“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida” mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi 130
perspectives that adults bring to the classroom can provide a rich reservoir for
Self-direction is considered by some to be a characteristic of adulthood but not
all adults possess this attribute in equal measure. In addition, if adults have been
accustomed to teacher-directed learning environments, they may not display self-
direction in adult learning settings. Adult learning should be structured to nurture the
development of self-directed, empowered adults. When adults are encouraged to
become selfdirected, they begin “to see teem selves as proactive, initiating
individuals engaged in a continuous re-creation of their personal relationships, work
worlds, and social circumstances rather than as reactive individuals, buffeted by
uncontrollable forces of circumstance” create a climate that encourages and supports
learning. .
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