G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

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xorijiy t

Did you go out last night?
Kecha tunda siz biror joyga bor-
Ish-harakatning sodir bo‘lgan vaqti kesimi o‘tgan zamonda bo‘lgan payt 
ergash gap bilan ham berilishi mumkin:
He called when I was at the Insti-
U men institutdaligimda meni-
kiga kelibdi.
Ish-harakatning sodir bo‘lgan vaqti ko‘rsatilmasdan, fahmlanishi 
bought this book in London.
Men bu kitobni Londondan sotib 
recognized him with diffi culty.
Men uni qiyinchilik bilan tanidim.
3. Bir nechta oldinma-ketin sodir bo‘lgan ish-harakat sodir bo‘lish 
tartibida bayon etilsa Simple Past ishlatiladi:
He left the hotel, took a taxi and 
drove to the theatre.
U mehmonxonadan chiqdi
taksi oldi va teatrga jo‘nadi.
The manager entered the offi ce, sat 
down at his desk, and began to look 
through the morning mail.
Mudir ofi 
sga kirdi, stoliga 
o‘tirdi va ertalabki pochtani 
qarab chiqa boshladi.
When I arrived at the railway sta-
tion, I went to the booking-offi ce 
and bought a ticket.
Men temir yo‘l vokzaliga 
nimda, kassaga bordim 
va bilet sotib oldim.
4. Simple Past o‘tgan zamondagi odatiy, takrorlanib turgan ish-hara katni 
ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi:
Last winter I spent a lot of time in 
the library.
O‘tgan qishda men ko‘p vaqtimni 
kutubxonada o‘tkazardim.
Last year I often went to the thea-
O‘tgan yil men tez-tez teatrga borib 
turar edim. 
While she was in Tashkent, she often 
called on
us every evening.
U Toshkentdaligida ko‘pincha har 
oqshom biznikiga kelib turar edi.

Ushbu holat uchun ko‘pincha used + to + V ham ishlatiladi:
Last summer I used to spend a lot of time in the library.
Last year I often used to go to the theatre.
While she was in Tashkent, she used to call on us every evening.

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