Часть III
20-ci dərsə dair ümumiləşdirici yoxlama
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 20
Çalışma 1. Mətni oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст.
The Accident
The pilot of a single-engined monoplane with a passenger was carrying out a practice forced landing, when the left wing struck a tree.
The aircraft was severely damaged in the crash, the engine mounts breaking and the engine section being pushed back into the cockpit, trapping both occupants by their legs.
On arriving, 4 minutes after the crash, the rescuers saw that both occupants were hanging upside down in their shoulder harnesses. The fuel tank was compressed and had burst at the side and bottom edges.
Most of the 55 litres of 80/87 octane petrol had spurted from the tank externally or into the cockpit.
The occupants’ faces were directly beneath the petrol tank and petrol ran over them.
The rescuers released the passenger after about 5 minutes. When he was released he seemed shocked, but did not lose consciousness. Cutting equipment was needed to release the pilot, and he was retained in the wreckage for 25 minutes, but during this time remained conscious.
The volume of the cockpit was 945 litres and there was an opening9 in it after the impact, of about 1800 sq. cm.
Both occupants were coughing10 and complained of some soreness of the throat and irritation of the eyes.
The injured were admitted to a hospital 2 hours after the accident.
Təkrar: məsdərin funksiyaları.
Повторение: Функции инфинитива
I hissə
Часть I
I hissəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части I
sewage ['sju:ıd3] n çirkab sular (сточные воды)
industrial wastes [ın'dΛstrıəl weısts] sənaye istehsalı tullantıları (отходы промышленного производства
virus ['vaıərəs] n virus (вирус)
viral ['vaıərəl] а virus (вирусный)
discharge [dıs't∫a:d3] v salmaq, tökmək, eniş, axın (спускать, выливать; n спуск, сток, вытекание)
solve [slv] v həll etmək (решать (вопрос))
solution [se'lju:∫n] n həll (решение)
sediment [sedımənt ] n çöküntü (осадок)
sedimentation [sedımən'teı∫n] n çökdürmə, çökmə (осаждение)
Çalışma 1. Məlum və məchul növdəki məsdər formalı cümlələri tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с формой инфинитива в действительном и страдательном залоге.
1. The industries of all countries spend millions to fight air pollution. 2. The patients to be examined suffered from smoke intoxication. 3. To avoid air pollution from domestic coal fires (as those in London) new heating systems were introduced. 4. The case to be described illustrates the difficulties in the diagnosis of angina pectoris. 5. The desinfection of the skin of the operated area appears to be carried out at once. 6. We know bacteria to be very small singlet celled bodies.
Çalışma 2. Aşağıda verilmiş törəmələrin əmələ gəldiyi sözləri tapın və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производным и переведите их.
bacillary, amoebic, illness, bacteriological, responsibility, foaming
Çalışma 3. Aşağıdakı söz birləşmələrini oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.
virus disease, to estimate highly, discharges from a wound, to discharge a patient from the hospital, sedimentation rate
Çalışma 4. A mətnini nəzərdən keçirin. Təbii suların çirklənməsi ilə bağlı əsas problemləri sayın.
Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Назовите основные проблемы, вызванные загрязнением природных вод.
Text А
The Problem of Water Pollution and Pollution
1. Water pollution means contamination of surface or ground water supplies by sewage industrial wastes or garbage and other refuse. Water pollution arises from the activitites of man in his cities, industries and agricultural pursuits.
2. Water pollution becomes not only an esthetic problem for man, but an economic and medical one as well. Bacterial and viral contamination is a threat for the spread of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, shigellosis or bacillary dysentery, amoebic dysentery, cholera and hepatitis.
3. Water pollution is considered to be perhaps an ever greater hazard to health and economic growth menace to recreation than air pollution. Millions of fish are killed in coastal waters and rivers each year. Radioactive wastes detergents, pesticides, and other chemicals are found in numerous rivers and streams. In addition, demands upon available water have multiplied because of a larger population, concentrations of people in large urban areas, higher standards of living, growing industry, increased agriculture, and the production of new chemical substances requiring water in the manufacturing process.
