G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

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xorijiy t

Ko‘chirma gap:
O‘zlashtirma gap:
This bu, shu
these bular, shular
now hozir
today bugun 
tomorrow ertaga
the day after tomorrow 
ertadan keyin
yesterday kecha
the day before yesterday 
o‘tgan kuni
ago burun, ilgari
next year kelasi yili
here bu yerda
that o‘sha
those o‘shalar
then o‘shanda
that day o‘sha kuni
the next day keyingi kuni
two days later ikki kundan keyin
the day before bir kun oldin
two days before ikki kun oldin
before ilgari
the next year, the following year 
keyingi yili
there u yerda
Ko‘chirma gap:
O‘zlashtirma gap:
He said, «I can’t translate 
this article».
U dedi: «Men bu maqolani 
tarjima qila olmayman».
He said that he couldn’t translate 
that article.
U o‘sha maqolani tarjima qila ol-
masligini aytdi.
He said, «I shall write the 
letter tomorrow».
U dedi: «Men xatni ertaga 
He said that he would write the letter 
the next day.
U xatni keyingi kuni yozishini 
He said, «I was here yesterday».
U dedi: «Men kecha shu 
yerda edim».
He said that he had been there the 
day before. U bir kun oldin o‘sha 
yerda bo‘lganligini aytdi.
Ammo yuqorida aytilgan o‘zgartirishlar ko‘r-ko‘rona amalga oshiril-
masdan, vaziyat talabiga qarab o‘zgartiriladi;
1) He said, «My brother 
works here».
U dedi: «Mening akam shu yerda 

Agar ko‘chirma gap akasi ishlaydigan joyning o‘zida (shaharda, mam-
lakatda) o‘zlashtirma gapga aylantirilayotgan bo‘lsa, o‘zlashtirma gapda 

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