What resources are required to deliver these qualifications? As part of your centre approval, you will need to show that the necessary material
resources and work spaces are available to deliver BTEC International Level 3
qualifications. For some units, specific resources are required.
How can Pearson Progress help with planning for these qualifications? Pearson Progress is a digital support system that supports the delivery, assessment and
quality assurance of BTECs in centres. It supports teachers with activities such as course
creation, creating and verifying assignments and creating assessment plans and
recording assessment decisions.
For further information, see
Section 10 Resources and support .
Which modes of delivery can be used for these qualifications? You are free to deliver BTEC International Level 3 qualifications using any form of
delivery that meets the needs of your learners. We recommend making use of a wide
variety of modes, including direct instruction in classrooms or work environments,
investigative and practical work, group and peer work, private study and e-learning.
What are the recommendations for employer involvement? BTEC International Level 3 qualifications are vocational qualifications and, as an
approved centre, you are encouraged to work with employers on design, delivery and
assessment to ensure that it is engaging and relevant, and that it equips learners for
progression. There are suggestions in many of the units about how employers could
become involved in delivery and/or assessment but these are not intended to be
exhaustive and there will be other possibilities at local level.
What support is available? We provide a wealth of support materials, including curriculum plans, delivery guides,
sample Pearson Set Assignments, authorised assignment briefs and examples of marked
learner work.
You will be allocated a Standards Verifier early on in the planning stage to support you
with planning your assessments. There will be extensive training programmes as well as
support from our Subject Advisor team.
For further details see
Section 10 Resources and support .