Grammarway 1 kitobining o’zbekcha

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Grammarway tayyor back

Unit 17

pet shop – zoomagazin cost – narxda turmoq who – kim
whose – kimning, kimniki
what – 1. nima; 2. qaysi, qanday,
which – qaysi
where – qayer, qayerda, qayerga when – qachon
how long – 1. qanchadan beri;
qancha payt davomida
how long ago – qancha payt
how often – qanchada bir how much – qancha
how many – nechta how – qanday
why – nega, nima uchun how old – necha yosh coat – palto
glasses – ko’zoynak sad – g’amgin, xafa lose – yo’qotmoq purse – hamyon blue – ko’k
twice – ikki marta week – hafta
for - …dan beri
leave school – maktabni


country – qishloq wear – kiymoq hat – shlyapa
come back – qaytib kelmoq tomorrow – ertaga
drive – haydamoq, boshqarmoq dangerously – xavfli
what time – soat nechada finish – tugatmoq newspaper – gazeta
since - …dan beri
shirt – ko’ylak (erkaklarniki) want – xohlamoq
colour – rang red – qizil Poland – Polsha
go to bed – uyquga yotmoq cry – yig’lamoq
hurt – jarohatlamoq finger – barmoq
those – anavi (ko’plik uchun) over there – anavi yerda
go on holiday – ta’tilga chiqmoq last year – o’tgan yili
dad – dada
roast – pechda yoki ochiq olovda
beef – mol go’shti cook – pishirmoq
be bored – zerikmoq because – chunki science – aniq fan jacket – jket
ago – avval, oldin once – bir marta only – atigi, xolos salad – salad about – taxminan
arrive – yetib kelmoq, yetib
put – qo’ymoq, solmoq curtain – parda
close – berkitmoq everyone – hamma open – ochmoq door – eshik
when - …ganda enjoy – rohatlanmoq
squash – squosh (sport turi) three times – uch marta call – telefon qilmoq
send – jo’natmoq somebody – kimdir something – nimadir frighten – qo’rqitmoq
fall – yiqilmoq, qulab tushmoq,
head – bosh
steal (stole;stolen) – o’g’irlamoq bring (brought; brought) – olib kelmoq, keltirmoq
funny – g’alati noise – shovqin painting – su’rat
find (found; found) – topmoq help – yordam bermoq
see (saw; seen) – ko’rmoq hear (heard; heard) – ko’rmoq buy (bought; bought) – sotib olmoq
ring – uzuk
abroad – chet elda, chet elga repair – tuzatmoq
roof – tom
fish and chips – baliq va chipslar present – sovg’a
baby – chaqaloq typist – mashinistka

town centre – shahar markazi spare time – bo’sh vaqt
do sports – sport bilan
the same – bitta, bir xil together – birga
go walking – sayrga chiqmoq countryside – shahar tashqarisi have a rest – dam olmoq
at the moment – ayni paytda be tired – charchamoq
late – kech
best – eng yaxshi be born – tug’ilmoq
have a holiday – ta’tilda bo’lmoq, ta’til o’tkazmoq
across – narigi tomonda/ga road – yo’l
number – son
front door – old eshik
get into a car – mashinaga
drive away – haydab ketmoq time – marta
summer – yoz black – qora
exercise – mashq qilmoq by – orqali
train – poyezd pullover – svitr
birthday – tug’ilgan kun ill – kasal
leave for – ga ketmoq rabbit – quyon
meat – go’sht tiger – yo’lbars
stripe – yo’l-yo’l chiziq
spend (spent; spent) – sarflamoq,
flat – kvartira
never – hechqachon seldom – kamdan-kam rarely - kamdan-kam hardly –
athlete – sportchi cinema – kinoteatr
pass an exam – imtihondan
neighbour – qo’shni dentist – stomotolog again – yana
do (did; done) – qilmoq,
beach – plyaj
switch on – yoqmoq (apparat, chiroq…)
light – chiroq
be married – turmush qurgan
Sweden – Shvetsiya star – ro’l ijro etmoq all – hamma, barcha China – Xitoy
dress – ko’ylak (ayollarniki) size – hajm
different – boshqacha never mind – hechqisi yo’q would like – xohlamoq
try on – kiyib ko’rmoq changing room – kiyim almashtirish xonasi yours – sizniki
green – yashil
give (gave; given) – bermoq
tell (told; told) – aytmoq, demoq wedding – to’y
pay – to’lamoq


