Sends a digital meeting request e.g. Outlook calendar or other
Demonstrates appropriate netiquette in workplace communication and explains the effects of positive and negative netiquette on co-workers
Sets up a workstation for a user that minimizes discomfort and maximises efficiency
Identifies all the possible wired and wireless connections available for devices in a small office, e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®, GPS location, USB™, HDMI™, RCA connectors or other
Creates a straightforward flowchart on how to connect to Wi-Fi using an undiscovered PC from the step of turning it on and include an Ethernet cable as troubleshooting
Narrows terms in an internet search to get specific information, e.g. ‘gluten free bread’
Manages work hours by configuring work phone settings, e.g. Do not disturb or an automatic SMS response
Connects to a Wi-Fi network and locates information about the connection, e.g. status – connected, disconnected, signal strength – poor, fair or good, link speed in mbps
Education and training
Sets up a spreadsheet that incorporates use of built-in formula, e.g. sum of rows A to H