KET is…………….*a) Key English Test
Kinesthetic learners learn best…*a) By moving and doing
Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by …*a) Moving or doing
Language acquisition *a) Picking up‘a language; not learning it consciously, but by being exposed to it in natural situations
Learners at the age of 7 are called…. *a) Young
Lesson plan gives a Teacher …*a) confidence
Main principles of CLT: *a) Interactive mode of work, natural and spontaneous (free) use of language, meaningful communication, and meaning has primacy over form,
Match the level A2 with explanation. *a) Wastage or elementary
Match while-writing task with definition *a) draws on writing itself
Method a)*The procedures and techniques characteristic of teaching
Mind map*a) A diagram which supposedly represents the brain or the mind: topics are clustered on the page together as they are believed to be collected in the brain.
Multiple-choice *a) choice item will be a question or incomplete sentence. This is known as the stem. The different possible answers are known as alternatives. The alternatives typically include one correct answer and several wrong answers or distractors.
Pair work is … *a) mode of doing a task or activity in pairs
Pairwork *a) a learning activity which involves learners working together in pairs.
Pedagogy *a) the study of teaching methods and approaches.
Peer observation *a) Observation of a teacher or trainee by a colleague of equal status.
PPP stands for …*a) Presentation, Practice, Production
Reading a text for getting specific information is...?*a) Scanning
Reading a text for understanding its gist? *a)Skimming
Role play - *a) classroom activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation