Risk score reduction
Before implementation of the smart infu-
sion system, a failure mode and effects analy-
sis (FMEA) demonstrated a risk score of 210
for IV administration of heparin. This risk
score was driven predominantly by a lack
of a second check of the pump setting by
nurses before starting the infusion. FMEA
after implementing the smart infusion sys-
tem resulted in a risk score of 56, a 4-fold
reduction achieved primarily by improved
detection of heparin infusion programming
Averted infusion programming errors
An in-depth analysis of CQI data from a
nine-month period showed that 245 infu-
sion system alerts resulted in a programming
change or canceled infusion representing
averted errors
. Of these, 166 averted over-
doses were felt to represent the greatest
Executive Summary Conference Report
9th Invited Conference: Improving Heparin Safety
potential for harm. Heparin represented 23
(14%) of 166 potentially harmful overdoses
Further analysis using the IV Medication
Harm Index
demonstrated that heparin
accounted for a significant number of averted
overdoses with the highest potential for harm.
The IV Medication Harm Index is an ana-
lytic tool that characterizes the magnitude of
potential harm based on three sub-scales: 1)
drug risk and magn itude of overdose; 2) level
of care and patient acuity and 3) detectability
of adverse event. It has a range of values of 3.5
to 14.0.
In our analysis, heparin accounted for
42% of those overdoses with risk scores equal
to or greater than 11.0 on the IV Medication
Harm Index
. Most patients who would have
received these overdoses were treated in non-
ICU medical/surgical nursing units
Process and practice improvements
Wireless network connectivity of smart
infusion devices allows the opportunity to
evaluate aggregated data from the system
and identify medication-use processes that
need improvement. Analysis of heparin data
in 2004 demonstrated a need to assess and
redesign SJCHS weight-based heparin proto-
. As a result of this analysis:
• Multiple IV heparin concentrations were
standardized to 50 units/mL
• Three time-consuming steps in dose cal-
culation were eliminated
• Infusion rate calculations by nurse or phar-
macist were eliminated by implementing
dose-based pump programming in units/
• Extensive computer-based re-education
of nurses and pharmacists was conducted
Additional analysis in 2006 demonstrated
continued problems with pump program-
ming for bolus dosing of heparin infusions
(Table 2). To correct these problems, bolus
parameters were defined in the infusion-sys-
tem’s software drug library and additional
nurse and pharmacist education was imple-
mented using case scenarios in computer-
based learning modules.
Recent SJCHS medication-use data indi-
cate that more than 75% of parenteral anti-
coagulant use is low molecular weight hepa-
rins (LMWH); unfractionated heparin (UFH) is
administered to a minority of patients who
require anticoagulation. Although UFH use
is declining, it is unlikely that it will be totally
replaced by other anticoagulants in the near
future. LMWH may be a safer alternative to
UFH in those patients who are appropriate
candidates for its use.
Smart infusion systems provide actionable
data that can be used to improve medica-
tion use processes for many IV-administered
drugs, including heparin. Although heparin is
administered in both intensive care unit (ICU)
and non-ICU settings, patients who receive
the drug outside of the ICU may be at greater
risk for harm, because the level of monitoring
for adverse events is less intense in these set-
tings. Wireless network communication with
infusion devices significantly improves the
efficiency and timeliness of process inter-
ventions based on CQI data collected by the
1. Communication with D.W. Bates, M.D., M.Sc. of Brigham
& Women’s Hospital in Boston, October 2001.
2. Williams CK, Maddox RR. Implementation of an i.v.
safety system. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005: 62:530-6.
3. Maddox RR, Williams CK, Oglesby H, et al. Clinical expe-
rience with patient-controlled analgesia using con-
tinuous respiratory monitoring and a smart infusion
system. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2006; 63:157-64.
4. Williams CK, Maddox RR, Heape E, et al. Application
of the iv medication harm index to assess the nature
of harm averted by “smart” infusion safety systems.
J Patient Saf 2006; 2:132-9.
5. Sullivan J. IV medication harm index: results of a
national consensus conference. In: Schneider PJ, ed.
Infusion safety: addressing harm with high-risk drug
administration. Hosp Health Netw 2004; 78(5suppl):29-
31. Retrieved September 9, 2005 from: www.cardi-
Table 2. Examples of SJCHS 2006 Heparin CQI Data
Initial Dose
Final Dose
Multiple of
Max Limit
Times Intended
Adult Critical Care
80 units/kg/hr
18 units/kg/hr
Adult Critical Care
80 units/kg/hr
18 units/kg/hr
Adult Med Surg
80 units/kg/hr
18 units/kg/hr
Adult Med Surg
80 units/kg/hr
12 units/kg/hr
Highest-Risk Averted Overdoses
* (
Patient Care
Total Averted
Total (n=33)
Heparin (n=14)
ICU Critical Care
332 (78%)
140 (84.3%)
16 (48.5%)
10 (100%)
1 (7%)
67 (22%)
26 (15.7%)
17 (51.5%)
13 (93%)
* Averted overdoses with scores ≥ on the IV Medication Harm Index16 (drug risk overdose range, level of care /acuity
and detectability).
© 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Table 1. Averted Overdoses: Risk for Harm/Patient Care Types
Executive Summary Conference Report
9th Invited Conference: Improving Heparin Safety
Key points
• National Patient Safety Goal Requirement 3E requires hospitals to reduce the likelihood of
patient harm associated with the use of anticoagulation therapy.
• Unfractionated heparin (UFH) therapy is usually monitored with a clot-based test, activated
partial prothrombin time (aPTT).
• A laboratory can change aPTT reagents every 12 to 16 months, depending on its manufactur-
er-determined stability, and the new therapeutic range may need to be determined using the
new reagent lot.
• The aPTT result can be affected by variations among testing devices and reagents, patient
physiology and pathophysiology, concurrent medications, improper blood collection and
plasma preparation and delay in centrifuging or testing a sample.
• Test results vary among POC devices and typically do not match laboratory aPTT results
because of differences in sample type, clot detection method and sample-reagent incubation
• Sharing knowledge about the potential shortcomings of aPTT testing to monitor UFH therapy
and the possible need to change the therapeutic range can help reduce the likelihood of harm
and improve the care of patients receiving anticoagulation therapy.
Heparin Safety and the Coagulation Laboratory
Robert Gosselin, CLS, Coagulation Specialist, Coagulation Laboratory, University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
In 2008, the Joint Commission’s new
National Patient Safety Goals included
Requirement 3E: Reduce the likelihood of
patient harm associated with the use of anti-
coagulation therapy
. This applies to patients
receiving either oral or intravenous (IV) anti-
coagulation therapy. The most frequently
used IV anticoagulant is heparin.
Safe and effective heparin use requires fre-
quent monitoring to ensure that drug levels
are maintained within a narrow therapeutic
window. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) thera-
py is usually monitored with a clot-based test,
activated partial prothrombin time (aPTT).
Other clot-based tests such as thrombin time
are infrequently used but can be useful in
situations such as patients with lupus who
have elevated baseline aPTT levels. Other
approaches are to measure levels of heparin
or anti-Xa activity. Heparin levels are most
commonly measured by chromogenic meth-
ods, although protamine titration is still used.
Activated clotting time (ACT) is widely used
outside the clinical laboratory setting.
In this manuscript, the laboratory’s role in
monitoring continuous infusion UFH using
aPTT testing and some of the associated
problems will be discussed.
The College of American Pathologists
(CAP) is one of the organizations that certify
clinical laboratories. For UFH monitoring, CAP
requires that each laboratory have a docu-
mented system for determining and validat-
ing an aPTT-based heparin therapeutic range
using an appropriate technique
. The most
common approach is to use the method
described by Brill-Edwards, et al. to com-
pare heparin levels with aPTT values
. When
chromogenic methods are used, a regression
analysis is done between levels of aPTT and
heparin. The therapeutic range is determined
by drawing intercept lines between 0.3-0.7
units/mL heparin levels and aPTT values
(Figure 1).
A laboratory can change aPTT reagent
every 12 to 16 months, depending on its
manufacturer-determined stability. CAP sug-
gests that at least 30 UFH patients be tested,
with no more than two samples per patient
After concurrent testing of new and existing
lots, CAP recommends using the differenc-
es between aPTT means and summation of
mean differences over past evaluation peri-
ods. In either case, if the difference between
the aPTT means of the new lot and either
the existing lot or cumulative difference is
<5 seconds, then no action is necessary and
the change may not be noticed by clinicians.
If either difference is >7 seconds, then a new
therapeutic range must be determined.
To minimize the possibility of having to
create a new therapeutic range, a laboratory
Executive Summary Conference Report
9th Invited Conference: Improving Heparin Safety
can request that a reagent manufacturer sup-
ply a new lot with similar heparin responsive-
ness. A laboratory could also obtain multiple
lots for evaluation and select the lot that
more closely matches results for the existing
lot. Another option is to save plasma samples
from UFH-treated patients throughout the
year for future testing. This allows even the
smallest laboratory to have enough samples
for comparison testing. Any UFH samples that
are frozen should be validated, for reasons
discussed below. It is not acceptable to deter-
mine the therapeutic range using UFH-spiked
plasma, because this approach tends to over-
estimate the therapeutic range.
Pre-analytical variables can affect aPTT
results, and mechanisms to ensure proper
blood collection and plasma preparation are
required. Testing should be performed on
unclotted, 3.2% sodium citrate, platelet-poor
plasma (<10,000/mm
) within 4 hours of col-
. For monitoring UFH therapy, the aPTT
sample should centrifuged within one hour
and tested within four hours of collection
The citrate tube should be nearly full to avoid
an improper citrate:plasma ratio that could
falsely increase clotting times. At our institu-
tion, before analysis every coagulation sample
is rimmed with applicator sticks to check for
macroscopic clots. The processing centrifuge
is checked daily to assure that platelet-poor
plasma is created. For citrated samples to be
saved for later testing, the plasma is removed
from the primary collection tube and placed
into a secondary tube and re-centrifuged.
After the second centrifugation, the plasma is
then aliquoted into freezer-safe capped vial(s)
prior to freezing at -70
New lot evaluation of aPTT reagents—
UC Davis Health System protocol
At our institution, two to three different
lots of aPTT reagent with similar UFH sensitiv-
ity are requested from the manufacturer for
initial evaluation. The coagulation analyzers
are set up to reflex patient testing on new lot
aPTT reagents if they meet established crite-
ria for evaluation: 1) aPTT within current ther-
apeutic range with current lot aPTT reagent,
and 2) normal INR. After testing is complete
on the new and current lots of reagents,
the samples are saved at -70
C for possible
future analysis. Although CAP recommenda-
tions allow up to two samples per patient,
we prefer to use a patient only once for data
analysis. Access to electronic medical records
(EMR) allows the staff to review UFH dos-
ing to determine whether therapeutic doses
have been given. Regression analysis and bias
plots are used to determine which new-lot
aPTT reagents are preferable. At least 40 UFH-
treated patients are evaluated to determine
whether a new therapeutic range is warrant-
ed. Data are shared with pharmacists to alert
them to potential bias areas when transition
to a new reagent lot occurs.
Establishing rapport between labora-
tory staff and the pharmacy staff is prudent.
Sharing information facilitates smooth tran-
sition if new therapeutic ranges are required
and allows the clinical staff to address any
issues surrounding the data. New thera-
peutic ranges most likely will require a
change in dosing orders, so a lead time
(one month, at our facility) before new-lot
transition would allow new dosing orders
to be approved and disseminated for the
new reagent lots. If the therapeutic range
is changed, a concrete transition day and
shift must be established and appropriate
pharmacy and clinical staff notified.
