7.1 VIDEO RESOURCES Video #1: Major Divisions of Animal Kingdom:
Video #2: The Origin of Animal Life:
Video #3: The Stages of Animal Development:
Video #4: Organization and Symmetry:
Unit VII. ANIMAL KINGDOM Topics : 7.1
Animal Structure, Protection and Movement
7.2 Homeostasis 7.3
Respiration and Digestion
Nervous and Endocrine System
Reproduction in Animal World
7.2 Content Learning Objectives •
Student will be able to explain concept of homeostasis
Student will be able to describe thermoregulation of endothermic and ectothermic animals.
7.2 Language Objectives •
Student will identify and define topic key vocabulary.
Student will use reading to identify word, sentence, and paragraph grammar structures.
Student will use readings to practice reading strategies.
Student will restate (orally or written) Science and Biology definitions and main ideas using
content-specific terms.
Student will organize information using a variety of graphic organizers according to content-
specific expectations (e.g. Steps of The Scientific Method).
7.2 Reading Resources #1 Homeostatic Process
#2 Homeostasis: Thermoregulation
#3 Neural Control of Thermoregulation
A. Pre-Reading - Warm-Up and Accessing Prior Knowledge Homestasis is the process of keeping things in balance within a living system. A picture model might look
like this if we are thinking about our body temperature: