"FOREIGN LANGUAGE" AS A SUBJECT IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM Maral Gasimova Lecturer Orcid id: 0009-0008-2220-6479
Vafa Mukhtarova Lecturer
Orcid id: 0000-0002-1094-1758
Janana Asgarova Lecturer
Orcid id: 0000-0003-1403-1580
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
Abstract: A foreign language as a subject, unlike most academic disciplines that are aimed at
mastering the scientific knowledge of certain phenomena, certain laws that govern these phenomena, does not
have scientific knowledge of the language and the science of language in its sphere of interest. FL is aimed at
familiarizing students with some social phenomenon, regardless of knowledge of the laws of this phenomenon,
aimed at practical mastery of the language.
A number of authors believe that the commonality in the field of goal-setting of the academic subjects
"foreign language" and "native language" is manifested in their focus on the formation of a communication
system, the development of language means of communication. Nevertheless, the analysis of the goals shows
that there are more differences between the named academic disciplines than commonality. The differences
are explained by the fact that the main and leading goal in teaching a foreign language is a communicative
goal that determines the entire educational process, while in teaching a native language this goal is not the
main one.
Key words: mother tongue, foreign language, language learning, language teaching as a main subject,
the purpose of the language subject
The focus on practical knowledge of the language is typical for all linguistic subjects taught at school,
however, we note that the communicative goal of teaching the native language is to improve the skills of oral
speech and teaching writing and reading, as well as mastering the ability to accurately choose the means of
transmitting information.