§ 38 Functions and translation of “as”
As can perform different functions in the sentence:
1. as a preposition before the nouns: kimi (vəzifə) как, в качестве.
I work as a doctor. Mən həkim işləyirəm. Я работаю врачом.
2. as a part of composite prepositions: as to, as for görə, gəldikdə что касается... .
As to me, I prefer to go home. Məncə evə getmək daha yaxşı olar. Что касается меня, я предпочитаю идти домой.
3. as a conjunction introducing adverbial clauses of cause: üçün, görə так как, поскольку.
As it is wet now, I will stay at home. Hava rütubətli olduğu üçün evdə qalacam. Так как сейчас сыро, я останусь дома.
4. as a part of composite conjunctions: as... as kimi так же ... как, not so ... as kimi ... deyil не так... как, as long as hələ ki пока, as soon as kimi как только, as far as qədər насколько.
As soon as he came we began working. O, gələn kimi biz işə başladıq. Как только он пришел, мы приступили к работе.
As long as you apply the old methods you’ll not be able to accomplish this test. Hələ ki köhnə üsullardan istifadə edirsiz siz bu tədqiqatı tamamlaya bilməyəcəksiniz. До тех пор пока вы будете применять устаревшую методику, вы не сможете завершить это исследование.
§ 39 Functions and translation of “due”
Due performs different functions in the sentence:
1. as an adjective: lazımi, lazım olan надлежащий, должный.
In due time the patient will be discharged from the hospital. Xəstə lazım olan vaxtda xəstəxanadan xaric olunacaq. Больной будет выписан из больницы в надлежащее время.
2. as a composite preposition: sayəsində, köməyilə, görə из-за, вследствие, ввиду, благодаря.
The heart attack was due to emotional stress. Ürək tutması emosional gərginlikdən (gərginliyə görə) olmuşdu. Сердечный приступ был вызван эмоциональным напряжением.
§ 40 The Conjunction
The conjunction is a part of speech which denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of the sentence, clauses and sentences.
According to their morphological structure conjunctions are divided into the following groups:
1. simple conjunctions: and, or, but, till, after, that, so, where, when, etc.
2. derivative conjunctions: until, unless, etc.
3. compound conjunctions: however, whereas, wherever, etc.
4. composite conjunctions: as well as, as long as, in case, for fear that, on the ground that, for the reason that, etc.
Some conjunctions are used in pairs: both … and, either … or, not only … but also, neither … nor, whether … or.
It was both cold and wet in the house. Ev həm soyuq həm də rütubətli idi. В доме было холодно и сыро.
The professor is either in the ward or in the reception room. Professor ya palatada, ya da ki, kabinetdədir. Профессор находится либо в палате, либо в кабинете.
As to their function conjunctions fall under two classes:
1. coordinating conjunctions; 2. subordinating conjunctions.
Coordinating conjunctions join coordinate clauses in a compound sentence, or homogeneous parts in a simple sentence, or independent sentences: and, but, either, both … and, etc.
Subordinating conjunctions join a subordinate or dependent clause to a principal clause or sometimes they join homogeneous parts: that, if, as, because, when, after, before, though, since, as if etc.
Nouns express substance whereas adjectives express the quality of substance.
He was white and jaded, as if he had not slept for many nights.
§ 41 The Preposition
The preposition is a part of speech which denotes the relations between objects and phenomena. It shows the relations between a noun or a pronoun and other words.
As to their morphological structure prepositions fall under the following groups:
1. simple: in, on, at, for, with, etc.
2. derivative: behind, below, across, along, etc
3. compound: inside, outside, within, without, etc.
4. composite: because of, in front of, in accordance with, etc.
According to their meaning prepositions may be divided into prepositions of place and direction (in, on, below, under, between, etc.), time (after, before, at, etc.), prepositions expressing abstract relations (by, with, because of, with a view to, etc.).
We called the doctor because he was complaining of a pain in his stomach.
The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.
Some prepositions are homonymous with adverbs and conjunctions. For instance, the prepositions after and before are homonymous with the adverbs after and before and with the conjunctions after and before.
“Where do you intend to stay tonight?” she asked after a moment. (preposition)
There is an old saying that if a man has not fallen in love before forty, he had better not fall in love after. (adverb)
After the dinner was over they started to discuss business matters. (conjunction)
İstifadə Olunmuş Ədəbiyyat Siyahısı
Акушерство +СD. Клинические лекции. Под ред. О.В. макарова. 2007
Введение в анестезиологию-реаниматологию. Леви-тэ Е.М. Под ред. И.Г. Бобринской. 2007
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