“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida”
mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi
- full number of fasteners corresponding to the type of rails;
- systematic reinforcement of bolts.
Rails with vertical steps of more than 1 mm in the joints, rails with vertical steps
of 1 mm at the joints are to be connected by crosstie pads, grade 4 and 5 rails can be
welded together with tapered joint pads. The lowered end of the rail can be cladded
or grinded. Until these works (for a period of not more than three days) the speed the
speeds of trains passing over the joints with vertical steps. The speeds of trains to
pass the joints with vertical steps should not exceed the speeds shown in
Table 5.6.
Table 5.6
Conditions for passing trains through joints with steps
If a horizontal step of more than 5 mm is detected in the track the train operation
is closed. In continuous operation, steps in the joints more than 2 mm are not
allowed. [1].
Rails that are fit for further use must be examined, measured and marked with
division of each type of rail into suitability groups taking into account heat-
strengthening. Rails suitability group is established at the place of their removal from
the track, and the rails sent for repair in the FSR - after completion of repair.
Old-age rails removed from the track after major track works and disassembly of
the track grid should to be sent for repair to the FRS. Before this, rails are
defectoscoped and marked with indication of defective places.
“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida”
mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi
Rails must be inspected within 10 days to 2 months before they are removed. No
more than 10 days earlier the rails are inspected by ultrasonic and magnetic flaw
detectors and marked directly on the track.
Marking of rails is carried out with light indelible paint on the neck of the rail,
facing inward, at a distance of about 1 m from the left joint and 12.5 m from the end
of the rail strip (when an employee is inside the track facing the marked rail or track
or a track, Fig. 1). In winter period temporary marking with chalk with
subsequent resumption with light indelible paint is allowed.
Fig. 1. Marking place of old-age rails: 1 - left joint; 2 - marking place.
The marking of rails intended for reuse on the track without repair in the RRS
consists of characters on the neck of the rail, defining its suitability group, which is
indicated by the number of vertical lines corresponding to the group number, as well
as the letters A and I for group I-AI, the letter AND for groups I-I, II-I, III-Y, and the
letters T and I for Group III-TI. Thermally hardened Rails are marked with the letter
U, non heat-strengthened - with the letter C (Fig. 1). On rails of I and II suitability
groups type P50 and heavier the missed tonnage (rounded to 10 mln gross tons) shall
be indicated on rails of I and II suitability groups of R50 and heavier.
10 mln tonnes gross) and load intensity of the section (rounded up to 5 mln
tonnes to 5 mln t-km gross/km per year) (Fig. 1, a-c). Rails removed from curved
sections of track with a radius of 1000 m and less, the letter K should be additionally
indicated (see Fig. 1, c). Rails to be repaired by the RRS before re-laying in the track