Unit 18

toy – o’yinchoq
draw (drew, drawn) – chizmoq swim (swam, swum) - suzmoq dive – sho’ng’imoq
all night – tuni bo’yi mile – mil
lift – ko’tarmoq heavy – og’ir thing – narsa
ride (rode, ridden) – minmoq bicycle – velosiped
help sb with - ...da yordam
go out – aylangani chiqmoq ask – so’ramoq
young – yosh ability – qobiliyat request – iltimos permission – ruxsat
bring (brought; brought) – olib kelmoq, keltirmoq
glass – stakan piano – pianino
take lessons – darsga bormoq use – ishlatmoq, foydalanmoq cross – kesib o’tmoq
because – chunki traffic – ko’cha harakati
break (broke; broken) – sidnirmoq leg – oyoq
paint – bo’yamoq, su’rat chizmoq wear – kiymoq, taqmoq
glasses – ko’zoynak count – sanamoq make (made, made) –
tayyorlamoq, qilmoq, yasamoq
take a photograph – rasmga
cold – sovuq
so – shuning uchun answer – javob bermoq take – olmoq
sing (sang, sang) – kuylamoq when - ...ganda
want – xohlamoq borrow – olib turmoq camera – fotoapparat
say (said, said) – aytmoq, demoq invite – taklif qilmoq
parents – ota-ona after - …dan keyin
climb up – tepaga tirmashib
ladder – narvon
at the age of - … yosh(i)da introduce – tanishtirmoq post – jo’natmoq
letter – xat
spell – xarflab aytmoq
tell (told, told) – aytmoq, demoq suggest – taklif qilmoq (g’oyani) be careful – ehtiyot bo’lmoq knife – pichoq
all right – yaxshi, hammasi joyida prohibition – ta’qiq
composition – insho
stay – turmoq, yashamoq shout – baqirmoq
move – ko’chmoq present – sovg’a
pay for – uchun to’lamoq exercise – mashq
gym – sportzal prohibiton – ta’qiq ticket – bilet
any more – ortiq

inside – …ning ichida/ga advice – maslahat
rule – qoida
obligation – majburiyat against - …ga qarshi without - …siz umbrella – soyabon road – yo’l
busy – tiqilinch, band look – qaramoq
type – klaviaturada yozmoq tooth – tish
hurt – og’rimoq dentist – stomatolog matches – gugurt dangerous – xavfli
talk – gapirmoq, gaplashmoq loudly – baland ovozda
baby – chaqaloq
sleep (slept, slept) – uxlamoq early – erta
tomorrow – ertaga feed – ovqatlantirmoq forget – unutmoq
drink (drank, drunk) – ichmoq do the washing up – idishlarni yuvmoq
during – davomida exam – imtixon later – keyinroq
park – mashinani qo’ymoq sign – belgi
alone – yolg’iz
lose (lost, lost) – yo’qotmoq key – kalit
throw (threw, thrown) – uloqtirmoq, tashlab yubormoq litter – chiqindi
iron – dazmollamoq
secret – sir paper – gazeta
give sb a lift – kimnidir eltib
stone – tosh project – loyiha
I am afraid – qo’rqamanki photocopy – nusxa olmoq, ‘’kserokopiya’’ qilmoq appointment – uchrashuv almost – deyarli
Oh dear! – eh xudo!
make noise – shovqin ko’tarmoq be quiet – jim bo’lmoq
put (put, put) – qo’ymoq, solmoq right – to’g’rmi, mos
place – joy
touch – tegmoq, teginmoq
for a long time – ancha paytdan
oven – pech
post – pochta orqali jo’natmoq living room – umumiy xona wall – devor
dirty – kir iflos
be late for - …ga kech qolmoq be angry – jahli chiqmoq clothes – kiyimlar
next to – yonida
tonight – bugun kechqurun invitation – taklifnoma clean – tozalamoq decorate – bezamoq
fix – tuzatmoq
put away – chetga olib qo’ymoq, yig’ishtirmoq
do the washing-up – idish-
tovoqlarni yuvmoq
shorts – shorti


pair – juft
move – siljitmoq sofa – divan
tired – charchagan of course – albatta
be a mess – tartibsiz bo’lmoq have a headache – boshi og’rimoq
need – muxtoj, kerak get – keltirmoq
close – yopmoq, berkitmoq be thirsty – chanqamoq pick up – olmoq
certainly – albatta postman – pochtachi deliver – yetkazib bermoq taste – ta’m bermoq bitter – achchiq
thanks for – uchun rahmat fire – kamin, o’choq carpet – gilam
have a bath – vanna qabul