4. Pollution control. An over-all reduction of the quantities of contaminants to be discharged to watercourses is necessary. The users of public waters have a responsibility for returning them as clean as possible.
Adoption of better industrial and agricultural practices will be necessary to prevent the more toxic wastes from being discharged into lake, stream, or ocean. For the majority of wastes from cities and industries the solution lies in treatment by physical, chemical, and biological processes which will remove suspended, colloidal and dissolved solids. Sedimentation, coagulation and filtration will remove up to 50% of the organic matter. For more thorough removals it is necessary to use biological processes in which large masses of bacteria and other microorganisms are brought into close contact with the soluble and colloidal organic matter in the waste waters. «Biological filters» are used in most of the biological processes.
5. Prevention of pollution. Waters generally are classified as surface waters and ground waters. Surface waters are lakes, rivers, reservoirs, streams and costal waters.
Treating polluted surface waters is somewhat simpler than eliminating pollution from ground waters, where the pollution can travel rapidly or slowly depending on the nature of the ground strata through which the supply moves and on the nature of the pollution itself.
6. Intensive research is needed to discover better and more efficient techniques for treating water. Scientists in universities and research laboratories are studying a very wide range of renovation techniques. Among them are absorption by carbon or other absorptive filters, distillation, foaming, freezing, ion exchange, solvent extraction, electrodialysis and electrolysis.
Çalışma 5. Mətni bir daha nəzərdən keçirin. Təbii suların çirklənməsinə gətirən amilləri və çirklənmənin növundən asılı olaraq onlarla mübarizə üsullarını söyləyin.
Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Назовите факторы, приводящие к загрязнению природных вод, и способы борьбы с ними в зависимости от типа загрязнения.
Çalışma 6. Aşağıdakı suallara mətndən cavab tapın və onları oxuyun.
Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.
1. What diseases are caused by bacterial and viral contamination of water? 2. How are waters generally classified? 3. What factors cause water pollution? 4. What are the processes used to control water pollution? 5. The scientists are studying renovation techniques for treating polluted waters, aren’t they? What are they?
II hissə
Часть II
II Hıssəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части II
purify ['pjuərıfaı] v təmizləmək (очищать)
purification [pjuərıfı'keı∫n] n təmizləmə (очистка, очищение)
purity ['pjuərıtı] n təmizlik (чистота)
agricultural wastes [ægrı'kΛlt∫ərəl weısts] kənd təsərrüfatı istehsalı tullantıları (отходы сельскохозяйственного производства)
sewer system [sjuə'sıstəm] çirkab suların ayrılması sistemi (система отведения сточных вод)
fertilize ['fə:tılaız] v gübrələmək (удобрять)
fertilizer ['fə:tılaızə ] n gübrə (удобрение)
extent [ıks'tent] n dərəcə (степень)
Çalışma 1. Verilmiş sözlərin mənasını və işləməsini yadda saxlayın.
Упражнение 1. Запомните значение и употребление данных слов.
Çalışma 2. B mətnini oxuyun (10 dəq.) 1) Suların çirklənməsinin əsas növlərini sayın. Çirklənmə dərəcəsinin necə təyin olunduğunu izah edin.
2) Mətində məsdər formaları işlənən cümlələri tapın. 3) Cümlələri tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Назовите основные типы загрязнения вод. Объясните, как определяется степень загрязнения. 2.Найдите в тексте предложения, где употреблены формы инфинитива. 3. Переведите предложения.
Text В
Water Pollution
Water in its natural state is never 100 percent pure. As soon as it condenses as rain, er begins gathering impurities until purified or until it evaporates. Much of this impurity is not sufficient to spoil the usefulness of water; some materials and substances, however, do limit its usefulness.
By definition «water pollution» we mean the presence in water of any substance that interferes with any of its legitimate uses – for public water supplies, recreation, agriculture, industry, the preservation of fish and esthetic purposes.
The principal forms of water pollution are domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes. Domestic wastes include sewage, detergents and everything else going down the drains of a city into its sewer system – used water from toilets, bathtubs, sinks and washings from restaurants, laundries, hospitals and hotels and other businesses.
