accuse of -da ayblamoq
approve of -ni qo‘llab-quvvatlamoq
be better off yaxshisi
confess to bo‘yniga olmoq, tan ol-
consist in -dan iborat bo‘lmoq
count on -ga ishonmoq
depend on -iga tobe (bog‘liq)
disapprove of -ni ma’qullamaslik
be engaged in bilan shug‘ullanmoq
get used to -ga ko‘nikmoq
give up tashlamoq (yomon odatni)
hear of -ni eshitmoq
insist on talab qilmoq
be interested in -ga qiziqmoq
keep on davom ettirmoq
look forward to -ni umid qilmoq
object to -ga e’tiroz bildirmoq
persist in sabot ko‘rsatmoq
prevent in oldini olmoq, xalaqit
ber moq
put off orqaga surmoq
rely on -ga ishonmoq
result in hosil bo‘lmoq
spend in bilan o‘tkazmoq
succeed in -ga muvaffaq bo‘lmoq
suspect of -da gumon qilmoq
think about
-ni o‘ylamoq
think of
worry about -dan tashvishlanmoq
You would be better off leaving
now instead of tomorrow.
Siz yaxshisi ertaning o‘rniga hozir
jo‘nasangiz bo‘lardi.
Fred confessed to stealing the je-
Fred taqinchoqlarni o‘g‘irlaganini
tan oldi.
John gave up smoking because of
his doctor’s advice.
Jon doktorning maslahati bilan che-
kishni tashladi.
Mary insisted on taking the bus in-
stead of the plane.
Meri samolyot o‘rnida avtobusda
ketishni yoqlab turib oldi.
We are interested in buying your
Biz sizning mollaringizni sotib
olish ga qiziqamiz.
We are not looking forward to go-
ing back
Biz qaytib ketishni umid qilganimiz
yo‘q (qaytib ketmoqchi emasmiz).
accustomed to -ga o‘rgangan
afraid of -dan qo‘rqmoq
capable of -ga qobil
disappointed at -dan hafsalasi pir
fond of - ni sevmoq
intent on -da sabotli
interested in -ga qiziquvchi
proud of -dan g‘ururlanuvchi
responsible for -ga mas’uliyatli
successful in –da omadli
surprised at -dan ajablangan
tired of -dan charchagan
We are accustomed to sleeping late
on weekends.
Biz dam olish kunlari (haftaning oxi-
rida) kech turishga o‘rganganmiz
Mitch is afraid of getting married
Mich hozir uylanishdan qo‘rqadi.
Jean is not capable of understan-
ding the predicament.
Jin qiyinchilikni tushunishga qo dir
Craig is fond of dancing.
Kreig raqsga tushishni sevadi.
Alvaro is intent on fi nishing school
next year.
Alvaro kelasi yili maktabni tuga-
tishni maqsad qiladi.
We are interested in seeing this fi lm.
Biz bu fi lmni ko‘rishga qiziqamiz.
Yuqoridagi ba’zi sifat va sifatdoshlardan keyin gerund ham, infi nitiv ham
ishlatilishi mumkun:
I am proud of being a citizen of Uz-
bekistan.= I am proud to be a citizen
of Uzbekistan.
Men O‘zbekiston fuqarosi bo‘lish-
dan faxrlanaman.
art of -da mahorat
astonishment at -dan hayratga
apology for uchun uzr
choice of tanlangan narsa
disappointment at hafsalasi pir
method for (method of) uchun us-
necessity of -da zarurat
objection to -ga e’tiroz
opportunity of -ga qulay imkoniyat
plan for uchun reja
pleasure of -dan rohatlanish
excuse for -dan bahona
experience in -da tajriba
fear of -dan qo‘rquv
habit of -da ko‘nikma
hope of -dan umid
idea of fi kr, g‘oya
importance of muhimlik
intention of - ga qasd qilish
interest in -ga qiziqish
means of - ning vositasi
possibility of -ga imkoniyat
preparation for uchun tayyorgarlik
problem of -ning muammosi
process of -ning jarayoni
reason for uchun sabab
right of huquqi
skill in -da mahorat
surprise at -dan ajablanish
way of -ning yo‘li (vositasi)
George has no excuse for drop-
ping out of school.
Jorjning maktabni tashlashiga ba-
hona yo‘q.
Connie has developed a method
for evaluating this problem.
Konni bu masalani raqamlar bi-
lan ifodalash uslubini takomil-
There is a possibility of acquiring
this property at a good price.
Bu ushbu mulkni yaxshi narxda
qo‘lga kiritishning imkoniyatidir.
There is no reason for leaving this
Bu erta tark etishga sabab emas.