Unit 19

want – xohlamoq
agree – qo’shilmoq, rozi bo’lmoq ask – so’ramoq
help – yordam bermoq hope – umid qilmoq
tell – aytmoq, buyurmoq decide – qaror qilmoq
manage – uddalamoq, ulgurmoq offer – taklif qilmoq
invite – taklif qilmoq too – o’ta
enough – yetarli plane – samolyot
pilot – uchuvchi animal – hayvon vet – veterenar sailor – dengizchi writer – yozuvchi
train station – vokzal
catch a train – poyezdga chiqmoq baker’s – nonvoyxona
bread – non
florist’s – gul do’koni library – kutubxona borrow – olib turmoq relax – dam olmoq swimming pool – basseyn
swim (swam, swum) – suzmoq pay – to’lamoq
phone bill – telefon to’lovi marry – turmush qurmoq
do exercises – mashq qilmoq decide – qaror qilmoq cinema – kinoteatr
make – majbur qilmoq wash – yuvmoq
every – har
let – ruhsat bermoq study – o’rganmoq
take a photo – rasmga olmoq move – ko’chmoq
offer – taklif qilmoq strong – kuchli
climb – tirmashib chiqmoq lift – ko’tarmoq
reach – yetmoq, yetishmoq shelf – polka,
expensive – qimmat cheap – arzon
high – baland low – past bitter – achchiq

sweet – shirin wear – kiymoq sweater – svitr difficult – qiyin sugar – shakar clean – toza strong – kuchli put – solmoq team – jamoa fast – tezkor win – yutmoq race – poyga alone – yolg’iz
properly – to’laqonli dark – qorong’u
ice – muz
throw away – tashlab yubormoq fit – chiniqqan
shirt – erkaklar ko’ylagi
sunbathe – quyoshda toblanmoq health – sog’lik
dislike – yoqtirmaslik love – sevmoq
hate – nafratlanmoq, yoqtirmaslik
enjoy – rohatlanmoq prefer – ma’qul ko’rmoq stop – to’xta(t)moq finish – tuga(t)moq start – boshlamoq begin – boshlamoq would like – xohlamoq
would love – bajonidil (nimadir qilmoq)
violin – skripka picnic – piknik sing – kuylamoq paint – bo’yamoq when - …ganda
take (took, taken) – olib bormoq travel – sayohat qilmoq
fence – panjara soon – tez orada stamp – marka because – chunki
post – pochta orqali jo’natmoq coat – palto
warm – iliq stay – qolmoq story – hikoya past – o’tmish
It deasn’t matter. – Farqi yo’q. think of – haqida o’ylamoq become – bo’lmoq, aylanmoq sunglasses – ochki
even – hatto
butcher’s – qassobxona meat – go’sht
chef – oshpaz astronaut – kosmonavt
grow up – ulg’aymoq, katta
how about - …chi? vegetable – sabzavot horror film – daxshatli film spend – sarflamoq
knock – taqillatmoq
washing machine – kir yuvish
mend – tuzatmoq twins – egizaklar
the same – bitta, bir xil thing – narsa
take risk – tavakkal qilmoq motor racing – moto poyga stunt man – kaskadyor
On the other hand – lekin foreign language – chet tili


shout – baqirmoq disco – diskoteka ceiling – shift

Unit 20

both – ikkalasi ham
neither – ikkalasi ham emas all – hamma, barcha
none – hech biri
sprinter – sprinter (qisqa masofaga yuguruvchi) chick – jo’ja
duckling – o’rdakcha cup – kubok
vase – vaza
kitten – mushukcha puppy – kuchukcha coin – tanga
lamb – qo’zichoq goat – echki green – yashil colour – rang
singer – qo’shiqchi cow – sigir
wild – yovvoyi Turkey – Turkiya snake – ilon elephant – fil parrot – to’ti farm – ferma round – atrofida
hold – ushlab turmoq smoke – chekmoq short – kalta
glasses – ko’zoynak paper – xujjat
suit – kostyum scarf – sharf
really – haqiqatdan hairdresser’s – sartaroshxona play – pyesa
accept – qabul qilmoq invitation – taklifnoma aunt – xola, amma bake – pishirmoq (non maxsulotlarini)
have fun – xursandchilik qilmoq comedy – komediya
hat – shlyapa
lose (lost, lost) – yo’qotmoq potato – kartoshka
carrot – sabzi mine – meniki
strawberry – qulupnay blonde – oq, malla (sochga nisbatan)
cry – yig’lamoq
fireman – o’t o’chiruvchi sad – xafa

Revision 4

river – daryo chemistry – kimyo subject – fan
of all – hammadan blue – ko’k comfortable – qulay economical – tejamkor angry – jahli chiqqan get dressed – kiyinmoq quick(ly) – tez
smell – hid
soft – yumshoq taste – ta’m bermoq quite – ancha, hiyla
sound – eshitilmoq, ovozidan …

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