NOTE: Agar tartib sonlar gapda ravish bo’lib kelsa ular oldidan hech qanday artikl ishlatilmaydi.
Tom came first in the race. – Tom poygada birinchi bo’lib keldi.
Who finished first? – Kim birinchi tugatdi?
NOTE: At first/at first sight birikmalarida artikllar ishlatilmaydi.
At first I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.
NOTE: First/first of all/first off kabi so’zlar va so’z birikmalari oldidan the ishlatiladi. Bu so’zlar va so’z birikmalar o’zingiz aytmoqchi yoki yozmoqchi bo’lgan ro’yxat boshida ishlatiladi.
First, I want to thank my parents.
First, First of all, First off, I'd like to ask you a few questions about your childhood. – Avvalo, men sendan bolaliging haqida so’ramoqchiman.
3. Where? - Qayerda? So’roq so’zi boshlangan gaplarda otlar oldidan the ishlatiladi.
Where is the red pen? Where is the book? Where is the money?
BUT: Where is Jack? Where is Room Seven?
4. Otlar predloglar bilan birikib, gapda hol (asosan payt va o’rin holi) bo’lib kelsa otlar oldidan the ishlatiladi.
On the table, in the street, in the morning, at the door, at the table, in the afternoon, in the evening
BUT: at home, at page, at night, at dawn, at times, on time/in time, at table
I met Jack in the street. – Men Jekni ko’chada uchratib qoldim.
The students appeared in the morning. – Talabalar ertalab kelishdi.
5. Angliya va Amerikaning yetakchi gazetalarining nomi oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The New York Times/the Times/the Chicago Herald Tribune/The Daily News/the Guardian/the Independent/
The Sunday Times
Jack reads the Guardian in the mornings.
“The Times” is an English paper.
BUT: Ba’zi jurnallar nomi oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi:
Punch, Time magazine, Newsweek, Forbes
● Shuningdek, boshqa davlatlarning ingliz tilida nashr etiladigan yetakchi gazetalar nomi oldidan the ishlatiladi.
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