural Semantic Metalanguage research framework has clear
for language teaching, cross-cultural communications
and education.
Computational semantics
is focused
on the processing of
linguistic meaning. In order to do this algorithms and architectures are
Above we have given interpretations concerning the units of every
level of the language so that when speaking about the methods of
investigating the structues of foreign and native languages the
specialist working in the field of comparison
of language structures
should be aware of language units in phonology, morphology, syntax,
lexicology and semantics.
Proceeding from the definition of the systemic character of the
language as it has been interpreted above,
every phenomenon in the
language structure is examined in the binary opposition.
language is considered to be the system of signs. The notion "system"
is defined as complex of units, where every unit receives its quantitative
characteristics depending on the other units. Always where is a system,
there should be two units at least. If one of these units is omitted there
can't be a system.
F.F. Fortunatof’s theory of word form is of great importance in
defining grammatical ways of any grammatical phenomena. He says
the following speaking about word forms: "формою отдельных
полных слов в собственном значении
этого термина называется
способность отдельных слов
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