Industrial wastes are the acids, oils, greases, other chemicals and animal and vegetable matter discharged by factories. These wastes are discharged either through sewer system or through separate outlets directly into waterways. Agricultural wastes include pesticides (insecticides, fungicides and herbicides), fertilizers (mainly nitrates and phosphates) and animal wastes. In addition to these principal forms, other pollutants such as heat and radioactive substances, can contribute to water pollution. -lv
The extent of pollution in a given body of water can be measured to some degree by the amount of organic wastes it contains. Organic wastes can generally be destroyed by biochemical action, either naturally in a free-flowing stream or artificially in a waste treatment plant. Not all pollutants can be removed by such action, however; examples include minerals and acids from industrial operations or mining. Such pollutants as radioactive substances, pesticides, detergents and various oil products are highly resistant to breakdown and must be specially treated.
Çalışma 3. Aşağıdakı mülahizələri oxuyun. Mətində mülahizələri daha dolğun ifadə edən cümlələri tapın və onları ucadan oxuyun.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите нижеприведенные суждения. Найдите в тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.
1. Natural water is never 100 per cent pure. 2. «Water pollution» means the presence in water of the substance that interferes with its legitimate uses. 3. Agricultural wastes include pesticides, fertilizers, etc. 4. There are some forms of water pollution. 5. The extent of water pollution can be measured by the amount of organic wastes in it. 6. Some wastes can be destroyed but others cannot.
III hissə
Часть III
21-ci dərsə aid ümumiləşdirici yoxlama
Контрольно-обобщаюшее упражнение к уроку 21
Çalışma 4. Hansı cümlələrdə mürəkkəb infinitive işlənib. Cümlələri tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 4. Укажите, в каких предложениях употреблены сложные инфинитивные конструкции. Переведите предложения.
1. Such impurities are thought to be allergenic. 2. We know sewage to be the water carried discharges of the human body together with the liquid wastes from household and factory. 3. Have you taken anything to relieve your headache? 4. Water appears to be the largest constituent of the body making up two-thirds of the total mass of the human organism. 5. Experiments with magnetic resonance seem to support the belief that intracellular water is closer to crystalline than the liquid state. 6. Anomalous expansion of water at temperatures near freezing point enables fresh water fish to survive cold winters.
Təkrar: Budaq cümlənin növləri
Повторение: Виды придаточных предложений
I Hissə
Часть I
I Hissəyə dair sözlər
Слова к части I
noise [nız] n səs-küy (шум)
environmental [ınvaıərən'mentl] а ətraf mühitə aid (относящийся к окружающей среде)
threshold [θre∫(h)ould] n astana (порог)
scale [skeıl] n şkala (шкала)
background ['bækgraund] n fon (фон)
anxiety [æŋ'zaıətı] n narahatlıq, həyəcan (беспокойство, тревога)
anxious ['æŋk∫əs] а qayğılı, narahat (озабоченный, беспокоящийся; стремящийся, желающий)
deaf [def] а kar (глухой)
deafness ['defnıs] n karlıq (глухота)
assess [ə'ses] v dəyərləndirmək (оценивать)
assessment [ə'sesmənt] qiymət (оценка)
Çalışma 1. Aşağıdakı budaq cümlələri oxuyun və tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие придаточные предложения.
1. We know the greatest hazard to man is found in the water contaminated with the discharges from the human body. 2. The principal measures which we use in water purification are: aeration, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, softening, desinfection (chlorinetion), absorption (activated carbon), corrosion correction. 3. Civilization requires that the wastes of the human body should be removed from habitation safely and promptly. 4. Were the water not desinfected with chlorine, the pathogenic and other forms of bacteria would not be destroyed. 5. If we used the preventive measures against water contamination in time, we could save many people from poisoning. 6. Had they not purified the drinking water in this area, the disease would have been immediately transmitted.
Çalışma 2. Aşağıdakı törəmələrin əmələ gəldiyi sözləri yazın və onları tərcümə edin.
Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производным; переведите их.
noiseless, excessive, equality, deafness, assessment
Çalışma 3. A mətnini nəzərdən keçirin. Mətnin əsas məzmununu söyləyin.
Упражнение 3. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание текста.
Text А
Noise as a Source of Environmental Annoyance
In recent years more attention has been given to noise and unwanted sound as another form of environmental distuibance. Excessive noise has been a part of the industrial environment for a long time - motors, metal presses, drills and heavy machinery of all types have made many factories a din of hoise since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Now, however, the public at large is subjected to increasing noise from traffic, airplanes, construction, urban crowding and we are now aware of much of this sound as a new irritant and source of environmental annoyance. Sound energy is usually measured in terms of decibels, one decibel being approximately equal to the threshold of hearing in man. A 10-fold increase in sound adds 10 units to the decibel scale and a 100-fold increase in sound adds 20 units. In a typical urban environment, background noise in a quiet sound protected room generally runs 40 decibels while ordinary street noises average 70 to 80 decibels.
Around the home, background noise averages 40 to 50 decibels, conversation produces 60 decibels, a garbage disposal 85 and a vacuum cleaner 90 decibels. Heavy city traffic at rush hour usually produces 95 to 100 decibels, and a jet aircraft taking off generates 120 to 150 decibels.
Medical science has recently shown that excessive noise can be a significant nervous stress. It can increase irritability and reduce job efficiency. In some cases it can cause changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism similar to other types of emotional anxiety and stress. Prolonged noise, above the level of 95 decibels, can also cause hearing loss and early deafness. Workers in noisy factories, construction trades and transportation jobs which have high noise levels are especially subject to hearing loss.
A special and controversial aspect of noise pollution is the advent supersonic aircraft. They will produce «sonic booms», loud and forceful reverberations of air as the planes pass overhead. Critics of supersonic planes feel that this will be an intolerable source of sound – a new stress that will cost more in human irritation than it will be worth in reduced transportation times. The proponents of supersonic transportation feel that this is nonsense – that man will adjust to this new technologic advance as readily as he adjusted to the light bulb and motor car. Such a controversy provides another example of the difficulty of assessing the lull impact of rapidly advancing technology on the health of man and the quality of our environment.
Çalışma 4. A mətnindən aşağıdakı suallara cavab tapın.
Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы.
1. Why has noise and unwanted sound been given more attention to? 2. What are the examples of sound disturbances measured in decibels? 3. What are the consequences of excessive noise as environmental disturbance? 4. What do critics of supersonic planes say? 5. Can man adjust to this new technologic advance?
Çalışma 5. Aşağıdakı mətnləri oxuyun onlarda budaq cümlələri tapın və tərcemə edin.
Упражнение 5. Прочтите следующие тексты. Найдите в них придаточные предложения и переведите их.
1. Pollution-Free Electric Car
A Japanese automobile firm has announced successful development of three-wheel electric light van for pick-up and delivery service and informed that it had started production of the car for full-scale marketing.
Recently, development work on electric cars has been accelerated in Japan as a principal means of eliminating environmental damage which is caused by automobiles through air pollution and noise. The electric cars they are going to construct will be the first to be used in the streets. This car will be employed mainly for delivery of newspapers, mail and milk as it has motor and four 12-volt improved lead batteries as the power source. The vehicle, in which only a driver sits, has maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour. If the batteries are to be charged home electricity can be used. With each charging, that takes eight hours, the electric van can run 40 kilometres. The price is about twice of conventional gasoline cars of a similar type.
2. Quieting Noisy Trucks
The acoustic properties of plastics have played a major role in helping industry to cope with standards on noise emission. And now the experience which was gained over the years is being applied to the job of quieting noisy trucks. We speak of trucks particularly because the diesel engines that carry much of the nation’s freight have been identified as a source of widespread noise pollution. No truck which is noisier than an automobile should not be permitted on the road.
So it’s hardly suprising that interest in plastics is on the rise. Plastics are used as sound absorbing barrier and damping materials.
The sound absorbing foam products that are installed on the top sides, and various other interior areas of the truck cabin will not transmit sounds.
II hissə
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