Direct thrombin inhibitors (DTI) are also
monitored using the aPTT. Informing clinical
staff about the impact of new reagent lots
on DTI therapy is strongly recommended, to
ensure that they can assess potential issues
(Figure 2). Secondly, since aPTT testing is
also used in settings such as hemophilia
screening or lupus anticoagulation, inform-
ing the clinical staff about the performance
characteristics of a new aPTT reagent lot
would be beneficial.
aPTT testing: ancillary issues
Many pre-analytical and analytical vari-
ables affect the accuracy of aPTT results.
Probably the most important variable is the
Figure 1: Determination of heparin therapeutic range
Heparin therapeutic range comparing chromogenic heparin levels (X axis) to corresponding aPTT values in
patients receiving therapeutic UFH. A regression line is drawn, and then intercept lines between 0.3-0.7 units/mL
UFH and the aPTT axis. In this example the therapeutic range would be 42-82 seconds.
y = 94.14x + 15.673
= 0.5166
Anti-Xa activity, U/mL
Executive Summary Conference Report
9th Invited Conference: Improving Heparin Safety
Analytical variables, e.g., differences
between instruments and reagents, may not
be evident within a laboratory or consor-
tium of laboratories that use like reagents
and instruments, but may become apparent
when samples are compared to other labo-
ratories. While the largest variable is differ-
ent reagents, instruments also differ in the
endpoint measurement of the test. Different
types of activator and the concentration and
type of phospholipid in the reagent will yield
different results, even if samples are analyzed
concurrently on the same instrument
Physiological variations will also affect
aPTT results. The aPTT measures the func-
tional ability of nine coagulation factors and,
to a lesser degree, fibrinogen. Decreased fac-
tor levels or activity can increase aPTT, and
increased factor levels or activity can decrease
aPTT. Especially in UFH monitoring, elevat-
ed levels of fibrinogen and factor VIII, both
acute-phase reactants, may falsely decrease
the aPTT and suggest “heparin resistance”
Unintended effects of other drugs such
as thrombolytics, Xigris® and NovoSeven®
may also increase or decrease aPTT results.
Pathologic states such as antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome, vonWillebrand disease,
immune causes of factor deficiency, among
others, may also affect the aPTT result.
Variation among laboratories
CAP survey results highlight the prob-
lems of aPTT testing for UFH monitoring.
CAP requires each clinical laboratory to dem-
blood-acquisition (phelebotomy) technique.
In healthy individuals, blood is usually drawn
from the antecubital fossa using vacutainer-
type blood collection tubes without major
problems. When drawing blood presents
a problem, technique may affect results.
The use of small-bore needles (<23 gauge),
entry into small veins and increased force
in drawing back the syringe plunger may
result in lysis of red blood cell (RBC) and the
release of phospholipids that may initiate
the coagulation process. Cell lysis may not
be not readily apparent until the blood is
processed in the laboratory.
The use of syringes for venipuncture also
presents other challenges. Blood is activated
by exposure to negatively charged surfaces
such as glass or plastic and delays of >60 sec-
onds in transferring freshly collected blood
into vacutainer tubes containing appro-
priate anticoagulants may also effect test
results. Other problems include tourniquet
time, improper blood-to-anticoagulant ratio,
improper anticoagulant uses (different col-
ored blue top tubes), improper clearing of
indwelling catheters prior to blood collection
for testing, improper storage of sample once
collected and delays in getting samples to
the laboratory. The effects of poorly phle-
botomized blood may not become apparent
until the sample reaches the laboratory (clot-
ted sample) or during the analytical (test-
ing) phase (decreased clotting time) or post-
analytical phase, when samples are saved for
future testing.
A properly collected citrated sample must
be sent to the laboratory immediately. As
noted above, platelet-poor plasma should be
processed within one hour of collection
Figure 2: Differences between new and existing reagent lots
Example of pooled plasma spiked with varying concentrations of argatroban. The two lines represent existing-lot
aPTT reagent (527295) and new-lot aPTT reagent (537224). These spiked samples could be stored at -70
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