Izoh: Gerund fe’l yoki sifatdan yasalgan otni aniqlab kelganda, otdan keyin u yasal gan
fe’l yoki sifatdan keyin keladigan predlog keladi, vositasiz to‘ldiruvchi talab qiladigan fe’ldan
yasalgan otdan keyin esa of predlogi ishlatiladi:
Have you any objections to signing this
Bu hujjatni imzolashga e’tirozingiz
To object fe’li to predlogini talab qilgani uchun objection oti ham o‘zidan keyin to
predlogini talab qiladi.
He expressed his surprise at meeting her
U uni u yerda ko‘rib ajablandi.
Surprise otidan keyin at predlogi ishlatiladi, chunki surprised sifatidan keyin at pred-
logi keladi.
There is no fear of damaging the goods if
they are packed in this manner.
Tovarlar (mollar) ushbu usulda o‘raglan
bo‘lsa, ularning nobud bo‘lishidan
xavotirlanmasa ham bo‘ladi.
Fear otidan keyin of predlogi ishlatiladi, chunki fear fe’li o‘zidan keyin vositasiz to‘l-
diruvchini talab qiladi.
2. Gerund orqasidan for predlogini oluvchi ko‘pgina otlarning orqasidan
o‘sha otga aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi va o‘sha buyumning nima maq sadda
ishlatilishini bildiradi:
A thermometer is an instrument for
measuring temperature.
Termometr — haroratni o‘lchay-
digan asbob.
This is an airplane for transporting
Bu yuk tashuvchi samolyot.
Gerund bilan bir qatorda infi nitiv ham oldidan kelgan otga aniqlovchi
bo‘lib kelishi mumkin:
The charterers have the right of loa-
ding (= the right to load) the stea-
mer at night time.
Yollovchilar paroxodga tungi
paytda mol yuklash huquqiga
I have no intention of doing it
(= no intention to do it).
Men buni qilmoqchi emasman.
3. Gerund gapda hol bo‘lib keladi:
a) on (upon) keyin, -da, after keyin, before -dan oldin, in -da, ichida
predloglari bilan payt holi bo‘lib keladi:
On fi nding that the engine was
working badly, the pilot was obliged
to land.
Motor yaxshi ishlamaganligi aniq-
langanda, uchuvchini qo‘nishga
maj bur qilishdi.
After saying this he left the room.
Buni aytgandan keyin u xonani
tark etdi.
Before leaving for London I called
on my brother.
Londonga jo‘nashimdan oldin men
akamni ko‘rgani bordim.
In retreating the German fascists
burned down towns and villages.
Nemis fashistlari chekinayotgan-
larida shahar va qishloqlarni yon-
On (upon) va after predloglaridan keyin odatda, Simple Gerund ish-
latiladi, gerund ifodalagan ish-harakatning kesimdagi ish-harakatdan ol din
sodir bo‘lganligini ifodalash uchun after predlogi ishlatiladi. Agar faqat
voqealarni oldinma-ketin sodir bo‘lganligini ifodalash kerak bo‘lsa on
(upon) predlogi ishlatiladi.
Vaqtni ifodalovchi gerundli iboralar, sifatdoshli iboralarga teng bo‘ladi
( before predlogi bilan kelgan iboralardan tashqari).
On coming home… = coming home
After saying this… = having said this
In retreating … = while retreating
b) for uchun, through tufayli, owing to sababli, tufayli predloglari bilan
sabab holi bo‘lib keladi:
Excuse me for being so late.
Bunchalik kechikkanim uchun
We are obliged to you for sending
us the latest market reports.
Eng so‘nggi bozor axborotlarini
yuborganingiz uchun biz sizdan
He caught cold through getting his
feet wet.
Oyog‘i nam tortgani uchun u
sha molladi.
c) by bilan, vositasida predlogi bilan ravish holi bo‘lib keladi:
He improved his article by chan-
ging the end.
Oxirini o‘zgartirib u maqolasini
ancha yaxshiladi.
We were able to discharche the boat
in 24 hours by using a powerful
Biz kuchli kranlarni ishlatib
kema ning yukini 24 soat ichida
tushirishga muvaffaq bo‘ldik.
d) besides -dan tashqari, instead of -ning o‘rnida, without –siz, -mas-
dan, apart from -dan tashqari kabi predloglar bilan to‘siqsiz ergash gapda
Besides being clever, he is very in-
Aqlli bo‘lishidan tashqari u juda
Instead of writing the letter him-
silf, he asked his friend to do it.
Xatni o‘zi yozish o‘rniga, u do‘s-
tidan xat yozib berishni so‘radi.
He left the room without waiting
for a reply.
U javobni kutmasdan xonani tark
e) for the purpose of, with the object of, with a view to maqsadda,
uchun guruh predloglari bilan maqsadni ifodalaydi:
A Polish delegation arrived in the
capital with the object of conduc-
ting trade negotiations.
Polsha delegatsiyasi savdo mu-
zokaralarini olib borish uchun
poytaxtga keldi.
He gave these instructions with a
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