assessment model was refined, and multiple
National Societies were supported to apply the
analytical model to identify their maturity and
produce the maturity growth investment plans.
Also in 2022, development began on digital
engagement and volunteer management solu-
tions, and collaboration took place with National
Societies to design the
vision of a multi-purpose
assistance platform. The IFRC coordinated and
facilitated the development of data and digital
learning models, provided technical expertise on
digital investments into National Societies, and
implemented technology solutions for IFRC busi-
ness processes, most
notably for information
security risk management and enterprise-wide
resource planning and management.
Humanitarian diplomacy and
Representation Offices
IFRC’s partnership development and human-
itarian diplomacy activities are also supported
Representation Offices
. Three of these
offices report to the Under Secretary General for
Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and
Digitalization, and ensure region-wide coordina-
tion via a dotted reporting
line to the relevant
Regional Director.
Red Cross European Union (EU) Office
based in Brussels, Belgium, is a membership
office representing the 28 National Red Cross
Societies in the EU, the Norwegian Red Cross, and
the IFRC. This office helps to coordinate relations
between its members and EU decision-makers
to influence policy, mobilize EU resources and
provide support on EU-related matters, in
areas such as humanitarian aid, civil protection,
migration and social inclusion). European devel-
opments that could impact the implementation
of our members’
work are also analyzed, as well
as supporting members to elaborate and coordi-
nate joint proposals to access EU funding.
The objectives of the Red Cross EU Office are:
To increase Red Cross influence on EU pol-
icy, legislation and practice so as to improve
the humanitarian situation of the most
vulnerable communities.
To mobilize
EU resources for member
National Societies’ domestic and interna-
tional work in order to maximize their reach
and scope through a coordinated approach.
To serve our members on EU-related
issues by monitoring the legal framework,
exchanging information and knowledge,
and providing tailored capacity building and
technical support.
Strategic direction, goals and priorities in
engagement with the EU institutions over the
coming years are defined in the Red Cross EU
strategy 2022–2027 – a reflection of the IFRC’s
Strategy 2030 translated to the EU context.
The RCEU Office works across Social Inclusion,
Migration, Disas ter Management and
Development, and Communication. It works
with members through steering groups, as well
as existing Red Cross working groups, networks
and reference centres. The steering groups
meet three or four times a year to shape unit
workplans, provide
guidance and discuss evolv-
ing priorities. The Coordination Group (with
IFRC and elected EUNS representatives) adopts
common positions on EU policies and provides
guidance and support to the RCEU Director.
Topline priorities and the office budget are
discussed and decided by senior leadership of
the office’s member organizations at the RCEU
Annual Meeting.
In 2022, the office finalized the Red Cross EU
Humanitarian Diplomacy Framework, which
seeks to guide
RCEU and its members on how
to conduct joint humanitarian diplomacy with
the aim of increasing our collective impact on
EU policies and programmes. The framework
includes practical steps and tools on how to
develop joint humanitarian diplomacy strategies
towards the EU.
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