“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida”
mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi
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6. "Science and education" scientific journal on november 2020.
7. The Impact of Positive Motivation on an ESL Classroom
8. Top 10 Cities in Europe with the Highest Demand for English Language
9. You’re Never Too Old to Change Your Life and Do a TEFL Course | ITTT |
10. 5 Reasons To Take A TEFL Course Right Now - Even If You Are Not
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“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida”
mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi
Yaxshibayev Furqat Kholjigit ugli
Tashkent State transport University
Uralov Akmal Shakar ugli
Tashkent State transport University
This article describes
the use of rails in railways, current
maintenance and marking of rails.
current maintenance of rails, marking of rails.
Rail maintenance. Ensuring long service life of rails
is an important task of
current track maintenance. When loading, unloading and transportation of rails do not
allow large bends rail bends are avoided during loading, unloading and
transportation. Considerable stresses may occur at these bends. Rails with a length of
25 m are gripped by lifting beams in at least two places. The rails with a length of 25
m are gripped in at least two places along their length using traverses. New rails are
inspected before they are welded to continuous welds, New rails are inspected before
they are welded into continuous strands to make sure that they bear the marks of the
inspector, other markings or other markings. Other
markings and the absence of
visible defects and damage. When laying rails and operating them on the track it is
important to ensure:
- tight adjacency of padding to rails and sleepers
without over overlap and
displacement of pads in relation to sleeper axes;
- the correct position of rails in the plan and profile;
- joint gaps normal for actual temperature and correct location of joints in
sleeper boxes;
- full number of fastenings corresponding to rail type;
- correct positioning of sleeper joints in sleeper boxes;
- full number of fastenings corresponding to rail type. joints;