Go to church – Cherkovga ibodat qilgani bormoq Mother is religious. She goes to church every Sunday. I am not religious myself, so I don’t go to church. – Onam dindor. U har yakshanbada cherkovga ibodat qilish uchun boradi.Men o’zim dindor emasman, shuning uchun cherkovga ibodat qilish uchun bormayman.
● Lekin, cherkov binosi nazarda tutilsa yoki cherkovga o’z shaxsiy ishi bilan borish ma’nosida church so’zi oldidan aniq artikl the ishlatiladi.
The church was built in 1930 – Cherkov 1930 yilda qurilgan.
I went to the church to take some pictures – Men cherkovga rasm tushirish uchun bordim.
Eslatma: station, shop, supermarket, cinema, pub, library, city, village, jungle, country, seaside, mountains, bankso’zlari asosan aniq artikl the bilan ishlatiladi. Garchi ularning aniq qayerda, qaysi ekanligi ko’rsatilmasa ham.
Ularning oldidan aniq artikl theishlatilishi uchun, ular gapda o’rin holi yoki ega bo’lib kelishlari kerak.
She went to the station to see Jim off. – U stantsiyaga Jimni ko’zatgani bordi.
Let’s go to the shop. – Yuring, do’konga boramiz.
20. Soz’ birikmalarda home so’zi oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi.
There is no place like home. East or West, home is best. I usually go home after work.
to go home, to arrive home, to approach home, to reach home, to come home, to leave home, to get home, to return home, to go back home, to get back home, to come back home, to be back home
Phone me at home after four o'clock.
I took home a couple of books to read.
He left home when he was 23.
More and more couples are setting up home together without getting married.
21. Soz’ birikmalarda work - ish so’zi oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi.
to do work, to finish work, to complete work, to be at work, to stop work, to begin work, to start work, to be late for work, to travel to work, after work, before work, at work
Do you have far to travel to work each day?
Thousands of people are seriously injured at work every year.
When does she leave for work?
What time do you start/finish work?
22. Soz’ birikmalarda bed so’zi oldidan artikllar ishlatilmaydi. Bu holatda bed so’zi o’xlamoq, yotmoq ma’nosidagi so’z birikmalarda ishlatiladi.
To go to bed – o’xlashga yotmoq/To be in bed – o’rinda yotgan bo’lmoq
To keep bed – ko’rpa-to’shak qilib yotib olmoq/to stay in bed – o’rnidan turmay yotmoq
Jack is ill and he is keeping bed.
I usually go to bed at 10 in the evening./He likes to have breakfast in bed on a Saturday morning.
She didn't get out of bed till lunchtime today./I'm exhausted - I'm going to bed. I always put the children to bed at 7.30 p.m.
● Lekin bed so’zi krovat ma’nosida kelganda gapdagi ma’nosiga qarab oldidan aniq artikl yoki noaniq artikl ishlatiladi.
He lived in a room with only two chairs, a bed and a table.
There is a bed in the room, but the bed is old.
Your clothes are on the bed.
The bed was so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sleep at all.
23. Qit’alar nomidan oldin artikl ishlatilmaydi.
Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, Australia